At the same time, when Oli and his group were in the auction house at the Lapin Kingdom, fighting anyone to get and win the bidding of the Dwarven woman to complete their trade.
There were also some events transpiring in the different places on the Continent. The same goes for the Kingdoms and Empire at the moment and current time.
On the other side of the Continent, in the Western part of it, where one would need to travel by sea if someone wants to go there. In the Northern part of it lays a mountainous territory filled with rocky alps that pierced through the sky because of how soaring it was.
In between the tallest mountain of the Continent, a plain situated between the two, and from there, a group of greenish, reddish, and brownish-skinned creatures can see assembling and currently having a meeting. They are all tall and muscular half-naked, and only a piece of cloth covers their private part.
There was a big scrappy shed in the middle. The creatures are outside, waiting for someone to come out of the shed.
"Guruk, the winter is coming! We don't have enough food for everyone! We have to start the Pillage!" The greenish-skinned creature with white circles drawing in one part of his body and face spoke in a hoarse tone.
"Guruk, forget about Pillage! We need to start the war with the scarecrows! Gurururu, the woman scarecrows we got in the last war are broke apart! My men and I need some woman scarecrows and, of course, war!" The reddish-skinned creature with white line drawing with one part of the body and face spoke in a loud, hoarse tone.
The brownish-skinned creature with a white star drawing in one part of his body and face didn't say anything but sat quietly while the eyes still closed.
"Guruk, the only thing in your head is all about war and rapping a woman scarecrow, Gaturn, Chieftain of Red Line Horde." The greenish-skinned creature said.
"Guruk, Gurarara, you still scared and weak as usual, just like the scarecrows, Hague, Chieftain of Green Circle Horde. Gurarara." When the creature called Gaturn said this, all the red-skinned behind him also laughed.
The creature named Hague growl at Gaturn, and when Gaturn heard it, he stood up and took his large wood club and signaled Hague to pick up his greatsword, and they would fight. Hague was about to stand up, but the brown-skinned creature interrupted their small scrabble.
"Guruk, the two of you, stop that childish act, you brainless High Orcs. Especially you, Gaturn, I will remind you that not all the scarecrows are weak and scared. The proof is the huge scar in your back when that scarecrow woman cut you easily." The brown-skinned Orc said while his eyes still closed.
"Guruk, the Goddess of War!" The other High Orcs who heard it said in unison while some had disdain and terrified expressions on their rugged faces.
"Guruk, Ulgan, Chieftain of Brown Star Horde, you High Orc bastard! How dare you say that?!" Gaturn angrily shouted at Ulgan. Gaturn was about to charge at Ulgan when the cloth, which serves as a barrier of the shed, opened and exited a one-eyed brown-skinned High Orc.
The one-eyed High Orc who exited the shed has a moon drawing on his forehead and the three symbols of each horde on his body. His body is also full of battle scars, but the most noticeable is the scar on his right eye. All the High Orcs currently on the site have a battle scar on their bodies, varying to small and huge, deep and not.
"Quit that bickering of yours, Gaturn, and go back to your horde's place. The Warlock has finished the ritual, and I will announce what we will do." The one-eyed brown-skinned High Orc said in a deep and dignified voice enough for everybody outside the shed to hear it.
"Guruk, geh, Mahul, don't order me around, I won't take order from--." Gaturn didn't even finish what he was going to say when Mahul stood in front of him.
"Guruk, you won't what? Huh? Gaturn? Are you disobeying your Warlord orders?" Mahul said in a powerful voice, and each word had pressure on it while looking at him straight to Gaturn's red eyes.
When Mahul said this, Gaturn felt the pressure of Mahul, and he couldn't look at his eyes either. A few seconds have passed, Gaturn backs down and goes back where his horde is.
It's only natural. Mahul is currently the Warlord of the entire High Orcs race, meaning to say, he is one ranked above at the Chieftain of each Horde. He's a leader of all the High Orcs at the moment. The race of the High Orcs only follows a strong.
"Guruk, this time, before the winter came, we will wage war and do Pillage in each village and towns the scarecrows humans from the Holy Land governs! Unlike the last war where we lost, and some of us lost their honor and name, this time based on the ritual the Warlock do, we will emerge victoriously!" Mahul announces on the entire High Orcs in the plains in a confident and decisive tone.
When the High Orcs heard this, all of them roared in unison. They were excited at the upcoming war to the Holy Land.
In the border between the mountainous territory to the North and high grasslands to the South, the great and powerful Sovereign of the Holy Land stands tall and powerful.
In the center of the Holy Land, its Capital has located: the Divine City.
The most protected city in the Holy Land is the Divine City as the Supreme Pontiff, and his three Cardinals reside here. The people that are currently here live the most luxurious life in the entire Holy Land.
No anxiousness and does not care of the war their Sovereign territory currently raging on and the war that was yet to happen. The people also had no idea that while they relaxed and enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle, their soldiers were dying
In the center of the city, located a big and tall cathedral. The home and office of Supreme Pontiff and his Cardinals. The cathedral's design is in a gothic style like most cathedral designs in Europe.
The cathedral contains a narthex at the entrance, five aisles with the central being the center, a transept that presents the cathedral as its cross shape. At the end of the center aisle, one could see the altar and the book, the Creed of Pynis, the religion of the people living in the Holy Land.
The cathedral is enormous that most people living in the Divine city can fit inside. The spires in the cathedral have pierced through the skies, representing the Sovereign's power and wealth.
At the top of the cathedral, located some rooms, and in one of those rooms, a white-haired man was sleeping with two busty naked women in his arms, but he woke up when someone knocked on the door.
"Your Holiness, Supreme Pontiff. I'm sorry to bother your rest, but the Cardinals call a Holy meeting, and they can't start because the Cardinals are waiting for you." A man's voice sounded outside the room.
"Argh, those old men, can't the meeting wait in the morning? Fuck them!" The Supreme Pontiff said, then he pushed the two women aside so he could get up out of bed.
Having no choice, as he knows, that Cardinals will disturb him until he gets up and go the meeting chamber to attend the meeting. He put his white cassock decorated with cross-shaped black thread linings. Then, he walks towards a rectangular silver-like mirror to view his appearance based on the reflection because of the candles strongly lit up in the room. The Supreme Pontiff can easily see his appearance.
The Supreme Pontiff walked towards the door and opened it. Then he sees the man standing on the side, slightly bowing his head.
"Berth, do you know why the old men call a meeting?" The Supreme Pontiff asked the man named Berth.
"I'm so sorry, Your Holiness, but I don't know. The Cardinals only order me to wake and get you up. I think you can know more once you arrive at the meeting chamber." Berth said, still bowing his head.
"Tsk! Just what I thought, lead the way." Berth was about to lead the way when the Supreme Pontiff stopped him. "On a second thought, there's no need, I will go on my own, but I have a job for you." Then the Supreme Pontiff looked back at the room where the two busty women were sleeping.
"Like usual? Your Holiness?" Berth asked, also looking at the two.
"Yes. Add those two to my collection. I will enjoy those two furthermore when I finish this meaningless meeting." The Supreme Pontiff said with a nasty smile on his face, then he turned around and walked away.
The Supreme Pontiff walked to the corridors filled with gold decoration and the floor decorated in a red-colored carpet. It didn't take him three minutes until he reached a room at the end of the corridor. He looked at the pure gold door and opened it.
In the room, the three Cardinals were currently seated at the chair decorated with gold and silver lining and had sheep furs on them. When the three saw the Supreme Pontiff, they frowned and condemned him.
"You fool! What do you think you're doing huh?!" The golden-haired Cardinal shouted at him.
"You fool! What do you think you're doing?!" The golden-haired Cardinal shouted at him.
"Felix, it's time for you to bore your job seriously. My brother gives that title to you, so don't drag it to some bullshit you're doing." The white-haired Cardinal said in a calm tone, but he had a disdainful expression on his face.
"Uncle Henry, my father, give his title to me because I'm his son, so, naturally, I will inherit his title, and can't you see? I'm here to do my job, so spill the hell out what you want to say." The Supreme Pontiff, Felix said with a bored tone and expression.
"This fo--."
"Stop it, Edgar. You will only waste your voice and saliva if you focus on him. We got a lot of problems to deal with right now." The man called Henry said while stopping the Cardinal named Edgar.
"The pest in the North are on the move. The scouts spotted that the Chieftain of each tribe left their tribe territory towards the hut of the Warlock. We assume that they are planning to attack and pillage each village and town, especially as the winter is coming." Henry explained to Felix.
"Is that it? You three dimwits call and disturb me just because of that? Ha, unbelievable!" Felix said with a scowl expression.
"You fool! You don't understand the situation we are in right now." Anthony, the brown-haired Cardinal said.
"I do understand you, dimwit. What I couldn't understand is why you call and disturbed me because of this simple matter? If it's because of the High Orcs pest, send Athena and her first brigade to do the job. Easy as that dimwits." Felix said without hesitation, stood up in his chair, and left the room to play with the two new additions to his collection.
The two Cardinals leave dumbfounded at what occurred.
"What we will do Henry? If we do that--."
Henry cut them off before they finish. "We well call Oddy and Rana. Their brigade will handle the problems with the pest in the North."
"But if we do that--."
"If we send Athena in the North, who will handle the War Maiden of the heretics? If we send Athena, they will advance in our land, and our land will become contaminated by their paresthesia. The Confederation can handle the heretics in their South." Henry cut them again.
"Send a Holy Order to the fourth and six brigades," Henry said at the two. The Cardinals immediately left the chamber and left Henry alone.
"Just you wait, you fucking sadist Felix, I will be soon crowned as the Supreme Pontiff, and when that comes, your head will role in the ground," Henry said with scheming eyes.