Slave Auction III

"A WHAT?!" Oli said. He was making sure that what he heard was correct.

"A sex slave. That's what will happen to the female slaves being auctioned here, like the wolfkin busty woman a little while ago. The moment when female slaves sold off, they become sex slaves." Wyatt explained. Oli once again becomes dumbfounded.

A fantasy event that only happened at the anime, manga, or novel is occurring and happening here at the Continent of Chronos.

Is Oli like what's transpiring now? If he's reading or watching the situation now, yes. Why? That's one of the plots in the story he was reading and watching, but Oli is not reading or watching the story right now. It's happening in this Continent, in the actual living being and not some fictional character or story. And now, Oli feels like he was in the anime, manga, or novel now.

Oli sat down on the chair again while he processed what Wyatt said. He couldn't quite envision that what he was watching and reading in anime or novels was happening here on the Continent of Chronos.

"Isn't that enough reason to question such an action?" Oli said. He thinks that being treated and being a sex slave is obviously against the will of female slaves. It's also includes torturing or placing male slaves in difficult and dangerous jobs.

Unbeknownst to Zion and Wyatt, Oli grew up in an orphanage where one of the main things the Director of the orphanage taught them was that everyone has the right to choose anything they want and do.

Oli brought that teaching with him when he grew up, so when he was eighteen, Oli left the orphanage to accomplish and fulfill the things he wanted to do in life.

"Even if the Lapin Kingdom is neutral Kingdom, the influence of the Supreme Pontiff and Confederation extends even here, and that influence is more powerful than the influence of the current Queen of Lapin Kingdom holds. You can say that the Queen is on the tight rope right now. So, if you question the slave trading that's happening here, it will be heard and will reach the Supreme Pontiff and the Confederation." Wyatt explained. He knows all the events and the current internal affairs of Lapin Kingdom as the Literra Empire and the Lapin Kingdom were sharing a border.

"And why are you so enraged with slave traders? Because if you oppose slave trading, why did you state and demand that what you want me to trade in your goods is a dwarven slave? And if you are opposed to slave trading, what are you even doing here? We are currently in a slave auction house, so you can guess what goods they traded here." Wyatt asked in a delightful tone. For the first time, he saw someone who showed his opposition to slave trading, not even scared of what could happen to him.

When Oli heard it, he couldn't respond to Wyatt because everything Wyatt spoke was correct. He believed freedom is for everybody, but his thinking and planning were opposite to those beliefs. One of those is purchasing a dwarven slave.

One of those plans is if he receives the dwarf slave from Wyatt and they go back to Leefside village, he will order the dwarf to build and manage his projects and keep it a secret. Now, did Oli think that what he wanted to do and his plans were the opposite of his beliefs

"See? You can't answer. That's because you need the slave for whatever you intended to do so. Men and woman who are currently here in the auction house right now, also have their plans by purchasing a slave, be it a worker slave, a soldier slave, or a sex slave. It doesn't matter what, the people accustomed to having one or more slaves, you can't do anything about it." Wyatt added while Zion just sighed and nodded his head.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't fully support slave trading, especially the method of raiders doing which is the abduction. As for why I don't do anything, I don't want the Empire that my father, grandfather, and my forefathers built and maintained for almost thousands of years engulfed on fire and destroyed just because we face a two-front war, by questioning the Creed of Pynis." Wyatt explained in a serious tone.

What Wyatt says is true. Their hands were tied right now because of their archrival, the Credia Empire. So, by facing other powerhouses of the Continent, the Literra Empire, can't hold its ground for too long.

The room became quiet after Wyatt spoke. Oli focused his attention on the stage because he couldn't say anything. Fallen and beast kin was auctioning at this moment on the center stage. The same goes for Zion and Wyatt. The two didn't bother to say anything as they knew Oli contemplated what they said. moment


9:00 PM at the auction house

"Sold to number 10 for two hundred platinum coins! Congratulations!" The auctioneer said with a wide grin on his face.

It's been an hour since the auction started, and Oli, Wyatt, and Zion began bickering. By now, Oli lost count on how many slaves, male and female, were sold to the same or different bidders, and it also includes the money being poured just to purchase one slave.

After the last slave sold off, the auctioneer leaves the podium and stands at the middle of the stage, preparing to speak.

Now only Oli sees that the auctioneer was wearing a long-sleeved red-clothed jacket that covers up to his hips, and the sleeves are reaching down to his wrist and also decorated with thread red flower linings at the sleeve ends.

His austere red and narrow pants decorated with thread red flower linings that reach down to his brown leather shoes also have a red flower lining.

"I know some of you want to get rest or enjoy the slaves you brought immediately, but sad to say, you guys cannot do that yet, as we the Ossory Trading Group prepared the main event for tonight's auction! I don't want to stop the hype you guys are feeling right now, so without any delay, let me introduce you to the main event for tonight's auction! The Dwarven slave." The auctioneer said, then the curtain behind him slowly separated from each other. When the curtain fully separated, all the people on the auction house see another tiny stage and, when the two workers lit up the torch behind the nominal platform, the Dwarven woman.

Oli looked at the Dwarven woman at the platform, and once again, he was shocked at the sight. The common knowledge he got from Earth about the mythological creatures currently living here on the Continent shattered once again.

The common knowledge on Earth is that the mythological dwarf is a small bearded tiny creature with a fierce face and always carrying a hammer or double-sided ax. But the dwarf at the stage is entirely different in those descriptions.

He saw a cuffed dwarven woman, and she is approximately five flat tall, and her body is a petite one which is commonly seen most on the women on Earth.

She has a small fair face, pointy nose, small red lips, round eyes, her pointed ears is the size of the human ears, but it's pointed, it is shorter than the ears of Elves, her thick black hair is in pigtails style. Had sloping shoulders, her bust is small that perfectly fits on hands, has a slender waistline and a bit wide hips, and prominent thighs. She can be mistaken as a human if not for her small pointed ears.

In short, the dwarven woman is beautiful, and she's giving the vibe of cute imouto. For the first time, Oli sees such an adorable and beautiful woman here since he came here to the Continent of Chronos.

"I would say she is the most beautiful dwarf I have ever seen so far," Wyatt said while looking at the dwarf, and he also looked at Oli only to notice that in Oli's eyes, there is some kind of lit up, and he was giving the dwarf the gazed of admiration. Wyatt thinks it is only natural even if Oli is strongly questioned or opposed to the slave-trading at the end of the day, Oli is still a man, and the dwarf at the center stage is adorable and beautiful.

Oli once again feels the burning sensation, and something wants to come out of him, but the second time, Oli ignores it as he thinks he is hungry and wants to puke.

Meanwhile, there were various reactions from the crowd at the auction house. Someone was amazed, thrilled, and mostly are lewd.

"Kekekeke, I see some various reactions. Just like what we assumed when my guys gave her to us. She can fetch a high price. What can I say? She's a Dwarven woman fresh from the Silvrout Kingdom. Don't be deceived about her appearance, because even if she looks like in her twenties, she's a five hundred years old dwarf woman! And, what's more? She's an actual apprentice of the Dwarven King! The best-known master craftsman and engineer on the Continent! So, you guys can rest assured that the armaments, structures, or designs she will make are second to none. Particularly the armaments, she can help to strengthen your Kingdom's or Empires Military." The auctioneer paused and looked at the crowd that now had a stunned expression on each face.

They immediately changed their reaction into stunned when they heard what the auctioneer said.

That's a natural reaction. Dwarven King is also known for being the best craftsman among the dwarves themselves and even on the Continent. When the items he made become public, they will scramble by anyone as his work is considered the National treasure of each Kingdom or Empire.

Right now, in front of the crowds, is not just the item created by the Dwarven King, but his apprentice. Being an apprentice means one thing, she received the direct teachings of the Dwarven King.

In short, the Dwarven woman can create an item second only to the Dwarven King.

"And lastly, she is a virgin dwarf ready to be claimed. The only downside is, she has no experience when it comes to night time activities, so because of that--." The auctioneer didn't finish what he was going to say when someone in the crowd shouted.

"One hundred platinum coins!"

"No no, listen to me firs--." Auctioneer.

"Two hundred!"

"As I said, this dwar--." Auctioneer.

"Three hundred!"

"Ladies and gentleman, ple--." Auctioneer.

"Five hundred!"

"We have five hundred on number 25, any higher bid?" The auctioneer just smiled as he doesn't need to put a starting bid as the crowd started themselves. His marketing work really well.

"Damn you! Six hundred!"

"You fucker! Seven hundred!"

"Back off you fools! Eight hundred!"

And the fights amongst the crowds started to erupt as they fought for the highest bid. As for the dwarven woman, just like the other female slaves, she is terrified, but she doesn't cry, or maybe she keeps her tears from falling.


Oli looked at Wyatt with a confused and nervous expression as Wyatt didn't bid at all. Wyatt ignored it and signaled Oli to peeked at the other six balconies, only to see and hear that they also didn't bid, unlike earlier, but when Oli took his eyes off, someone on the balcony two started to speak and bid.

A high pitch tone resounded in the entire auction house, and when the crowd on the lower floor heard it, they all fell silent and stopped their bids. "Two thousand platinum coins."

"We have two thousand from the lady on balcony number four. Any higher bids?" The auctioneer.

"Two thousand five hundred." A calm tone voice of a man resounded.

"Three thousand five hundred." A deep voice of a man the next resounded.

With that, all the six people sitting on the balcony will begin their bid fights to get the dwarven woman.