The New Leefside Village

It's been a week since Oli got Suri from the auction house. That one week, Oli finalized his plans. In agriculture, there's no problem as the materials as well the people are already prepared. Oli only needed to talk to Suri about the design and blueprint of the irrigation system.

But now, Oli has a problem to solve. Oli was in his study room, and in front of him sitting a little girl, which was none other than little Mia.

"So Mia, I heard that you spread a story about me. Can you tell me what it is?" Oli said, but Mia didn't answer him. Instead, Mia pouted her tiny lips and poked her two forefingers at each other.

Oli only shakes his head at the sight. This misbehaving little girl is too cute to scold off. "Okay, you won't tell? I was thinking of giving you something delicious, but you don't want to tell me about the gossip, so I think I'll refrain myself to give it to you then."

When little Mia heard it, she tilted her head while looking at Oli with still pouted lips. "Something delicious?"

"Yes. I was sure you would love it. Trust me." Oli smiled at the little girl.

"Okayyy. The story I tell to my friends is that you can do magic!" Mia said, puffing his chest as she was too proud of herself.

"Magic?" Oli has a confused face.

"Yes! I saw you one time, it was midnight, I was on my way to my father and mother's bedroom cause I heard some scary sounds then I saw you standing in the courtyard, you murmur something then a black door appeared in front of you then you walked through it! That's why you can use magic!" Mia explains in her tiny little voice.

When Oli heard it, he only chuckled. What Mia said was true, but Oli was sure that nobody except the children would believe in the story of little Mia. "Okay, you can now go outside and play. Remember to come back before lunch, or else Aunt Sia will get mad. Oh, can you please call Suri before you play?"

"Okay, you can now go outside and play. Remember to come back before lunch, or else Aunt Sia will get mad. Oh, can you please call Suri before you play?"

"Okayyyy, I will call Sister Suri, but the delicious thing you were saying, give it to be okay?" Mia

"I promise." With that little Mia ran out of the room to get Suri.


It didn't take long before Suri came to the study room. And Oli thinks Suri was fully adept in Leefside, so he didn't waste any more minutes to talk about Suri regarding the design and the irrigation plan. Oli took the blueprint he printed online and showed it to Suri.

When Suri saw the blueprint, there's was only one reaction she made, shocked.

"Master? Did you do this?" Suri.

"N--." Oli could no longer answer when Suri spoke again.

"As expected to master, he can make this kind of design. It is on far--no far more than excellent than the work of the Dwarven King. But what is this..." Suri said in a monotone voice.

Oli was shocked at the current Suri. 'Where did the shy Suri go?!' Oli thought. The Suri in front of him was far more than different than the usual Suri.




"Huh?" Oli brought back to his stupor then he saw the Dwarven woman staring at him like there was a star in her eyes. "W-what are you saying again?"

"Master, I said, what is this weird symbol?" Suri in monotone mode.

'Where's the shy type Suri go? Where she is?!' Oli thought before answering. "Oh? That? That's a number." Oli said in teary eyes.

"Number? What's that?" Monotone Suri.

"Huh?" Oli

"Eh?" Suri.

The two stared at each other for a minute before Suri broke it and had a blushing face. She's back to normal!

'Don't tell me they don't know what the number is? Alphabet? Then how the heck conduct their monetary and their daily lives!?'

"Y-you don't know what the number is? There's no number here?" Oli is still in baffled expression.

"E-eto, I-I don't know w-what the n-number is." Suri is in the shy type mode again.

Oli facepalm himself and thought. 'So the project irrigation will move to another week. Haaa.'

With that, Oli began to teach Suri about the numbers, and the first time that the resident living in Chronos learned about the numbers.


"In my signal, and... Go!"

"Faster the digging men!"

"Lady Suri, we already put the pipes on the designated place. What's next we need to do?"

"Lady Suri, is the distance right?"

Oli's predictions were wrong as the building project of the irrigation lines started two days after he taught Suri about the numbers. And right now, Oli has in the building site, standing near the carriage he got from Wyatt.

He wanted to help in lifting and digging the ground, but the people in Leefside were not allowing him to help in any type of work. That's why Oli was standing still and looking at the men who do all the work.

Suri was in her other self, which was the monotone type, and right now, she was the one who managed the workers in their distinct roles while she assembly the pipeline.

No one could handle the pipeline except for Suri. So Suri was the one who's, do all the assembling of the pipes while the others were digging or lifting the other materials.

Once again, Oli looked to where Suri was, who was so fast in assembling the pipes.

"If this speed were to maintain, I think, in a couple of days, they finished it and officially opened the first irrigation system here in the Continent of Chronos. Hahaha, I wonder how the kings and emperors would react if they knew about this. Sighed." Oli said in a low tone and one last time looked at Suri before he got up to the carriage and traveled back to the Leefside.

Oli was not worried about Suri's safety as Zions's son, Noah, and Eli was guarding the entire building crew if something was to happen.

Oli got a lot of work to do if he wants to smoothly go everything he plans. First, he needed to check the fields where right now Jose manages. Second, he needed to buy the materials he needed to build the houses for the residents in Leefside.


Right now, all the residents of the Leefside village assembled in the village's fields. Today is the day when Oli will introduce to them a much more efficient watering method in agriculture that will lead to a greater harvest.

All the residents are excited, but the much more excited are the farmers, who don't need to do the manual watering method whenever they do farming.

"Residents of Leefside, today we gathered here in our fields to witness a historical event that will be passed down from generation to generation in the Leefside. Today, we will end the manual watering in our fields and replace it with a much advance and easy watering method.

Let me you're acting Chairman Oli officially introduced you...

The Irrigation System."

With that, Oli pulled down the lever then the water sprouted out in the pipes that lay down position and spread throughout the entire fields.



"Congratulations young master!"

There are various reactions that the residents have but Oli is sure of one thing, they are happy at the advancement their village achieved in agriculture.

"We are halfway through the self-sufficient village, I think, in a couple of months we will see the crops once again in the fields in Leefside!

But we cannot achieve and completed all of this if not for the help and support all of you guys gave in this project. Through the logistics team, and workers who work hard, special mention to our new friend, Suri who if not because of her, we cannot assemble and carefully layout the plan for all of this. On behalf of the residents, thank you." Oli

All the workers who helped throughout the project roared happily while Suri on the other was flustered. She was on the front where Elder Alfred and Zion's family were located.

"Before we end this, as I know we are all tired and need some rest, I will use this time to announce something. This change in our agriculture is only the first next in our suitable and sufficient life! In three days from now, we will demolish the existing houses and build a new one! It is not a luxurious house, but the house we would make is much better than the houses now, and I hope I can depend on you guys once again. With that, I've officially closed the event! Thank you, and have a good rest!" Oli said, followed by loud shouts and roaring from the people.

With that marked in Earth's calendar, Oli's first project since he first started as an acting Chairman of Leefside village completed. The Leefside village and its residents are now enjoying and experiencing the peace and the new advancement they made.

Neglecting that they lived in a much more chaotic world. In a few days, the newly built village will be engulfed in flames and become ruined.

And when that time comes, only then will Oli realize that Earth and the Continent of Chronos are indeed two different worlds, and in both worlds, power is everything.