
N/A: You may find this chapter a bit boring or totally boring, so you guys can skip this and not read. I only write this because this chapter is may serve for MC's resolve for the following chapters. Again you may skip this chapter.


It's been three days since Oli and his group travel back to the Leefside village. In those three days, Oli let the dwarf woman be herself and adjusted to her new life and home in Leefside. Oli didn't bother her at all and only delivered her food in front of her room.

Right now, Oli is in the study room in the castle of Leefside and standing in front of him, the Dwarf woman.

The Dwarf woman's name is Suri. And yes, although she looks like a woman in her twenties, she's much older than Oli! She's five hundred years old!

Oli was looking at Suri that currently bowing her head and playing with her two hands. She sometimes looked at Oli too, but when their eyes met, she immediately retracted it back and moved back from bowing again, but that time her face was blushing red as if she had eaten something spicy.

Every time Oli witnessed that act, he just shook his head while having a tiny smile on his face. When Oli first saw her in person, he was sure then that Suri was giving a vibe of shy type imouto. Oli remembered when they first met.


After the auction end, Oli, Zion, and Wyatt stay on their balcony, waiting for their turn. And it didn't take them long to wait as someone fetched and guided them to the waiting area.

"Congratulations, again, Grand Duke Wyatt, for winning the bid. You hit the jackpot this time. I'm sure she could help you and the Literra Empire in many ways." The auctioneer said to Wyatt, but Wyatt only nodded at him and handed the two big pouches full of coins.

"You're not gonna check it?" Wyatt asked when he noticed that the auctioneer strode out of the waiting area.

"Nope. It will consume a lot of time if I do that moreover I trusted you. I have other things do so if--." The auctioneer paused and looked at Zion that currently in the hooded coat. "I will go first. It's a pleasure to trade with you. Until we meet again." Then he completely goes out of the room. do

"I will wait for you outside. For the time being, you can talk to her while we wait at the carriage to arrive." With that, Wyatt leaves the room same goes for Zion.

"Hi! What's your name? Can I know it?" Oli tries his best not to scare and frighten the Dwarf woman.

The Dwarf women struggle to open her lips, and she bows her head and plays with her hands.

When Oli saw it, there's only one thought came to his mind... 'Cute.'

"E-eto, e-eto, m-my name I-is S-Suri. It's Suri!" She said in a tiny voice.

'E-eto?' The last string in Oli's head cut off, but he put all his remaining strength not to hug the Dwarf to not fully scared.


*Current time*

"How are you feeling now, Suri?" Oli asked with a smile in his face.

"E-eto, I-I'm okay now." Suri, still bowing her head.

"Did you fully adjust yourself here in Leefside?" Oli.

"E-eto, yes, eto, the food here is very delicious. I don't know why it does taste so good, but I really it!" Suri spoke directly as if his shyness had disappeared.

'So, she likes the food here? Well, no matter what world, food is one of the methods if one wanted to build ties with others.' Oli thought.

"Is that so? Then let's go? I'm sure Aunt Sia already prepared breakfast." Then Oli started to walk out of the room and Suri followed suit. The two walked towards the dining hall. Oli is in front while Suri is in the back, still in bowhead mode.

"Oh..." Oli stopped when he saw that Zion's family were all at the dining table including Elder Alfred. The family is now complete and seated in their designated place while Sia were serving the foods she made.

Oli didn't know whether to move forward or go back to the study room and waited for them to finish. Oli didn't want to disturb this kind of set-up. Oli sees it as a happy and complete family that he has never experienced and felt in his entire life. Oli was about to walk back to the study room when a tiny and high-pitched voice echoed throughout the dining hall.

"Younggggg masterrrrrrr!!!!." Little Mia shouted when she saw Oli, which caused the others to stop and look at the entrance of the hall.

"Hohoho, Oli, what are you doing? Come here, don't just stand there." Elder Alfred.

"Young master, we are waiting for you. Come sit down." Sia.

When Oli heard it, instead of returning to the study room, he walked towards the chair and sat down, and signaled Suri to sit down.

"Eh? E-eto, I'm a slave, I-it's disrespectful to sit and joined my m-master on the same--."

"Suri, there's no such thing as a slave and master here. Here in Leefside, we are one big family. Am I right, young master?" Sia said and smiled warmly at Suri.

When Oli heard it, he was perplexed when Sia said 'big family.' He took a seconds before he composed himself and agreed to Sia.

"Aunt Sia was right. Here in Leefside, there is no such thing as slaves and masters. We are family here. Yes, that's right. One big family, so sit down so that we can start eating breakfast. We had a lot to do after." Oli said, scanning each person sitting in the dining hall.

When Suri heard it, her tears accumulated at the edge of her two eyes, and she softly said... "Thank you." Then she sat down after that.

"So, our family is now complete as Ms. Suri officially joined us for today's breakfast, and with that, we have to celebrate! I pour all the knowledge that I learn from young master's teaching and the books he lends to me just to make this wonderful and delicious food! And of course, for the ingredients he brings! Let's say, thank you, young master!" Sia.

"Thank you, young masterrr!!!" Little Mia

Oli just smiled when he heard it. 'So, this is what a family looks like? Somehow, it feels... nice and warm.' Oli thought while he was looking at the people that currently enjoying the food.


After breakfast, Oli and Elder Alfred decided to tour Suri around the village. Though there are no fascinating things to see and do in the Leefside at this moment, Suri should know the routes around the Leefside and associate with the residents of the Leefside at the same time.

At the moment, the three are on the hillside in the village where they can see the entirety of Leefside.

"With the help of young Suri, I'm sure that the plans you design for the village surely can materialize this time, Oli." Elder Alfred.

"Yes, that's right, Elder Alfred. I'm sure this time we can make what I plan to do. I think, in a month or so, we can complete the agricultural project. And after that, I plan to demolish the existing houses and build a suitable one so that everyone has an appropriate home to rest after the long workday." Oli said while he was looking at the Leefside, envisioning his plans.

As for Suri, she was below the hillside. She was playing tag with the children's, including Mia.

The two looked at the people that played a tag happily.

"As a Chairman, your family is the entire village. All the people that currently under your leadership are members of your family. And the main job of the Chairman is to lead and manage their family as they can't survive in this chaotic world. They needed someone to lead and assist them." Elder Alfred. Oli was silent and only listening to what Elder Alfred said.

"I hope you learn and experience your lesson when you go to the Lapin Kingdom. Although your intention was good for everybody, it can somehow lead to tragedy if Wyatt Stuart is not the one you traded but someone else. But, you don't have to worry about Wyatt. I knew that guy. He is good at assessing something he finds valuable and having an important impact on each kingdom and empire. So, he wouldn't leak any information regarding where he found the goods you traded with him.

"I'm saying this not to scold or condemn you, I'm saying all of this to you for you to think that every decision we make had an impact and consequences not only for us but also on the people around us." Elder Alfred.

"What do you think are the best characteristics of a good leader?" Elder Alfred asked.

"The one who's good on everything?" Oli answered while looking at Suri below.

"Hohohoho, I wish it was that but isn't. The best characteristic of a good leader is not the one who's good at everything, but the one who listens and asks." Elder Alfred.

Oli only looked at Elder Alfred with a confused face.

"Hohohoho, you will soon know why the leader of listening and asking are the good leaders."

Oli had a baffled expression on his face because of the puzzling words of Elder Alfred.