
Continuation of chapter 14


Silence descended throughout the entire auction house. Nobody on the lower floors wanted to bid and fight the men and women currently sitting at the six balconies.

"We got three thousand five hundred from the gentleman sitting at the fifth balcony. Any higher bids?" The only voices that could hear were the voice of the auctioneer and the voices of each people sitting on the balconies.

"Four thousand." An old voice sounded next.

"Four thousand at the gentleman sitting at the third balcony. Any higher bids?" The auctioneer.

At the sixth balcony.

Oli looked at Wyatt with a baffled expression. He doesn't understand why this man didn't say and bid anything. Didn't he agree to the terms of conditions before they could conclude the trade they made? Then why is this middle-aged man staying still! The bids were getting higher and higher every time the auctioneer spoke.

Wyatt noticed it and smiled at Oli, reassuring him. "Hahahaha, stop looking at me with those expressions. You can rest assured that I will get and give that Dwarven woman to you. I swear in the name of Chronos." When Wyatt said the last part, a black chain appeared out of nowhere and soon bound him and vanished in a split of seconds.

When Oli saw that, he was shocked but immediately concealed it. He got matter thing he will ask Elder Alfred when they got back at the Leefside. Although he wasn't sure what that was, he knew it was like the golden chains. With that, Oli was sure that Wyatt would get and give the Dwarven women to him.

Unbeknownst to Oli, Wyatt saw his shocked expression and was now sure that Oli was not originally from here.

'My informant didn't say anything regarding that the Dwarf women that would show for today's auction were the apprentice of the Dwarven King. It's regrettable to give away this Dwarven woman as she can help our army by making durable and good armaments, but...' What thought while looking at Oli that currently focuses on the Dwarf women on the podium.

"Four thousand five hundred from the gentleman on the second balcony. Any higher bids?" Auctioneer.

"Five thousand from the lady from the fourth balcony. Any higher bids?" Auctioneer.

The big fight between the five people sitting on the balcony gets intense that the current bid reached a ten thousand platinum coin, but still, Wyatt didn't make a move until now. And because of that, Oli became nervous as ten thousand platinum coins are almost a Million in his home country, but not only did Oli become anxious about Wyatt's silence. All the other five people on the balconies also became nervous.

On the first balcony.

"Fuck it! Why Wyatt hadn't said and bid at all? What that's fuckers planning?!" A man with a hoarse voice tone could hear on the first balcony. He is Duke Crodon from the Credia Empire. Duke Crodon travels from Credia Empire to the Lapin Kingdom to get ahold to the Dwarf that it turned out the apprentice of the Dwarven King and gift it to his Emperor to win his favor somehow and let him join his Imperial Ministers.

On the second balcony.

"Y-your Highness! P-please, do not bid anymore! His Majesty, The King, will not be happy if he knows that you brought again a lot of slaves, especially this one! You cannot compete with these people!" An old butler dressed in black tunic said to the man in his late teens.

"Don't worry, Amery. Father wouldn't be angry because I spend a lot of money to buy a slave, and we own this auction house, so I think there's no problem with that." A teeny man spoke at the butler with a cheeky smile on his face. He is the youngest son of King Wilfred Ossory, the King of the Ossory Kingdom. "And I liked that Dwarf girl. She can become a good pet of mine!" The teen Prince added.

His butler couldn't do anything but get nervous about the young Prince.

On the third balcony.

Cough Cough

"M-master, are you alright? Do I have to call the doctor?!" The Butler panicked when his master coughed.

"Zuzuzuzu, no need to worry about me Raff. Although I am old, well too old, I can still manage myself. Anyway, did Madame Izett bid eleven thousand?"


"Zuzuzuzu, then the young former Emperor hasn't made his move yet?"


"Zuzuzuzu, this is getting interesting. Twelve thousand."

This old man is the owner of the largest gambling arena on the Continent, Don Brice.

On the four balcony.

"This old man, it's time your you to sleep already. Especially you young chick. Oh, thirteen thousand." A high pitch voice of a woman was heard and had a sensual smile on her face. "But why that former Emperor didn't make a move yet?" This woman was known as Madame Izett, an arms dealer and an information seller. Her network spread throughout the Continent.

On the fifth balcony.

"How many platinum coins do still we have? Can we still place a bid?" A calm tone of a man could hear in the room.

"We can still place a bid until fifteen thousand, sir." Butler

"Is that so? Haaa, I hope we can end it in fifteen thousand platinum coins. If we get the apprentice of the Dwarven King, the equipment of our soldiers will increase tenfold."

The owner of the calm tone is no other than the aspiring young General from the Azov Kingdom.

On the sixth balcony.

Oli couldn't take it anymore, and he started to speak.

"I-I don't doubt you, Wyatt, but are you sure you could get--." Oli couldn't finish what he was going to say when Wyatt started to place a bid for the first time since the auction began.

"Twenty thousand platinum coins," Wyatt said in a loud flat tone that echoes throughout the building.

As for why they know the one who's sitting on the balcony? Just, they knew the voices of each other even if they didn't see each face because of the curtain.

When all the people heard it, some of them were baffled because of how much Wyatt bid. Especially for the people who didn't and newly knew Wyatt, it was an insane amount to pour into one slave. Even Oli and Zion were shocked at Wyatt's bid.

But to those who have known Wyatt for a long time and had an interaction with him, they didn't surprise as they knew this former Emperor was scheming something, and somehow did they expect this kind of move.

The people sitting on the balconies only sighed, laughed, and cursed under their breath as they didn't have the guts to bid a much higher than Wyatt's bid.

Yes, they don't have a gut, but two of them are stupid and reckless enough to challenge it.

"T-twenty-one thousand!" Horse voice of Duke Crodon heard.

"HAHAHAHA, twenty-five thousand!" The young Prince added.

"FUCK YOU, SPOILED BRAT!" Duke Crodon's voice echoes when he curses the young Prince, but the Prince only laughs at him.

"Thirty thousand." Again, Wyatt's voice could hear while he smiled wickedly.


Few people swallowed their saliva hard because of the current price.

"T-t-thirty thousand, for the gentleman from the sixth balcony! Any higher bids?!" The auctioneer said when he recovered from the stupor.

'T-thirty thousand platinum coins?! It almost reaches in the Million money if I converted it into Earth's international money! How rich is this guy?! Should I add some other conditions before we conclude the trade?' Oli thought.

Again, there was dead silence in the entire house. Even the people on the balcony didn't say a word, well, except for the young Prince that wanted to bid a much higher, but his butler stopped him as he knew their Kingdom's treasury could be bankrupt if they faced Wyatt, one of the wealthiest men alive.

It's not like they don't have money to contend with Wyatt at the current price. It's just that they didn't have the power to resist and defend if someone decided to attack and get the Dwarf woman from them.

With that, the auctioneer smiled before he spoke. "Going once? Going twice?... Sold to the gentleman from the sixth balcony for thirty thousand platinum coins!"

"With that, today's auction is now officially ended, in the name of Ossory Trading Group. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for attending today. I hope I see you again, ladies and gentlemen, in the next auction. Have a good rest and goodnight!" Auctioneer.

"Lastly, to those who won the bids, please don't leave yet and wait as we are going to call you to get the money and your newly brought slave. Thank you!" With that, the auctioneer gets down to the stage and goes to the waiting area to manage the trade.

As for the Dwarven women, she immediately bought back at the waiting room. Did she know what would happen to her? No, she didn't.

She didn't know yet that in the following months and years, she would become a core member of Oli's future Empire, as well as one of Oli's wives.