Release but is it truly?

As the first light of dawn filtered through the bars of his cage, Jamie awoke to find his world changing once again. The cold metal beneath his paws reminded him of the countless nights he had spent in this prison, a stark contrast to the life he once knew. The man who had been his reluctant caretaker approached with a key in hand, his weathered face a mask of indifference. With a mix of trepidation and hope, Jamie watched as the cage door swung open, the rusty hinges groaning in protest.

"Well, mutt," the man grumbled, his voice gruff from years of barking orders, "seems your luck's changed. Get out of here before I change my mind." The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications.

Jamie didn't need to be told twice. His pitch-black fur bristling with anticipation, he darted past the man and out into the open air. The sudden rush of freedom was almost overwhelming, the scents and sounds of the world beyond his cage assaulting his senses. The goddess's promise had come true, though Jamie's cynicism made him wonder what price this freedom would exact. In his experience, nothing came without a cost.

His powerful legs, honed by countless battles in the arena, carried him swiftly away from his former prison. The thrill of freedom surged through him as he ran, the wind rushing through his ebony coat. The landscape blurred around him, a tapestry of greens and browns replacing the dull gray of his cage. After what felt like hours, Jamie found himself at the edge of a dense forest, the trees looming before him like silent sentinels.

Exhaustion and hunger finally caught up with him, his body reminding him that even in this new form, he had limits. His keen senses, sharper than they had ever been in his human life, alerted him to the presence of prey nearby. With a mix of instinct and the skills he had honed in the arena, Jamie managed to catch a small rabbit, silencing the gnawing in his stomach. The act of hunting and consuming raw meat should have disgusted him, but in this new body, it felt natural, even satisfying.

As he settled down for a much-needed rest, his body curled beneath the protective canopy of a large oak, Jamie's mind raced with questions. The events of the past few days played on repeat in his mind, each recollection bringing new uncertainties. What was the purpose of the Fenrir System? Why had he been reborn as a wolf, of all creatures? And what destiny awaited him in this strange new world? The answers eluded him, slipping away like mist whenever he tried to grasp them.

His rest was short-lived, the peace of the forest disturbed by an unexpected intrusion. The sound of an approaching wagon jolted Jamie awake, his ears pricking up at the unfamiliar noise. Instinctively, he concealed himself in a nearby bush, his black fur blending perfectly with the shadows. Years of survival in the arena had taught him the value of caution.

The wagon came to an abrupt halt on the nearby road, its wheels creaking to a stop. A young woman stepped out, her movements graceful despite the simple elegance of her attire. Even through his wolf's eyes, Jamie could see she was strikingly beautiful. Her long, chestnut hair cascaded down her back, and her eyes, a deep emerald green, seemed to sparkle with an inner light. To his surprise, Jamie felt drawn to her, despite his new form. It was a feeling he couldn't quite explain, a pull that seemed to transcend the boundaries of species.

The girl's eyes suddenly locked onto his hiding spot, as if she could sense his presence. She called out to her guards, her voice clear and commanding despite her youth. "There's something in the bushes. Investigate it, but be careful."

Jamie's instincts kicked in, overriding his curiosity. He bolted from his hiding place, his powerful legs propelling him forward with incredible speed. The guards gave chase, their heavy boots thundering against the forest floor, but Jamie's agility allowed him to easily outmaneuver them. He weaved between trees, leaped over fallen logs, and ducked under low—hanging branches, leaving his pursuers far behind.

With a final burst of speed, Jamie scaled a nearby tree, his sharp claws digging into the bark as he climbed. From his elevated position, he watched as the guards ran past, oblivious to his presence above them. Their shouts of frustration echoed through the forest as they lost his trail.

As the sounds of pursuit faded, curiosity began to gnaw at Jamie once more. Who was this girl, and why did he feel so drawn to her? Despite the risk, he found himself carefully making his way back towards the wagon. As he approached, the scene that greeted him made his blood boil with a familiar rage.

A group of bandits, their faces hidden behind crude masks, had ambushed the girl's party. The guards lay unconscious on the ground, overwhelmed by the surprise attack. The girl herself was pinned to the ground by two of the assailants, her eyes wide with fear but still burning with defiance.

Without a second thought, Jamie sprang into action. His pitch-black form became a blur of fur and fangs as he tore into the bandits. They screamed in terror, unprepared for the ferocity of his attack. Jamie's mind, honed by countless battles in the arena, worked in perfect harmony with his new body. He dodged blows with fluid grace, his jaws clamping down on arms and legs with crushing force.

Within moments, the remaining assailants fled, leaving their wounded comrades behind. The girl remained unharmed but visibly shaken, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. As the adrenaline of the fight faded, Jamie found himself face to face with the girl he had saved.

Her eyes, wide with a mix of fear and wonder, met his. In that moment, Jamie was struck by how fragile she looked, so different from his new, powerful form. He could smell the lingering scent of her fear, mixed with something else—a growing curiosity that seemed to mirror his own.

Unsure of how to reassure her, Jamie simply sat, his tail wagging slightly. He tried to make himself appear as non-threatening as possible, a challenging task given his imposing wolf form. The girl, seemingly understanding his intent, slowly reached out to pet his head. Her hand trembled slightly as it approached, but her eyes remained fixed on his, searching for something in their depths.

The gentle touch of her hand on his fur was soothing, and Jamie found himself relaxing for the first time since his rebirth. There was something comforting about the simple gesture, a reminder of the humanity he had left behind but not entirely lost.

When the guards finally returned, alerted by the sounds of the skirmish, they were met with an unusual sight—their mistress calmly petting a large, black wolf amidst the unconscious forms of the would-be bandits. Their shock was evident, hands moving to their weapons as they assessed the situation.

"My lady!" one of the guards exclaimed, his voice tight with concern. "Step away from that beast at once!"

The girl, however, stood her ground. "No," she declared, her voice firm despite the ordeal she had just endured. "This wolf saved my life. He fought off the bandits when you were nowhere to be found." Her words carried a hint of rebuke, causing the guards to shift uncomfortably.

Despite their continued protests and warnings about the dangers of wild animals, the girl insisted on bringing Jamie with her. "He saved my life," she repeated, her tone brooking no argument. "I won't leave him behind to fend for himself. He's coming with us."

And so, Jamie found himself whisked away to a new life once again, the forest fading behind them as the wagon rolled on. The girl's mansion, when they finally arrived, was a far cry from the fighting pits he had known. Its towering stone walls and manicured gardens spoke of wealth and privilege that Jamie had never experienced, even in his human life.

Servants and maids stared in awe and fear as the elegant young lady walked in with a formidable wolf at her side. Whispers followed them through the halls, a mix of gossip and superstition. Some saw Jamie as a noble protector, while others muttered about bad omens and the dangers of keeping wild beasts.

But all was not well in this grand house, its opulent facade hiding deeper troubles. Jamie's keen ears picked up the sound of an argument long before they reached its source. Following the girl, he found himself witness to a tense family dispute that was unfolding in the mansion's main study.

The girl's father, a man whose fine clothes couldn't quite hide the worry lines etched on his face, was engaged in a heated discussion with his wife. The topic of their disagreement soon became clear—the family's financial troubles and the desperate measures being considered to address them.

"We have no choice!" the father shouted, his voice echoing off the book-lined walls. "The creditors are at our door. If we don't act now, we'll lose everything—the house, our status, everything we've worked for!"

The mother, her face a mask of anguish, shook her head vehemently. "But to sell our daughter's future? To marry her off to that... that brute for his money? How can you even consider it?"

The girl, who had been listening from the doorway, stepped into the room. "Father, Mother, please," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "There must be another way."

The father's eyes narrowed as he noticed Jamie at his daughter's side. "Who brought this animal here?" he demanded, momentarily distracted from the argument.

"I did, Father," the girl replied, squaring her shoulders. "He saved my life when bandits attacked us on the road. He fought them off single-handedly."

The father scoffed, his lip curling in derision. "Oh, how noble my daughter is! Bringing home strays and refusing to do what's necessary for her family." His voice dripped with sarcasm. "Tell me, are the beasts of the forest more important to you than your own flesh and blood? Then why don't you save my life by accepting the marriage proposal like a good girl? Am I worse than an animal to you?"

The girl flinched at her father's harsh words, tears welling in her eyes. "I'm sorry, father, but I can't," she said firmly, her voice cracking with emotion. "I won't sacrifice my future, my happiness, for money. There must be another way." With that, she fled the room, unable to bear the weight of her father's disappointed gaze any longer.

Jamie followed close behind as the girl ran to her chambers, her sobs echoing through the empty hallways. As she collapsed onto her bed, weeping into her pillow, Jamie felt an overwhelming urge to comfort her. He approached cautiously, resting his head on the edge of the bed.

The girl's hand found his fur, her fingers burying themselves in his thick coat as she sought solace in his presence. "Oh, wolf," she whispered between sobs, "what am I to do? I can't bear the thought of marrying that horrible man, but I don't want to see my family ruined either."

As Jamie tried to comfort the weeping girl, his eyes roamed the room, taking in the luxurious surroundings that now seemed tainted by the family's hidden troubles. His gaze fell on a painting hanging on the opposite wall—a grand depiction of the Lord's Colosseum, its imposing structure rendered in vibrant oils.

The sight of the arena stirred something in Jamie's memory. He recalled whispers he had heard during his time in the fighting pits, tales of great riches to be won in the Lord's Colosseum. An idea began to form in his mind, a possible solution to the girl's predicament.

He began pawing at the painting, trying to communicate his intent. His claws scraped lightly against the canvas, drawing the girl's attention.

The girl's eyes widened in understanding as she followed Jamie's gaze. "Are you... are you saying you want to participate in the Lord's Colosseum matches for me?" she asked incredulously, wiping away her tears.

Jamie barked in affirmation, his tail wagging with determination. He knew the risks—he had seen firsthand the brutality of arena combat—but he also knew that this might be the only way to help the girl who had shown him kindness.

The girl hugged him tightly, her arms encircling his neck. "But you might not survive," she whispered, her voice thick with concern. "The matches in the Lord's Colosseum are far more dangerous than common dogfights or wild animal battles. The beasts there are trained killers, and the stakes are life and death."

Despite her protests, Jamie's continued enthusiasm eventually won her over. His unwavering gaze and determined stance spoke volumes, conveying a resolve that transcended the barriers of language. The girl found herself nodding slowly, a mix of hope and trepidation washing over her.

"Alright," she said softly, her hand resting on Jamie's head. "If you're sure about this, we'll enter you in the matches. But promise me you'll be careful. I couldn't bear it if something happened to you because of me."

The days that followed were a whirlwind of preparation. The girl, whose name Jamie learned was Srides, worked tirelessly to secure him a spot in the upcoming matches. She used what little influence her family name still carried, calling in favors and making impassioned pleas to the Colosseum officials.

Jamie, for his part, spent his time honing his skills. He ran for hours through the estate's grounds, building his endurance. He practiced his attacks on straw dummies Srides had set up for him, imagining each one as a future opponent. At night, he would curl up at the foot of Srides's bed, standing guard over her as she slept.

As the day of the first match arrived, a palpable tension filled the air. Srides escorted Jamie to the Colosseum, her hand resting reassuringly on his back. The roar of the crowd could be heard even from the preparation areas, a cacophony of excitement and bloodlust that sent shivers down Jamie's spine.

Jamie found himself facing a new challenge unlike anything he had encountered before. His opponent, he learned, was a massive wild boar, the prized fighter of another lord. Its tusks, they said, had gored countless challengers, and its hide was thick enough to turn aside most attacks.

As Jamie stepped into the arena, the sand shifting beneath his paws, a familiar sensation washed over him. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only him and the task at hand. Then, unbidden, a message appeared in his mind:



[New mission assigned: Kill and savor the meat of the boar]

[Accept] or [Decline]


Without hesitation, Jamie accepted the mission. As he prepared to face his opponent, he couldn't help but reflect on the irony of his situation. He had fled from one arena only to end up in another, albeit grander and more perilous. But this time, he was fighting for something—someone—he had chosen. The thought of Srides, watching from the stands, filled him with a determination he had never known before.

The boar charged, its massive bulk belying its speed. Its tusks gleamed in the arena's harsh light, promising a swift end to any who stood in its path. Jamie's pitch-black form became a blur as he dodged the attack, his keen mind analyzing his opponent's movements. He may not have asked for this new life, but he would use every advantage it gave him.

The battle raged on, a deadly dance of speed and power. Jamie darted in and out, landing quick bites on the boar's flanks before leaping away from its retaliatory charges. The crowd's cheers and gasps faded into the background as Jamie focused entirely on the fight, his every sense attuned to his opponent's movements.

As the minutes ticked by, both combatants began to tire. The boar's charges became slower, its breathing more labored. Jamie, too, felt the strain of the prolonged battle, but his determination never wavered. He knew that more than just his life hung in the balance—Srides's future, and that of her family, depended on his victory.

With a final, powerful lunge, Jamie saw his opening. As the boar reared up for another charge, exposing its vulnerable underbelly, Jamie struck. His jaws closed around the boar's throat with devastating precision, his sharp teeth sinking deep into flesh and sinew. The taste of blood filled his mouth, and for a moment, Jamie lost himself in the primal thrill of the kill.

The crowd's roar was deafening as the boar's massive body crashed to the ground, but all Jamie could hear was the rapid beating of his own heart and the fading life of his opponent. He stood over his fallen foe, his black fur matted with blood and sand, a testament to the ferocity of the battle.

As the reality of his victory sank in, Jamie's gaze sought out Srides in the stands. Their eyes met across the arena, and in that moment, a connection deeper than words passed between them.