Boar Business

In the heart of a bustling city, where the roar of crowds echoed through ancient stone walls, stood a magnificent colosseum. This arena, a testament to both human engineering and the primal thirst for spectacle, was home to countless battles between beasts and warriors alike. Today, however, the crowd's attention was fixed on an unlikely competitor: a wolf named Jamie.

As the gates creaked open, Jamie's keen eyes scanned the arena. The sandy floor, stained with the blood of previous battles, stretched out before him. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, fear, and anticipation. Across the arena, another gate opened, revealing Jamie's first opponent: a wild boar, its tusks gleaming in the harsh sunlight.

The match began without fanfare. The boar, driven by instinct and rage, charged towards Jamie with reckless abandon. Jamie, agile and quick-thinking, darted away, creating distance between them. But the boar was relentless, its hooves thundering against the ground as it pursued the wolf tirelessly.

Jamie's mind raced as he ran, searching for a strategy. He knew that direct confrontation with the boar's formidable tusks would be foolish. Instead, he bided his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The boar, while powerful, lacked Jamie's endurance and tactical mind.

As the chase continued, the boar's pace began to slow. Exhaustion was setting in, its breaths coming in ragged gasps. Jamie, seizing the opportunity, pivoted sharply. With lightning speed, he closed the distance and lashed out with his razor-sharp claws, raking them across the boar's flank.

The boar squealed in pain and fury, reinvigorated by the attack. It whirled around, eyes blazing with renewed determination. Jamie, knowing he had provoked a dangerous response, sprinted towards the arena's high fence. The wolf's agile form easily scaled the barrier, leaving the frustrated boar snorting and pacing below.

From his vantage point, Jamie observed his opponent. The boar, maddened by pain and the inability to reach its quarry, began ramming the fence repeatedly. Each impact sent shudders through the structure, but Jamie held firm, waiting for his chance.

As the boar's attacks on the fence grew weaker, Jamie made his move. He leapt from his perch, landing squarely on the boar's broad back. His powerful jaws clamped down on the thick hide of the boar's neck, while his claws dug deep for purchase. The boar bucked and thrashed, desperately trying to dislodge its attacker, but Jamie's grip was iron.

The battle became a test of endurance. Jamie, refusing to relent, maintained his hold as the boar's struggles grew weaker. When the massive beast finally stilled, exhausted beyond measure, Jamie seized his chance. His jaws worked furiously, tearing and rending until, at last, the boar collapsed, never to rise again.

As the dust settled and the roar of the crowd reached a fever pitch, a familiar chime echoed in Jamie's mind:


[Mission accomplished]

[Rewards will be given after the evolution from wolf to higher wolf]

[Evolution complete]

[Unlocked skill: Poison claws]

[Unlocked skill: Merciless]

Jamie felt a surge of power course through his body. His form grew slightly larger, his muscles more defined. His claws, already deadly, took on a venomous sheen. But more than the physical changes, Jamie sensed a shift in his very being. A newfound ruthlessness, a predator's instinct honed to perfection.

As Jamie basked in his victory, six more matches unfolded in the arena. Though not a participant, he watched each intently, studying the movements and abilities of potential future opponents. Knowledge, he knew, could be as potent a weapon as claw or fang.

Amidst the bloodshed and chaos of the arena, a beacon of warmth and affection awaited Jamie. A young girl, her eyes shining with admiration, rushed to greet him as he exited the fighting grounds. Her gentle hands stroked his fur, her voice filled with pride as she praised his victory.

"You won and became bigger," she exclaimed, her face aglow with joy. "I'm so glad that you won!"

Jamie, typically aloof, found himself basking in her approval. He straightened his posture, chest puffed out in a display of pride that made the girl giggle. Her laughter was a soothing balm after the intensity of battle.

"I knew you were going to win," she said softly, nuzzling her face against his. Jamie, unused to such affectionate gestures, shyly backed away at first. But the girl's genuine warmth won him over, and soon he found himself leaning into her embrace, savoring the moment of peace.

Their respite was short-lived, however. In mere minutes, Jamie was summoned for his next challenge: a battle against a higher boar, a beast even more formidable than his previous opponent. As he entered the arena once more, Jamie's newfound confidence surged within him. He was stronger now, evolved, and unafraid.

This time, there would be no cautious circling, no game of cat and mouse. Jamie charged forward, a gray blur of fur and fang. The higher boar, massive and battle-scarred, met his challenge head-on. Its wickedly curved tusks slashed through the air as it barreled towards the wolf.

At the last possible moment, Jamie veered to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly horns. His claws, now imbued with venom, raked across the boar's flank. The beast's agonized squeal echoed through the arena as the poison began its insidious work.

Jamie darted away, circling his wounded prey. The boar, maddened by pain, charged wildly, its movements growing more erratic with each passing moment. Jamie bided his time, evading the increasingly clumsy attacks while waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

When the boar's steps finally faltered, Jamie unleashed his new skill: Merciless. With cold precision, he lunged for the boar's throat, his jaws clamping down with brutal force. The boar, in a last desperate act, swung its head violently. A tusk caught Jamie's left leg, tearing a deep gash.

Pain lanced through Jamie's body, but he refused to relinquish his hold. The two beasts collapsed to the ground, locked in a deadly embrace. Slowly, inexorably, the life drained from the mighty boar. With a final, shuddering breath, it lay still.

Victory achieved, Jamie limped to the center of the arena. The crowd's chants of "Wolf! Wolf!" washed over him like a wave. Despite the pain of his injury, Jamie felt a swelling of pride. He had faced a superior foe and emerged triumphant.

Once again, the familiar mirror materialized before him:


[Congratulations you levelled up!]

[New skill unlocked: Intimidation]

As the excitement of battle faded, hunger gnawed at Jamie's belly. The fallen boar was butchered, its meat distributed among the victors. Jamie, as the one who felled the beast, received an extra portion. He devoured it greedily, replenishing his strength for the challenges yet to come.

With his immediate needs satisfied, Jamie turned his attention to the ongoing matches. He observed a diverse array of competitors: a towering giant, a sinuous great snake, and many others. Each victory, each defeat, was a lesson to be learned.

As night fell, Jamie and the girl—whose name, he had finally learned, was Srides—returned to her family's mansion. Srides's mother greeted them with a mixture of relief and concern, embracing her daughter tightly. As Srides recounted their adventures, her mother's hand found its way to Jamie's head, gently stroking his fur. The wolf, typically wary of strangers, found himself oddly comforted by the gesture.

The peaceful atmosphere was shattered, however, by the arrival of Srides's father. His face twisted with anger, he confronted his daughter about an arranged marriage she had refused. When Srides stood her ground, reaffirming her refusal, her father's hand lashed out in a vicious slap.

Jamie, witnessing the abuse, felt a surge of protective fury. Without hesitation, he lunged forward, sinking his teeth into the man's leg. The attack caught Srides's father by surprise, but his shock quickly turned to rage. With a powerful kick, he sent Jamie flying across the room.

Srides quickly gathered Jamie into her arms, her touch gentle as she examined him for injuries. "Thanks for being concerned about me," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I appreciate it, but it's my fight, not yours."

With newfound determination, Srides confronted her father. Her words were sharp, cutting through years of oppression and fear. "I'll live my life my way," she declared, her voice unwavering. "I won't sacrifice myself for your well-being, which is nothing but drinking and hitting your wife."

Her father, unused to such defiance, attempted to strike her again. But Srides was ready this time. She caught his arm mid-swing, her grip firm and unyielding. "Don't be bossy around me," she warned, her eyes flashing with a fire Jamie had never seen before.

With her piece said, Srides turned on her heel and strode from the room, Jamie following close behind. As the door to her bedroom closed behind them, a heavy silence fell. The air was charged with the aftermath of confrontation, but also with a sense of change, of new beginnings.

In the quiet of Srides's room, Jamie curled up at the foot of her bed. His body ached from the day's battles, but his spirit felt oddly light. He had fought not just for survival or glory, but for someone he cared about. As sleep began to overtake him, Jamie realized that he had found something he never knew he was missing: a true companion, someone worth protecting.

The arena awaited, with its trials and tribulations. But for now, in this moment of hard-won peace, Jamie allowed himself to rest. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new battles to be fought. But whatever came, he would face it with Srides by his side, their bond forged in the crucible of conflict and compassion.