I'll return!

As the wolves settled into their temporary sanctuary within the dungeon, a celebratory atmosphere emerged. Fear's quick thinking and leadership in Jamie's absence had potentially saved the entire tribe from the human invasion. To honor this act of foresight, the wolves prepared a grand banquet in the middle layer of the dungeon.

While his tribe reveled in the feast, Jamie found himself drawn to solitude. He wandered away from the festivities, his mind heavy with thoughts of Srides and the life he had left behind. Finding a quiet spot beneath a tree, Jamie lay down, his eyes fixed on the distant ceiling of the dungeon that now served as their sky.

As Jamie's thoughts drifted, he unexpectedly fell into a light slumber. In his dream-like state, a familiar voice echoed through his mind, "Are you there, Mr. Wolf? Please come back. I need you." The voice, unmistakably Srides', jolted Jamie awake. He found himself alone, the celebratory sounds of his tribe a distant murmur. A cold wind seemed to caress his fur, sending a chill through his body that resonated like the vibration of sound.

From his vantage point, Jamie could see his wolves in high spirits, eating to their heart's content. Fear, ever observant, noticed his lord watching from afar. As Jamie shifted his gaze to the illusory moon that the dungeon's magic had conjured, Fear approached him.

"Did you enjoy the feast prepared in honor of your wisdom, my lord?" Fear inquired, his tone respectful yet tinged with concern.

Jamie, his eyes still fixed on the artificial moon, replied softly, "Yes, it was lovely." He paused, then added, "Fear, I'll be leaving for some time. I need you to watch over the tribe in my absence."

Fear's ears perked up, a mix of surprise and determination in his voice. "I'll do my best, my lord. We'll be waiting for your return."

"I'll come back, I promise," Jamie assured him. With those words, Jamie set off, leaving Fear to lead the howl that echoed through the dungeon corridors—a wolf's farewell to their departing alpha.

As Jamie made his way out of the dungeon and back to the surface world, his mind was filled with conflicting emotions. The safety of his tribe was paramount, but the pull of his former life—and Srides—was undeniable. He found himself approaching the familiar mansion, his keen eyes spotting Srides staring at the real moon, lost in thought.

The gate was closed, so Jamie let out a soft bark to catch her attention. Srides, startled from her reverie, rushed to open the door. As soon as she saw Jamie, her face lit up with joy. She immediately began petting him, her fingers running through his thick fur and playfully squeezing his fluffy cheeks.

"Naughty boy, trying to save yourself from my squeezing," Srides teased, her voice filled with affection. "That's not going to happen!"

Jamie, feeling a mix of embarrassment and secret enjoyment, stood still, allowing Srides to continue her affectionate assault on his fur. After a few moments, Srides straightened up, gesturing towards the house. "Well, let's go inside," she said, her smile warm and inviting.

As they entered the mansion, the atmosphere shifted. The sound of shattering glass and angry yells filled the air—Srides' father, drunk and belligerent as usual. Jamie felt a surge of annoyance, his protective instincts flaring at the thought of Srides living with such a volatile presence.

With the next Colosseum match looming just two days away, Jamie found himself grappling with uncertainty. His opponent, the formidable spider Gargantula, posed a significant challenge. As he contemplated his chances, Jamie recalled the promise he had made to Fear and his tribe. Failure was not an option—he had to win, not just for himself, but for all those counting on him.

The day of the match arrived, bringing with it a palpable tension. As Jamie entered the arena, he was immediately struck by the sight of Gargantula's extensive webbing, already spread throughout the battle space. It was clear that simply outrunning the spider wouldn't be an option. Jamie's mind raced, formulating strategies to overcome this eight-legged adversary.

The moment the arena gate clanged shut, sealing Jamie in with his opponent, the battle began in earnest. Gargantula, true to its nature, continued to craft an intricate, circular web—a deadly trap for any unwary prey. Jamie, reverting to his imposing original size, attempted to use his Dark Howl skill, only to find it ineffective against the spider's innate darkness.

Undeterred, Jamie activated his Ruthless skill and charged towards Gargantula. With a powerful Mega Bite, he managed to tear off one of the spider's legs. The creature recoiled, clearly caught off guard by Jamie's ferocity. It retreated slightly before launching a barrage of sticky webs in Jamie's direction.

Displaying remarkable agility, Jamie dodged the incoming projectiles, weaving left and right as he closed in for another attack. His jaws clamped down on another of Gargantula's legs, ripping it away and further crippling the monstrous arachnid.

In response, Gargantula unleashed a horde of smaller spiders – a desperate move to overwhelm its wolfine opponent. Jamie, however, was prepared. Activating his One Pack Army skill, he channeled the power of an entire wolf pack, decimating the smaller spiders with ruthless efficiency.

Enraged by the destruction of its spawn, Gargantula abandoned its web-spinning strategy and lunged at Jamie. The wolf lord, anticipating this move, stood his ground. As the spider drew near, Jamie unleashed another Mega Bite, this time targeting Gargantula's head.

His powerful jaws locked onto the spider's cranium, refusing to let go despite the creature's frantic struggles. Gargantula, in its desperation, began to secrete poison, but Jamie's natural resistance rendered the toxin ineffective. The spider, realizing its usual tactics were failing, resorted to brute force. It drove one of its remaining legs into Jamie's left flank, piercing flesh and muscle.

Pain exploded through Jamie's body, but he refused to relinquish his hold. Instead, he activated his Poison Claws skill, raking Gargantula's body with venomous talons. While the poison had little effect on the spider, the physical damage was significant, leaving deep gouges in its exoskeleton.

The battle had devolved into a grueling test of endurance. Gargantula continued to stab at Jamie with its legs, each strike weakening the wolf lord further. Yet Jamie's determination never wavered—his jaws remained firmly clamped on the spider's head, slowly increasing in pressure.

In a final, desperate gambit, Gargantula shot a strand of webbing at the arena wall behind it. With the web secured, the spider began to walk forward, creating tension in the strand and lifting Jamie's body off the ground. The sudden shift in position caused Gargantula's leg to drive deeper into Jamie's left flank, eliciting a muffled howl of pain.

Realizing the spider's intention, Jamie knew he had to end the fight quickly. Summoning every ounce of strength he possessed, he increased the pressure of his bite to its maximum. With a sickening crunch, Gargantula's head was separated from its body, ending the epic battle.

As the reality of his victory set in, the crowd erupted into frenzied cheers. Jamie, however, could barely stand. His left flank was a mass of searing pain, and his vision began to blur. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was a familiar figure—Srides—rushing towards him from the stands.

Hours later, Jamie awoke to find himself in a soft bed, his wounds carefully bandaged. Srides sat beside him, her face a mixture of relief and concern. She offered him a bowl of chicken stew, which Jamie gratefully accepted, his body craving sustenance after the grueling battle.

As he ate, Jamie's thoughts turned to the system and the new skills he must have gained from his victory. Almost in response to his thoughts, a ghostly mirror materialized before him, displaying his updated status:


[Congratulations on your victory]

[You leveled up]

[New skills gained - 4]

[Shadow Merge, Deathly Howl, Grave Claws, and Berserk]

Jamie's eyes widened as he read the descriptions of his new abilities. Shadow Merge would allow him to blend with shadows, potentially granting him a significant tactical advantage. Deathly Howl, capable of halving a dark monster's health or dealing ten percent damage to other types, seemed particularly useful given his recent battle with Gargantula.

Grave Claws, with its combination of poison and high damage output, promised to be a formidable offensive skill. However, it was the final skill, Berserk, that gave Jamie pause. The ability to "go wild, losing control of your mind" was as frightening as it was potentially powerful.

As Jamie contemplated the implications of these new skills, he became acutely aware of his body's weakened state. Every muscle ached, and a dull throb persisted in his left flank where Gargantula had struck him repeatedly.

Beside him, Srides gently stroked his fur, her touch both soothing and slightly embarrassing. In his current state, Jamie lacked the strength to resist her affectionate gestures. Instead, he found himself leaning into her caresses, taking comfort in the genuine care she showed him.

Jamie's mind wandered to his tribe, safely hidden in the dungeon's depths. He knew he would need to return to them soon, to lead them through the uncertain times ahead. But for now, in this moment of vulnerability, he allowed himself to bask in Srides' attention, a brief respite from the weighty responsibilities that awaited him.

As he drifted off into a healing sleep, Jamie's last thoughts were of the challenges that lay ahead. The human invasion, the shifting alliances among the monster tribes, and his own growing powers—all these factors were reshaping the world as he knew it. Whatever the future held, Jamie was determined to face it head-on, protecting both his newfound family among the wolves and the human connection he couldn't bring himself to sever.