The Herb

As the echoes of the crowd's cheers faded and the adrenaline of battle subsided, Jamie found himself in unfamiliar surroundings. The softness beneath him was a stark contrast to the harsh arena floor, and as his eyes fluttered open, he realized he was lying in a comfortable bed. His wounds had been carefully tended to, bandages wrapping his battered body.

Beside him sat Srides, her face a mixture of relief and concern. She offered him a bowl of chicken stew, which Jamie gratefully accepted. As he ate, his mind wandered to the system and the new skills he must have gained from his victory over Gargantula. Almost in response to his thoughts, a ghostly mirror materialized before him, displaying his updated status.

While Jamie was processing his newfound abilities, a doctor appointed by the Colosseum committee arrived to check on his condition. The physician carefully removed the bandages, examining the wound with a critical eye. After a thorough inspection, he sighed heavily.

"It looks like the wound is deep," the doctor announced, his brow furrowed with concern. "I'll need three pieces of Lavender Herbs found in the wild, but because of the wolves, nobody dares to go there."

Jamie's ears perked up at the mention of the wolves. He knew all too well why no one ventured into that part of the jungle—he was the one who had placed his tribe there. Before he could formulate a plan, Srides spoke up.

"Don't worry, doctor. I'll go," she declared, pointing at Jamie. "I'll somehow manage to get the herbs for his treatment."

Jamie's heart raced at the thought of Srides venturing into wolf territory. He knew he was the only one who could safely retrieve the herbs. In an attempt to communicate this, he barked loudly, catching the doctor's attention.

"What's this? Are you going to get it yourself?" the doctor asked, surprised. Jamie nodded vigorously in response.

"You're very intelligent," the doctor mused, a hint of amusement in his voice. "It's the first time I've met such a smart doggo."

The word 'doggo' echoed in Jamie's mind, a slight irritation bubbling up. He wasn't a dog, after all. As if reading his thoughts, Srides quickly corrected the doctor.

"He's not a dog, doctor. He's a wolf," she said, her face set in a pout.

The doctor chuckled, "I get it. I was just trying to have some fun." He finished bandaging Jamie's leg and packed up his medical kit. As Jamie attempted to stand, he found his legs giving way beneath him.

"You can't walk now, so stay in your bed," the doctor advised sternly.

Jamie's mind raced. If he couldn't get up, Srides would surely go to the forest, putting herself in danger. He needed a plan, and fast. Suddenly, an idea struck him. If he could connect with the minds of the wolves, he could easily communicate his needs to them.

Concentrating hard, Jamie used his Wolf Whisperer skill, pushing its reach as far as he could. After what felt like an eternity, he managed to connect with one of the hunter wolves. The wolf was initially startled by the sudden mental intrusion, but upon recognizing Jamie's voice, it calmed down.

Through this connection, Jamie instructed the wolves to return to the tribe grounds. Upon their arrival, they were met with a stern Fear, who scolded them for returning empty-handed. Jamie instructed the wolves to place their paws on Fear's shoulder, establishing a direct link to his second-in-command.

"Do you hear me, Fear?" Jamie projected his thoughts.

"Yes, loud and clear, my lord," came the immediate response.

Jamie quickly explained his need for the Lavender Herbs, much to Fear's surprise and concern. After assuring Fear that he would provide more details once he recovered, Jamie instructed him to leave three Lavender leaves at the forest entrance the following day.

The next morning, as Srides prepared to venture into the forest, she was surprised to find the needed herbs lying conspicuously at the entrance. Relieved and slightly puzzled, she returned to the doctor with her find.

The physician, equally surprised by the quick procurement of the herbs, set about preparing the medicine. He returned with a paste-like substance, which he carefully applied to Jamie's wound after removing the bandages. The application stung, causing Jamie to let out a pained howl. Once the medicine had been absorbed, the doctor reapplied the bandages.

"It should heal before your next match," the doctor informed Srides. "There are only thirty contestants left now."

Over the next six days, Jamie's condition improved steadily. By the end of the week, he was able to walk without bandages, though the doctor advised against any fighting until his next match.

Upon returning to Srides's mansion, Jamie found himself yearning to meet with Fear and provide a full account of his battle. One night, he snuck out of the mansion, having arranged a meeting with Fear at the edge of the forest.

"Are you alright, my lord?" Fear asked as soon as Jamie appeared.

"Yes, I'm good," Jamie reassured him.

Curiosity gleaming in his eyes, Fear pressed for details about the battle. "If you don't mind, what kind of monster did you fight, my lord?"

Jamie, sensing Fear's eagerness, began recounting his encounter with Gargantula. He described the spider-like dark being, its web-shooting tactics, and how he had dodged the sticky strands by jumping in all directions.

As Jamie was finishing his tale, he caught a whiff of a familiar scent. Srides was nearby, searching for him with a magic lamp. Quickly wrapping up the conversation, Jamie bid Fear farewell and made his way towards Srides.

Upon seeing him, Srides engulfed Jamie in a tight hug. "You're a bad boy," she scolded, her voice a mixture of relief and annoyance. "You shouldn't sneak out during late night. I'm going to punish you for that. No more cuddles for a week."

Jamie, however, was only half-listening to her words. The feeling of being held against her soft body reminded him of a medium-sized dough roll on a smooth surface. He let his body go limp, savoring the sensation.

Realizing it was unwise to linger outside so late at night, Srides began walking home, Jamie following close behind. Once they reached the mansion, Srides prepared a makeshift bed for Jamie using a towel and a pillow. As he settled into his new sleeping arrangement, Jamie felt a sense of contentment wash over him. Finally, he had a decent bed to sleep on.

As Jamie drifted off to sleep, his mind wandered to the challenges that lay ahead. The upcoming matches in the Colosseum, the delicate balance between his life with Srides and his responsibilities to his wolf tribe, and the ever-present threat of discovery all weighed heavily on his mind. Yet, as sleep claimed him, Jamie felt a surge of determination. Whatever trials awaited him, he would face them head-on, protecting both his newfound family among the wolves and the human connection he couldn't bring himself to sever.

The coming days would be crucial. With only 30 contestants remaining in the Colosseum, the battles would undoubtedly become more intense and dangerous. Jamie knew he would need to push his newfound abilities to their limits if he hoped to emerge victorious. But for now, in the quiet of the night, surrounded by the comforts of Srides's home, Jamie allowed himself a moment of peace. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but tonight, he would rest and recover, gathering strength for the battles to come.