Leisure Time

As the sun peeked through the curtains of Srides's mansion, Jamie stirred from his slumber. He stretched his lupine body, letting out a big yawn that echoed through the room. His eyes scanned the area, landing on Srides, who stood by the window, her gaze fixed on the world outside.

Hunger gnawed at Jamie's belly, prompting him to approach Srides. He barked, hoping to catch her attention, but her mind seemed lost in the scenery beyond the glass. Undeterred, Jamie gently tapped her feet with his paw, persisting until she finally noticed his presence.

Srides, pulled from her reverie, offered Jamie a chunk of bread and a bowl of water. As he ate, Jamie couldn't help but feel a twinge of irony. Here he was, a powerful wolf, eating like a common house pet. The doctor's words from days ago echoed in his mind—maybe he really was becoming a "doggo" after all.

With his hunger sated, Jamie found himself at loose ends. He wandered aimlessly through the mansion, watching as Srides busied herself with knitting. Boredom settled over him like a heavy blanket, and he longed for the freedom to explore the world beyond these walls.

Determined to communicate his desire, Jamie approached Srides once more. He tapped her legs insistently, his eyes darting between her face and the window. It took a moment, but understanding dawned on Srides's face. She set aside her knitting and prepared for an outing.

Excitement bubbled within Jamie as they stepped out into the town. This was his first real chance to see how people in this world lived, and he was eager to take it all in. Srides, ever thoughtful, had brought money along in case Jamie wanted anything.

As they strolled through the streets, Jamie's keen eyes took in the sights around him. The shops were eerily familiar, reminiscent of those on Earth, yet there was a crucial difference. These establishments offered items that defied imagination, things that even in his wildest dreams, Jamie couldn't have conjured up.

They paused at a food stall, where Srides bought a treat to share. Jamie savored the unfamiliar taste of what Srides called a "bacon loli," feeling his energy surge with each bite.

As they continued their exploration, Jamie's attention was caught by a display of beautiful earrings in a nearby shop. An idea formed in his mind—he could buy these for Srides as a token of appreciation. He tugged at her clothes, guiding her towards the shop and indicating the earrings with his paw.

"Do you want me to buy it for myself?" Srides asked, a note of surprise in her voice. Jamie nodded enthusiastically, barking his confirmation.

A warm smile spread across Srides's face. "Oh! That's so sweet of you, thanks a lot," she said, her eyes twinkling with joy as she made the purchase.

As Srides modeled her new earrings, Jamie felt a surge of pride. His tail wagged of its own accord, betraying his happiness despite his attempts to maintain his dignified wolf demeanor.

Their journey through the town led them to a game stall, where a middle-aged woman invited them to participate. The game was simple in theory—Srides would choose three items, and Jamie would have to guess what they were. The prize? A large teddy bear.

At first, Jamie thought this would be easy. His keen sense of smell should make this child's play. However, as he approached the items, he realized with a sinking feeling that they all bore the same scent. Looking up, he caught sight of the shopkeeper's devious smile, and understood he'd been outmaneuvered.

Just as he was about to give up, Jamie remembered a crucial fact about canine biology. Dogs and wolves possess a type of infrared sensor in their noses, allowing them to detect minute temperature changes. With renewed determination, Jamie focused on reading the thermal signatures left on the items.

To the shopkeeper's shock and Srides's delight, Jamie successfully identified all three items. The woman handed over the promised teddy bear, nearly half the size of Jamie himself, while Srides lavished praise on her clever companion. "Good boy!" she exclaimed, causing Jamie's tail to wag uncontrollably once more.

As the day wore on, they found themselves at a fountain dedicated to the Goddess Zirin. People tossed coins into the water, offering prayers for a better future. Jamie hung back, uncertain if this was the same deity who had granted him his wolf form. Srides, however, approached the fountain, tossing in a coin and offering a prayer of her own.

Lunchtime found them at a local restaurant, where Srides insisted on seating Jamie at the table rather than on the floor. As they enjoyed their meal—a hearty meat stew for Jamie and a vegan soup for Srides—their peaceful repast was interrupted by a group of curious onlookers.

"Aren't you the wolf who defeated the Gargantula in the Colosseum?" one man asked, sparking a flurry of questions from the gathering crowd. Srides tried to explain Jamie's friendly nature, but her words fell on deaf ears.

The situation escalated quickly, with one man grabbing Srides by the hair, demanding to know how she had "tamed" such a powerful creature. Seeing Srides in distress, Jamie felt a surge of protective fury. In an instant, he reverted to his full size, his massive form shaking the small restaurant and sending the troublemakers fleeing in terror.

As the dust settled, Srides clung to Jamie, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "If you weren't around, they would have done something more terrible to me." Jamie, now back to his smaller size, gently tapped Srides's head in a comforting gesture.

The restaurant owner, mortified by the incident, offered profuse apologies as they prepared to leave. Srides, ever gracious, assured him it wasn't his fault.

As the day drew to a close, Jamie and Srides made one last stop at a game stall. This time, the challenge was a variation of "whack-a-mole," featuring magical worms instead of the traditional rodents. Srides proved victorious, winning a golden magical fish as her prize.

Realizing they lacked a proper home for their new aquatic friend, Srides purchased an aquarium from a nearby shop. As they made their way back to the mansion, their arms full with their day's acquisitions—a teddy bear, a magical fish, and a new aquarium—Jamie felt a sense of contentment wash over him.

The day had been full of surprises, both pleasant and challenging. He had experienced the wonder of this new world, from its fantastical shops to its unique customs. He had protected Srides and strengthened their bond. And perhaps most importantly, he had navigated the complex balance between his wolf nature and his new role in human society.

As they entered the mansion, Jamie watched Srides set up the aquarium for their new fish. The teddy bear found a home on a nearby shelf, a tangible reminder of their adventure. Despite the day's excitement, Jamie felt a familiar restlessness stirring within him. He knew that soon, he would need to return to the Colosseum, to face whatever challenges awaited him there.

But for now, as the sun set on their day of exploration, Jamie allowed himself to bask in the simple pleasure of being here, in this moment, with Srides. Tomorrow would bring new adventures, new battles, and new opportunities to prove his worth. For tonight, however, he was content to be simply a wolf, curled up at the feet of the human who had become his closest friend in this strange new world.

As sleep began to overtake him, Jamie's mind drifted to the challenges that lay ahead. The Colosseum battles would only grow more difficult as the number of contestants dwindled. He would need to push himself harder, to become stronger and smarter with each fight. And all the while, he would need to maintain the delicate balance between his life with Srides and his responsibilities to his wolf tribe.

Yet, as he drifted off to sleep, Jamie felt a sense of confidence growing within him. Today had proven that he could navigate the complexities of this world, that he could protect those he cared about, and that he could overcome whatever obstacles were thrown in his path. Whatever tomorrow might bring, he would face it head-on, with the strength of a wolf and the heart of a hero.