New ruler!

The celebratory atmosphere was palpable as the group basked in their victory, their recent triumph still sending waves of adrenaline through their bodies.

The torchlit chamber cast dancing shadows on the ancient stone walls, the flickering light reflecting off their sweat-dampened faces. Srides, her clothes bearing the marks of recent combat, turned to Jamie with a questioning look, her curiosity finally getting the better of her diplomatic restraint.

"Where did you find Gale, and why didn't you tell me this?" she asked, her voice carrying a mix of intrigue and slight hurt. Her fingers absently traced the hilt of her sword, a habit she'd developed over years of combat experience.

Jamie took a deep breath, his expression apologetic as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair. The weight of his recent decisions still pressed upon him, but he knew the time for secrets had passed. "I'm sorry, but not telling you was part of the plan. As for Gale, he was actually on standby at an inn outside town—one of those weathered establishments that cater to adventurers and knights. You know the type, with their creaking wooden signs and always-full stables." He paused, glancing at Shadow before continuing, "With Shadow's Dark Converge skill, we were able to bring him to our side. The ability to manipulate shadows proved invaluable in maintaining our element of surprise."

"Such a handy skill," Srides remarked, clearly impressed. Her eyes studied Jamie with renewed interest, noting the quiet confidence that had begun to emerge in his bearing. "You would truly make a great ruler. The way you orchestrated this entire operation shows strategic thinking worthy of a king."

Jamie's cheeks flushed at the compliment, the color visible even in the dim lighting of the chamber. "It was all thanks to Sader," he deflected, gesturing toward his accomplished ally. "If he hadn't known about this, we'd have been done for. His intelligence network proved invaluable."

Sader, who had been examining some ancient inscriptions on the wall, turned and happily interjected, his scholarly demeanor at odds with his battle-worn appearance. "Oh, you give me too much credit. The plan's success was dependent on how you'd pull it off, so it's mainly your achievement, not mine. I merely provided the information—you transformed it into action."

"Thanks! It's fifty-fifty then," Jamie offered with a warm smile, the kind that showed he truly valued the partnerships he'd formed.

"Okay!" Sader agreed cheerfully, adjusting his glasses that had somehow survived the recent battle intact.

Fear, his imposing figure casting a long shadow across the chamber floor, turned to Jamie with his usual dedication. "What to do now, master?" His deep voice echoed slightly in the spacious room, carrying both respect and readiness for action.

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by a small squeak within the room, barely audible but impossible to miss in the post-battle quiet. The group tensed instantaneously, their hands moving to their weapons with practiced ease. Jamie, however, remained calm, his earlier victory lending him an air of assured authority.

"Come out," he advised the hidden presence, his voice firm but not threatening. "Show yourself to us."

A small dog-like creature materialized from behind a fallen column, its form trembling visibly. Despite its diminutive size, there was something distinctly intelligent in its eyes. "Please don't kill me!" it pleaded, voice quavering. "I'll live like I never saw this, I swear by the ancient codes!"

Fear's response was immediate and harsh, his warrior's instincts taking over. "Like hell we'd let you off the hook. Who knows what intelligence you might carry to our enemies?"

"Alright," Jamie said simply, surprising both Fear and Shadow, who looked at him with questioning eyes as the figure scampered away, repeatedly thanking Jamie with each backward glance until it disappeared into the shadows of a side passage.

Seeing their confused expressions, Jamie explained, his voice taking on a teacher's patient tone. "It's for the best. That dog-like boy was from the Akishiro clan of white neck biters. They're known for their loyalty to whoever shows them mercy—a trait that could prove useful in the future."

"How did you know?" Fear asked, his skepticism evident in his furrowed brow.

"Sader is the answer!" Jamie replied with a knowing smile, gesturing toward their scholarly companion.

All eyes turned to Sader, who, under their collective scrutiny, adjusted his clothing and explained, "Well, I got connections that are mainly authentic. Years of traveling and studying have built me quite a network of reliable sources."

"This much!?" they exclaimed in unison, their voices bouncing off the ancient stones.

"Yes!" Sader responded sagely, spreading his arms wide. "Information is the main game changer in any game of thrones. Knowledge, properly applied, can be sharper than any sword."

Jamie smiled at this wisdom, and they proceeded outside the chamber of the lizardman king, carrying his head as grim proof of their victory. The torchlight in the corridor cast long shadows as they emerged, and the lizardman soldiers, terrified at the sight of their fallen leader, immediately prostrated themselves before Jamie, their scaled bodies pressing against the cold stone floor.

"Don't fear!" Jamie assured them, his voice echoing through the suddenly silent hall. "I'm not going to harm you. This was simply the messy situation of a fool of a king's downfall. Your future need not be determined by his mistakes."

Relief washed over the faces of the lizardman tribe's soldiers and citizens, their reptilian features softening with hope. "What will we do now?" they asked in near-unison, their uncertainty about their future evident in their voices.

"Your new leader from now on is Sader," Jamie announced, gesturing to his companion. "And if you don't agree, you're free to leave—no harm will come to those who choose to depart. This is not an exchange of one tyranny for another."

"Why me?" Sader asked, genuine surprise coloring his scholarly features.

"Who else then?" Jamie replied with conviction. "I pulled this off thanks to you, so consider this a gift from me as a friend. Your wisdom will serve these people well."

Sader smiled at Jamie's response and accepted the responsibility, delivering an inspiring speech to the frightened people of the lizardman tribe. His words gave them hope for a better future under his wise leadership, rather than the controlling reign they had endured under their previous king.

Later, as they discussed matters, Jamie learned more about Sader's background. "I'm from the race Tigertica," Sader revealed. "Without me, the rest are extinct due to a disease spread by a human king who feared our true power berserk."

"You also have this power?" Jamie asked, intrigued.

"Of course. It was an inborn skill in our race, which almost all of us had," Sader explained.

"That's why others feared and targeted us, though I managed to survive."

"Sorry to hear that," Jamie offered sympathetically.

"It's all in the past," Sader replied, kneeling before Jamie. "My future is now yours, my king." The others followed suit, their show of respect overwhelming Jamie with emotion.

As the day drew to a close, Srides announced her departure. "I'll be taking my leave then."

"Already? At least let us tend to your wound," Jamie insisted.

"Yes, and this is no wound for me. I've experienced much worse," Srides assured him.

After Srides had disappeared from view, Morona turned to Jamie. "Do you love her?"

"Nothing like that, just a friend," Jamie replied honestly.

"No need to kill two birds with one stone then," Morona muttered under her breath.

"What did you say?" Jamie asked, catching the mumbled words.

Morona blushed, replying hesitantly, "Nothing!"

Jamie turned his gaze forward, contemplating their uncertain future and the safety of his companions. The weight of leadership and responsibility settled on his shoulders as they continued their journey, each step taking them closer to whatever challenges lay ahead.