Marriage who?

As the dust settled from their victory over the lizardman tribe, the tension in Jamie's shoulders began to ease. Fear, ever-observant of his master's moods, approached cautiously from behind. His voice carried both curiosity and concern as he asked, "What now, master Jamie?"

Jamie's response came slowly, weighted with the gravity of recent events. "The people I killed today were all innocent and I shouldn't have killed them." His words hung heavy in the air, each syllable filled with regret for the lives he'd taken.

Shadow stepped forward from his position among the shadows, his loyalty evident in his defensive tone. "It's not your fault master Jamie, they were fools." His attempt at consolation, though genuine, did little to lift Jamie's spirits.

"Yeah, they were," Jamie acknowledged, his voice bitter with self-recrimination. "Either die at my hand or die due to the spell the lizardman king had cast on them, which made me feel like someone who trampled the weak to death with zero good conscience." His hands clenched into fists as he spoke, knuckles white with tension.

Morona interjected, her voice gentle yet firm. "Master, you need not feel bad as they were sacrifices made for their kind's future and they are probably okay with it." She stood straight, her presence offering silent support to her troubled leader.

Jamie's response came sharp and quick, his voice rising with emotion. "Okay with it!? I fricking killed them to bits, this was not sacrifice this was revenge." He paused, his next words coming slower, more contemplative. "I don't know why but for a while I've stopped feeling any emotions at all, why? I question this myself all the time but it's of no use!"

Shadow's response was characteristically pragmatic, his words carrying the weight of experience. "Emotions are drugs. It's better if you don't feel them, as it'll only make you clingy to what was before not what is now." His stance remained firm, unwavering in his conviction.

"Well spoken, Shadow!" Fear congratulated, nodding in approval. His expression showed genuine appreciation for Shadow's wisdom.

Looking at his loyal companions, Jamie felt a surge of gratitude wash over him. "I'm blessed to have you guys." His simple words had an immediate effect, brightening the faces of all present. The sincerity in his voice was unmistakable.

With fluid grace, Jamie transformed into his wolf form, his powerful muscles rippling beneath thick fur. He headed toward the tribal grounds, his companions following in formation behind him. A loud, commanding howl erupted from his throat, announcing his arrival to his people. The sound echoed across the landscape, carrying both authority and triumph.

As they approached within a meter of their tribal ground, the resident wolves responded with their own chorus of howls, instinctively recognizing the victory of their returned warriors. The air vibrated with their combined voices, a primal celebration of success and survival.

Jamie joined in the howling, his voice blending with the others in perfect harmony. As the echoes faded, the wolves gathered close, eager to hear the tale of how their strongest fighters, including their wolf lord, had emerged victorious against the lizardman tribe. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and pride.

Suddenly, a distinct howl cut through the celebratory mood, immediately catching Jamie's attention. This wasn't the voice of any ordinary wolf—it carried the unmistakable authority of another wolf lord. The sound commanded immediate attention, causing a ripple of tension through the gathered pack.

Jamie, Fear, and Shadow rushed outside to investigate, their movements swift and coordinated. There, standing proudly before their tribal grounds, was a female wolf, her presence radiating power and confidence. Jamie reverted to his original size, and those present noticed he appeared somewhat larger than usual, his form impressive even by wolf lord standards.

The female wolf spoke, her voice carrying a mix of amusement and evaluation. "Impressive, a renewed big man for two proud, radiant snow lotuses blossoming with red pistils." Her words carried an undertone of love and interest.

Confused by her poetic metaphor, Jamie sought clarification. "Come again?" His voice betrayed his uncertainty.

Without a hint of embarrassment, she repeated her statement word for word, her confidence unwavering. Jamie, riled by her indifferent attitude, responded with a sharp retort. "Well tough luck but I don't do inches!"

The female wolf's laugh was rich and genuine, filling the air with its melody. "Amazing! You're better than my daddy said so. Anyway, I stand here in front of you with my marriage proposal of marrying..."

Jamie cut her off, surprise evident in his voice. "Wait!? You'll marry me?" Hope and confusion mingled in his tone.

The female wolf's smile turned mischievous. "No, I'm talking about Fear over there. I like the way he stays neutral at such jokes without giving a shit." Her directness was both shocking and refreshing.

Everyone present thought in unison: "Well, he doesn't give a shit about you either." The shared thought remained unspoken but hung in the air like an invisible cloud.

Then Fear did something that made everyone's jaws drop—he smiled. His villainous face stretched into an expression that was more unnerving than comforting, yet somehow seemed genuine in its own way.

"Are you sure it's not me?" Jamie asked, still holding onto a thread of hope.

The female wolf's response was swift and cutting. "Yeah, damn sure. You probably don't do inches because you don't have one to begin with to do inches." Her words prompted uncontrollable laughter from the gathered crowd while Jamie fell into embarrassed silence.

To his growing surprise, Fear, instead of coming to his defense, engaged in casual conversation with her. "What's your name?" he asked, his interest evident.

"It's Cougar!" she replied without hesitation, her pride in her name obvious.

Jamie saw an opportunity for revenge, but Shadow quickly intervened, muffling him with a swift movement. "Don't mess with her master, she's Cougar the women wolf queen of Ragouc, after her father's name." Shadow's warning carried genuine concern.

"So what?" Jamie challenged, though his voice lacked its usual confidence.

Shadow directed Jamie's attention to Fear's legs, which were visibly trembling with occasional pauses. The sight made Jamie gulp hard, his bravado faltering as he decided to maintain his silence.

Cougar noticed his restraint and nodded approvingly. "Wise choice there my lord!"

Jamie managed to respond with measured words. "Foolishness is hard to find nowadays as you'd go belly up with the silliest mistakes done."

Fear suddenly stood tall, his posture commanding attention. "Can you bite now?" The question seemed to carry special significance.

Before Jamie could process the meaning behind Fear's words, Cougar approached with startling speed. She bit his left neck, causing him to yelp in pain and surprise. "Ouch!" he exclaimed, rubbing the spot where her teeth had made contact.

Cougar casually licked her front teeth, looking satisfied. "Done," she declared simply.

"What the heck was that?" Jamie demanded, confusion and indignation evident in his voice.

Fear's explanation came calmly, though it did little to soothe Jamie's irritation. "Master it's okay, it's common among wolves."

"Deed for the couple but injection for the boss, how's that logical to you guys?" Jamie questioned, looking around at his companions. His question was met with silence, each member of his group avoiding his gaze.

As Jamie looked ahead, he gulped again, newfound respect and wariness evident in his demeanor. He had never encountered a female with such an imposing aura before, and it left him momentarily speechless. He bit his lips nervously, accepting this unexpected turn of events.

Cougar's smile carried both amusement and satisfaction as she prepared to depart. Her parting words to Fear rang clear across the gathering: "See ya my beloved!" With that, she turned and left, leaving behind a group of stunned onlookers and a thoroughly humbled Jamie.

The encounter had added an unexpected chapter to what had already been an eventful day. As the sun began its descent toward the horizon, casting long shadows across the tribal grounds, Jamie stood there processing the rapid series of events that had just unfolded. The victory over the lizardman tribe now seemed almost secondary to this unexpected meeting and its implications for the future of their pack.

The weight of leadership settled even more heavily on his shoulders as he contemplated the new dynamics at play within his group.