Going to Kindergarten

Because she had to take Joy for a kindergarten interview, Shu Pan had to take a day off from work. This was the first time she had requested a day off since joining "Sunrise Architecture," but her manager quickly approved it.

Early the next morning, Shu Pan dressed Joy and they left home ahead of schedule. Joy was wearing a neat dress and carrying a small backpack, bouncing with excitement.

For convenience in drop-off and pick-up, Shu Pan had chosen kindergartens in their neighborhood. Due to her limited financial situation, she couldn't afford a public kindergarten, so Joy was enrolled in a simple private kindergarten called "Qiming Star."

However, Shu Pan had secretly observed the kindergarten several times, and it had good teachers and a nice environment. Other parents' reviews of it were also favorable.

When they arrived at Qiming Star Kindergarten, the principal welcomed them. Since it was summer school, there weren't many children around.