One Condition

Jiang Feifei turned around and asked with surprise, "Yan Heng? What a coincidence! Do you work here?"

Yan Heng shook his head. "No, I'm here to handle some matters."

The entire company belonged to him, so technically, other people were working for him here.

"What about you? Why are you here?"

Yan Heng knew that Jiang Feifei was Wen Ning's best friend.

"Oh, I'm waiting for someone." Jiang Feifei smiled.

"This child looks quite cute. Is he your son? When did you get married?" Yan Heng noticed Wen Li beside him. For some reason, when he saw Wen Li, Yan Heng had a very strange feeling. It was as though he had seen this child before.

"Yeah… I guess so!" Jiang Feifei nodded. "Can't I have a son before I get married?"

Yan Heng shrugged indifferently before walking towards Wen Li. He squatted next to the child and asked, "Little kid, what's your name?"

"What's wrong with me? I usually hate children. Why do I have the urge to talk to this child today?"

Wen Li looked at Yan Heng fearfully and finally said, "My name is Wen Li!"

Yan Heng frowned and turned to look at Jiang Feifei. "Is this Wen Ning's child?"

Jiang Feifei nodded. "That's right!"

"She's… married?" Yan Heng felt that his heart was about to break.

"Why are you always so concerned about whether other people have gotten married or not? There's no law stating that you have to get married before you can have children, right? Wen Li, let's go. I'm not talking to this uncle anymore. He's so rude!"

Yan Heng frowned as he watched Jiang Feifei leave with Wen Li. Wen Li?

Could it be that the Wen Li that Wen Ning called out in her dream last night was that of her child?

In that case, did she have a boyfriend or not? Yan Heng's expression instantly became uncertain.

He had to investigate this matter thoroughly!


In the office, Song Xinjie rejected Wen Ning's proposal once again. This time, his rejection made Wen Ning furious.

They had already agreed on it last night. Why did he change his mind now?

Could it be that some "big shot" had put a stop to this cooperation?

"Mr Song, aren't you going overboard? You can't change what you've promised! Shouldn't you be more trustworthy when doing business?"

In the face of Wen Ning's accusations, Song Xinjie was also a little helpless. He did not know which part of the contract had gone wrong. His boss had clearly told him in advance that they could sign the contract today.

However, in the middle of the night, his boss called again and said that they would no longer proceed with the contract. As for the reason, the boss actually wanted him to come up with it! How could he come up with an excuse for such a dastardly act?

"Miss Wen, it's not that I'm not trustworth, but I've thought about it carefully last night. This cooperation is indeed not the best choice for our company, especially when your company is currently in a debt crisis…"

As he spoke, Song Xinjie was losing his confidence. Just at this moment, his phone rang.

He looked at his phone. "Sorry, I have to take this."

After he hung up the phone, he looked at Wen Ning and felt a little awkward. "Hmm… but Miss Wen's sincerity has indeed moved me, so I've decided to continue working with your company. However… I have another condition."

"What condition?" Wen Ning asked in surprise.