
The short police officer who had brought Wen Ning to the police station pushed open the door and entered. He then said to the police officer who was in the midst of questioning, "There's no need for any more interrogation. Let her out!"

The police officer asked curiously, "I haven't finished asking! What's the matter?"

"She has been bailed out!"

"Bail? How is that possible? She hurt Deputy Mayor Sun's son, Sun Peng. Deputy Mayor Sun himself said that no one can bail her out…"

"The mayor gave the order!" The short policeman interrupted the statement.

The room fell silent.

The police officer put away his notebook and said, "Alright, Miss Wen, you may leave now!"

When Wen Ning stood up, she was also puzzled. Did the mayor ask her to leave? She didn't seem to know the mayor. Could it be… Yan Heng?

There could be no one else but him, right?

Song Xinjie and the lawyer had been waiting at the entrance of the police station. When they saw Wen Ning coming out, the two of them heaved a sigh of relief. The three of them chatted for a while. At this moment, Wen Ning only wanted to see her son Wen Li as soon as possible, so she only briefly explained the situation just now.

"CEO Yan brought your son to the He family's banquet. He told me that you can look for him there once you are out. Do you need me to send you there?"

Wen Ning nodded. "I'm afraid I'd have to trouble you to do so. Thank you!"

Just as the three of them were about to leave, a car stopped before them. Next, a middle-aged man pulled a young man out of the car.

The young man's arm was wrapped in bandages, and his face was filled with dismay. As soon as he was pulled out of the car by the middle-aged man, he saw Wen Ning. He hurriedly said, "It's her!"

"Are you Miss Wen?" The middle-aged man looked at Wen Ning and asked carefully.

Wen Ning nodded. She had already recognized the young man. It was the fellow who had touched her last night.

The middle-aged man forced a smile on his face. "Hello, Miss Wen. My name is Sun Xingyun. I understand that my son, Sun Peng, offended Miss Wen yesterday. It's all my fault for not having disciplined him properly. I apologize to you!"

At this point, Sun Xingyun kicked the young man beside him again. "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and apologize to Miss Wen!"

"Miss Wen, I'm sorry."

Sun Peng clearly reluctant to apologize.

Wen Ning nodded nonchalantly and said, "Forget it."

She was in a hurry to find her son and did not have the time to bicker with such a despicable person.

Noticing that Wen Ning did not seem to mind, Sun Xingyun smiled apologetically and said, "Yes… I'll discipline him well when we get back. Miss Wen, if you're not angry, I hope you can… put in a good word for me with the Mayor. Please!"

Help you put in a good word? Wen Ning sneered. "Wait till I find the watch that 'snatched' from Mr. Sun."

"Your wristwatch?" Sun Xingyun was stunned for a moment. Then, he looked at his son angrily. "Did you accuse Miss Wen of stealing your things? You bastard! I'll beat you to death!"

"Ah!" Sun Peng screamed. "No, no… I've already found it. She didn't snatch it, she didn't snatch it…"

With this, Sun Peng, who had lost an arm, was beaten up again.


Wen Ning arrived at the He family mansion in Song Xinjie's car.

"Mommy!" Wen Li let go of Yan Heng's hand and jumped into Wen Ning's arms.

Yan Heng felt his hand suddenly become lighter. When he saw the little guy jump into his mother's arms, he felt empty. It was as if… his prized toy had been snatched away by someone else.

"I'm sorry, baby. Mom had something to do at the last minute and wasn't able to pick you up."

After comforting her son for a while, Wen Ning walked to Yan Heng with her son in her arms. "Sorry for troubling you."

"There's no need to thank me. If you want to express your gratitude, you should thank Mayor Wu first." Yan Heng pointed at a middle-aged man beside him and introduced them.

Wen Ning nodded and said, "Thank you, Mayor Wu!"

Mayor Wu looked at Wen Ning and suddenly frowned. "Is your father… called Wen Zhenghai?"