Challenge of Uchiha Itachi

Hyuga Shiratori and izumi, the two strolled on the streets of the clan land.

Along the way, Uchiha looked at him like a thief.

I have to say that Uchiha Yukino's judgment is correct.

If it wasn't for her foresight, let Uchiha Quan accompany the delivery.

I'm afraid someone can't help but jump out now and ask Hyuga Shiratori.

"That… I'm sorry, Shiratori-san."

Uchiha Quan's face was a little awkward.

Think about being rescued by the other party during the day and paying for her gifts.

But his own people treated Hyuga Shiratori so rudely.

This makes her very sorry.

"It's not Quan's fault. Besides, I don't care about other people's eyes."

Hyuga Shiratori looked casually.

He didn't care about the Uchiha people who were showing bad faces around him.

It's just a group of pretentious dragons!

Besides, soon, these people will be his targets for harvesting Chakra.

Who will remember how many slices of bread he has eaten in a day?

"Thank you, Shiratori-san."

Uchiha Izumi's face changed from sadness and replaced with an innocent smile.

Because of the identity of the Uchiha clan, children of the same age basically don't play with her.

Among the same clan, most of them are a bunch of arrogant and arrogant ass kids.

She didn't like to get in.

This resulted in her having very few or no friends.

Hyuga Shiratori is her first, true friend.

Boys and girls walk side by side.

Pulled under the light, the shadows of the two leaned together tightly.


Along the way, there are no dangers.

Although wherever you go, the eye-catching ceremony will follow wherever you go.

However, in the face of Uchiha Spring, people of the same clan are not easy to find faults in a clear face.

However, just as the two were about to walk to the gate of the clan land.

I saw a 5-year-old boy, waiting there for a long time.

At a young age, there are two shallow lines of law on his cheeks.

His eyes looked like Gujing Wubo, and he seemed to have a composure that surpassed that of his peers.

"That is… the son of the patriarch?"

Uchiha Quan looked at him for a moment, and recognized the identity of the other party.

"Oh? Is it interesting to take a filial son in the legend…"

The corner of Hyuga Shiratori's mouth was drawn with a smile, which seemed to be very interested in the figure in front of him.

"Bring a filial son?"

Uchihaquan turned his head, saying that he didn't understand the word.

"Hello, my name is Uchiha Itachi."

Uchiha Itachi took the initiative to greet him.

"Hyuga Shiratori."

Hyuga Shiratori responded indifferently, "What can I do?"

"Friends of the Hyuga clan will visit the Uchiha clan. It is very rare. I want to get to know you…"

Uchiha Itachi's face was paralyzed, and a smirk that thought he was friendly, but was actually very casual, was squeezed out.

Bad rhetoric.

Maybe his father instructed him to test it, right?

Hyuga Shiratori guessed it in his mind.

"Uchiha Itachi, Shiratori-kun is my friend. I invited him to be a guest at my house. It's getting late now. What's the matter, can you wait for tomorrow?"

Uchiha Spring frowned.

She subconsciously feels that the other party is here for trouble.

The Uchiha clan are always so exclusive!

No wonder it is unpopular in the village.

"No, I don't mean to exclude outsiders. I just want to make friends with… Shiratori-kun…"

Uchiha Itachi's eyes flickered slightly and forcefully explained.

In fact, this is not pure.

This is an order from his father.

On weekdays, Uchiha Itachi, who considers himself wise, never communicates with his peers.

Withdrawn and taciturn.

The only person who communicated was Uchiha Shisui, who was a few years older than himself and was also very wise.

Uchiha Itachi is born to feel that he is different from others.

So how could he "put down his IQ" and take the initiative to make friends with the "ignorant and ignorant" Hyuga Shiratori?

But no way, this is the father's order.

Let him test the core disciple of the Hyuga clan in front of him.

Hey~ What's so tempting about this?

Among his peers, there can be no existence comparable to him!

Uchiha Itachi's brain turned rapidly, thinking of what excuse he would use, and inviting the other party to learn from him.

"You are here to challenge me."

Hyuga Shiratori's light words hit the opponent's heart directly!