Save Uchiha Izumi's family!


The brutal ravages of Nine Tails caused huge damage to Konoha Shinobi Village.

The people fled in panic, wailing and crying everywhere.

But all this has nothing to do with Hyuga Shiratori.

He is not the great Virgin.

In his opinion, the life and death of a stranger has nothing to do with him.

Unless it is someone who really has a relationship with him…


Byakugan of Hyuga Shiratori discovered the Uchiha Izumi's family in a remote residential area in the Uchiha clan


Hyuga Shiratori's eyes moved slightly.

Originally, he used each other as a tool for infiltrating the Uchiha clan, and unknowingly established a friendship.

This is the first friend he came to this world to know.


Hyuga Shiratori changed the course decisively and hurried to the direction of Uchiha Spring.

"Mom and Dad! Wait, Quan will rescue you!"

Uchihaquan was tearful, but still very strong, using his immature hands, he kept digging through the ruins.

But helplessly, the big rock pressed against the roof, and with her weak strength, it was simply not enough to move it.

The sharp gravel scraped her small hands with blood.


Houses are constantly collapsing around, and the situation is very dangerous.

Under the ruins, Uchiha Hachiman and Uchiha Yukino were both shouting.

"Koizumi is dangerous here, get out of here!"

"Listen to Mom, Koizumi! Mom and Dad will be fine…"

"I do not want!"

Although Uchiha Quan is a child, he also knows that her parents are fooling her.

Reluctant to leave!

At this moment, Uchihaquan saw the shadow under his feet enlarge.

I looked up subconsciously and found that a building next to it was unbearable, leaning towards her and collapsing!


Uchiha Izumi was so frightened that Huarong paled and closed her eyes.


Instant Technique!

The expected damage from the heavy pressure did not come, and only felt the body loose, as if falling into a warm embrace.

Uchiha Quan opened his eyes tremblingly, his expression stunned.

It was a figure with a black robe, completely invisible.

Holding her in one hand, he escaped and collapsed.

Obviously the other party's dress is suspicious, but I don't know why Uchiha Quan feels an inexplicable sense of familiarity from the latter.

His lips moved, and a name was reflexively spoken.

"Shiratori.... Jun?"

"Huh huh? You found all of this?"

Hyuga Shiratori looked at the girl in her arms with surprise, then stretched out her hand to lift the veil on her face.

With a calm and calm look, comforted the other party.

"It's me, are you not hurt?"

"It's really Shiratori-san…I'm fine, but mom and dad!"

Uchiha Quan's eyes lit up, as if he saw the straw.

Although the other party is a child of her same age, she does not know why, she can always feel a mature atmosphere in the latter that is not in line with her peers.

Subconsciously, you can rely on the other person as a reliable big brother.

"Gentle Fist Method · Eight Trigrams Air Palm!"

Hyuga Shiratori slapped the huge boulder that slumped over the ruins out of the air.


The powerful Chakra shock wave blasted the big rock to pieces in an instant.

Hyuga Shiratori took another breath and exhaled a whirlwind.

"Wind Style·Breakthrough!"


The Wind Style fished from Gen Anbu blows up the debris in the ruins.

The trapped Uchiha Hachiman and Uchiha Yukino were rescued.

"Go… saved!"

"Thank you…huh!? Are you Shiratori-kun?"

The couple who escaped from birth thought it was a member of the Uchiha clan who saved them, but never thought it was Hyuga Shiratori!

Not to mention that the opponent is a member of the Hyuga clan, why would he appear on the Uchiha clan at such a very moment.

A five-year-old child of the other party, even if he started practicing from the mother's womb, he wouldn't have such a powerful Chakra!

"Now everyone should go to evacuation first, it is too dangerous here."

Hyuga Shiratori urged.

"it is good...."

"Koizumi, hold onto mother's hand."

Seeing this couple, they were also very witty and didn't ask him anything.

It doesn't matter what the question is.

What matters is the lives of their family of three!