Magnet Style Troy

Cloud Shinobi team, Troy, Darui, Samui, Mabuyi.

Konoha squad, Baiyunye Mountain, Shancheng Qingye, Moonlight Storm, Uzue Xiyan.

The above are all characters who have shown their faces in the original book.

But this is not important.

Hyuga Shiratori's interest lies in their Chakra.

With a sweep of Byakugan's pupils, he can see the details of the Chakra of these two groups clearly.

"Two Jōnin, plus eight Chūnin-level young ninjas."

Hyuga Shiratori has no interest in Chakra below the Jōnin level.

In other words, his hunting targets are only Troy and Baiyunye Mountain.

"Shoo, hoo~"

Moonlight Hayate and Uzuki Xiyan threw Shuriken and Kunai respectively.


Cloud Shinobi and others immediately broke out of the box, swung their swords and chopped off the shuriken.

"what's the situation?!"

In the face of this sudden scene, the caravan and the thieves were all dumbfounded.

But in front of the ninja, their existence can almost be ignored.

"Cloud Shinobi Ninja, what's the point of entering the border of the Land of Fire without permission?"

Baiyunye Mountain stepped forward and asked.

"You should be very clear about what we are doing in the Land of Fire. Needless to say, fight!"

Troy didn't make any rebuttals, and directly took out a set of scrolls and held it on his mouth, making seals with his hands.

"Boom! Boom!"

Using the prop Summoning, two huge wind demon shurikens were summoned.

Seeing this, Baiyun Yeshan didn't talk nonsense, and pulled out the Shinobi sword on his waist.




The two Jōnin each used the instant technique, and rushed towards each other.

In addition, the juniors on both sides are also doing it.

"Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique!"

Yamashiro Aoba Jieyin spit out a fireball.

"Water Style· Water Barrier!"

Darui spit out a powerful wall of water from his mouth.


Moonlight Hayate and Sam Yi fought a hand-to-hand battle.

"Boom boom boom~"

Uzuki Yuyan and Azabu Yi had a close hand-to-hand fight.

Both sides did not force them, and did it directly.

Four to four, so you can come and go.

Baiyunyeshan is proficient in Konoba swordsmanship, and has a lot of advantages in close combat.

Troy immediately opened the distance and threw out an exquisite shuriken skill, back pressure on the opponent!

Shancheng Aoba is older than Darui, and logically, he should have more combat experience than the latter.

But the result was just the opposite. Darui relied on a fierce force to defeat the former steadily.

Moonlight Hayate and Sam Yi were evenly matched, with no results for the time being.

Uzuki Yuyan is agile, and Mabuyi is not the kind of direct combat ninja, and is at a disadvantage throughout the process.

"It seems that Konoha has so many talents."

Troy's voice was deep and authentic.

The three of his men are all outstanding ninjas of the younger generation of Cloud Shinobi.

Unexpectedly, he casually collided with a Konoha patrol team, and they were evenly matched.

"In that case, don't offend you Cloud Shinobi anymore!"

Baiyun Yeshan looked tough and authentic.

In fact, my heart was shaken.

Because after some fights, he found that the opponent's Chakra was extraordinary, with a weird characteristic.

When he slashed at the opponent with a knife, he would often be deflected from the direction of the blade by an invisible and intangible force.

"No, it is because you Konoha is too strong, that's why Cloud Shinobi has to continuously collect information."

Troy threw out his two-handed Wind Demon Shuriken, facing the weapon with both hands in the air, and carried out a dance of control.

"Magnet Style·Wind Demon Flurry!"

"This is…Blood Succession Boundary!"

Baiyunye Shandong dodged westward, but found that the opponent's Wind Demon Shuriken, as if it had automatic tracking, automatically turned and flew towards him.

"Clang! Puff!"

Swinging a knife blocked one of the wind demon shurikens, but was cut open by the second one.

The Baiyunye Mountain Pass vomited blood and was hit hard!

"Teacher Yeshan!"

Shancheng Qingye's heart is anxious.

"You are careless! Lightning Style· Emotion Wave!"

Darui took the opportunity to make a sneak attack and released the high-pressure Lightning Style from both hands to knock down the opponent.


Seeing that his companion was injured, Uzuki Yuyan hurriedly gave up the offensive against Mabuyi and supported his teammates.

"Mabuyi, are you okay?"

Samui also gave up the fight with Moonlight and Gale and helped his injured teammate.

In this fierce battle, both sides suffered injuries.

But Konoha's loss is even greater.

"We won."

Troy used the power of Magnet Style to manipulate multiple wind demon shurikens in the air.

There was a triumphant smile on the icy face.

He is the Cloud Shinobi elite Jōnin, the owner of Magnet Style Blood Succession Boundary!

However, just as he was ecstatic, he was suddenly penetrated by a weird red light!
