Obstacle ll

But she knew, even that would be a lie. Him, being funny, had nothing to do with the butterflies that sprouted each time they locked glances. She's the one that had allowed herself to get carried away. Now, she thought, he was willing to do away with her and future chances at some wild adventure.

"I did not dine with him," Louisa said through gritted teeth as she played her hands over the waist of her dress as though she was adjusting something about it. "I have only ever dined with him. Once. Since this is his house, he is allowed to have his rules." 

"I see…" Thomas seemed lost for a minute, his mind having travelled elsewhere. It took a dragonfly sizzling past to restore him back to the present moment. "I created that piece a long time ago," he said suddenly.

"What piece? Is it the one you had Tricia give me?" offered Louisa.

"Same one." Thomas tousled his blinding gold hair as he talked. 

"How long?"