Chapter 3

In Japan, no surname, but using only the first name, is a very intimate expression.

Generally, only relatives or elders and friends will call each other like this.

And Aizen,

just called Shinji's name directly now.

He reached out to Shinji with a sincere attitude.

"Captain Aizen, I refuse."

Facing Aizen, Shinji spoke.

"Oh? Still refused? This is the third time.

Aizen smiled and put her hands down as if she wasn't angry at all.

"I'm just a crane tail, I can't help Captain Aizen."

"But being able to use shikai while you're still in the Shinigami academy proves that you're a once in a generation genius"

Looking at Shinji who was suddenly silent.

Aizen pushed his glasses, his horns raised: "A few months ago in the dojo of the academy, you were practicing Zanpakutō late at night and I bumped into it. You would never deny that, right? You seem to have started contacting Bankai?

"Actually…that is Abarai Renji."

Shinji has a faint expression.

Want me to admit it?


You definitely didn't see my face clearly at that time, Shinji was pretty sure of this.

Aizen: "…"

"Shinji-san, a man like you can't be hidden for long. Sooner or later you will shine with your own light and illuminate the world."

After a smile,

Aizen shook his head.

"But my dream is to be a man of the Kuchiki family and eat and wait to die."

Shinji lay there very salty, completely out of enthusiasm.


Aizen left helplessly.


Rolling the blind fish eyes, Shinji stared at the ceiling blankly, lost in thought.

My name is Kuchiki Shinji, I am not of this world . I am not here to be funny, nor there is no unimaginable disaster around me, and I do not have any cheats . I just want to fall in love and have maybe one or 2 girlfriends and live my life lazily. I am not ashamed or embarrassed by my dream.


There is a man named Aizen next to me, and he will stretch out his hand to me if he has nothing to do: Say, Shinji-kun, come and do a big business with me!


It's so exciting… that's weird!

This is Aizen, who can play the entire Soul Society, "Hueco Mundo" and the present world with one person, just by using his IQ.

As for combat effectiveness, there is no need to mention it.

And he,

Kuchiki Shinji, his only dream is to be able to go safely…Ah no, it is to live safely to the end.

The world is too dangerous,

Shinigami, who is at the seat officer level, possesses all sorts of weird and unpredictable abilities.

Captain Shinigami destroying a city is as easy as eating and drinking.

Not to mention at this stage, there is also Vasto Lorde Menos Grande who treats the soul as a meal and can play the captain-level Shinigami as a ball.

Only after,

And Aizen, who is above all of their Shinigami and hollows

Further back,

There is Habach who wants to destroy the world and rebuild the world.

You ask me now, why this world so dangerous? !


My background is pretty good.

As the head of the four nobles, the head of the Kuchiki family and the biological brother of Byakuya Kuchiki, Shinji has almost sat dead as the next head of the Kuchiki family.

But this,

not enough.

Almost all the captains of the sixth division are held by the head of the Kuchiki family.


After Byakuya Kuchiki retires or is killed, the position of captain of the sixth division basically has to be made for Shinji.


In order to live safely to the end, Shinji chose to be the tail of a crane.

Do not pretend to be strength?

Show off talent thoroughly?

Then he is destined to participate in the final battle with Aizen's Karakura Town, or the thousand-year bloody battle with Quincy.

Therefore, being a salted fish is the safest.

As long as I stay at Kuchiki's house honestly, none of them will notice me.

But what Shinji never expected was,

Aizen actually noticed him from a group of students.

"Perhaps at this time, joining the fifth division is indeed a good choice, but…"

Shinji's face was uncertain.

Just like a certain Snake Uncle, if Aizen can be instructed, then the strength will surely usher in earth-shaking changes, and there are various black technologies that can be used.

As long as you don't behave outrageously, you can even quickly master the full power of Bankai and the power of Hollow with the help of Aizen.


"Why is Hōgyoku with me, asshole!"

Shinji opened his jacket with a dark face.

In the chest.

A gem that seems to be able to twist even the line of sight and space, is quietly fitting there, as if it has completely grown up with him, it will be able to enhance the power of life, and continue to inject into his body.

And at the moment,

Shinji is about to enter the process of raising the level of life, which is the first stage of integration with Hōgyoku.

By the time,

He will definitely be discovered by Aizen!


Hey, dear, you have a Hōgyoku

So Shinji will die

Rukia will be not be able to incense him next year.

This is not the ending Shinji wanted!

and so,

Finding a way to survive this crisis is the top priority.

I have to think of a way to cover up the movement of Hōgyoku fusion, so that Aizen can't find it.

"Ah, pervert, why don't you wear clothes!"

At this time,

There was a girl's exclamation in the room, Rukia turned her back to Shinji, her face hot and shouted.

"It's just the shoulders. why are you sounding so excited."

Shinji squinted, putting on his shirt long before Rukia came in.

"But you have to look like a elder brother in front of your sister anyway, right?"

Rukia hid her feet in embarrassment.

"So… did you finally admit that I was your brother?"

Rukia: "…"

"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Rukia dodges his eyes, twists her hands together, and lowers her head slightly.

This guy must care about her very much. The girl's instincts have always been accurate, so she has always refused to call her brother Shinji.

And in the current atmosphere, no one nearby bothered, it was the time to make things clear.

"Say what?"

Shinji raised his eyebrows blankly, and smoothly tucked her dull hair.

Hmm… it feels as good as ever.

"That's… it's that kind of thing. If it's all like this, don't hide it."

Rukia's face turned redder, and she moved her face forward slightly, her eyes tightly together.

"Oh, I see, are you talking about that?"

Then, she heard the answer she wanted, and the guy in front of her really understood her hint.


That's what Rukia wants to hear.

"Rukia, you today…"

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door,

A man wearing a school uniform with a red pineapple head pierced with a large area of ​​blue lines above his eyebrows,

He poked his head in from outside the lounge door and yelled:

"Hey, Shinji, I heard that you fainted, and your physique is too weak. Would you like to start following me to practice slashing the fist tonight?"

Shinji: "???"

You really have a face to say such things while you are still the tail of the crane?

Rukia: "???"

What I want to hear is about to be spoken by Shinji, will it kill you if you show up a few seconds late?

Thinking so,

Rukia's expression became increasingly dangerous, and her petite body seemed to be stained with some black scary lines.

"Go to hell, idiot Renji!"*