Chapter 4

The morning after three days.

"Let's meet again, Kinoshita Maho".

"I am Shihouin Zhenshi."

Two students, one male and one female, waved to Shinji and greeted them friendly.

These two people are Shinji's "teammates".

They are now to stay in the safe area cleared by the Shinigami to practice soul burial.

After this soul burial practice, most students can become regular Shinigami.

"Kuchiki Shinji."

Shinji also nodded, and took another look at Shihouin Zhenshi, who was a girl with a sweet smile.

The Shihouin family has always maintained a friendly relationship with the Kuchiki family.

But immediately,

Shinji's expression became serious.

in memory,

This time the soul burial internship has a big problem.

In the soul burial area,

Aizen has placed a certain amount of Menos Grande in advance for experimentation.


Only a few students survived.

"Well…Don't look so serious, Shinji."

Shihouin closed the long hair in front of his forehead and smiled softly and said, "It's just a soul burial practice. Shinigami adults have already cleaned up this area for us. There are only some weak and weak ones, and there is no danger. ."

"Yes, no matter how bad it is, I am still here. Anyway, I am also an A-level top student with 100 points."

Maho Kinoshita, who was born as a civilian, is a very talkative person. He smiled and patted Shinji on the shoulder, with an expression that you are messing with me and I am protecting.

"I hope so."

Shinji sighed.

It can be seen from the team that the Shin'ō Spiritual Arts Academy is very concerned about him, the crane tail of the four nobles.

But the problem is,

Maho Kinoshita, who doesn't even know Shikai,

can't defeat a menos grenade

[Hurry up and meet Rukia. ]

Shinji took a deep breath, feeling a little uneasy: "You two, don't go away."

"Hey, hey, don't direct me, anyway, my score is higher than yours, right?"

"Ah Le, does Shinji-san already have tactics?"


It didn't take long before the expressions of several people changed completely

You won the jackpot."

The three people who had already buried the souls stood in this area with ugly faces.

on the ground,

A dozen corpses were lying scattered.

Blood and stumps are everywhere.

Those are familiar faces in the college.

"how so…"

Kinoshita Maho, who had always had a relaxed expression, fell to the ground with the tears dangling in his eyes. He looked pale at the corpse all over the floor.

"Obviously it was just a cutscene…"

Shihouin Jinshi endured the nausea and vomiting, and inspected the corpse, his face changed: "Not long after he died, the enemy is still nearby!"

At this time,

A horrible coercion suddenly soared into the sky.

Shihouin and Kinoshita's legs softened and they almost knelt on the ground.

The sky seemed to be collapsing, and his thinking was almost stagnant, unable to think, even the slightest fear and the thought of running away.

"Don't stand there in a daze."

do not know when,

Shinji suddenly stood in front of them, freeing them from the deadly state of fear.

"Okay…it's scary, at that moment I felt like I was dead…"

In the big gasp, Maho Kinoshita wiped off the cold sweat that was constantly flowing on his forehead, but when he looked at Shinji, there was a flash of doubt in his eyes.

"Reiatsu of this level is definitely not a salted fish, I am afraid it is Menos Grande? Why is there such a terrible guy in the soul burial area…"

Shihouin Zhenshi's voice trembled, struggling to stand firm.

"That…not just Menos Grande…"

Shinji said with a gloomy face.

Perhaps because of his reasons, Aizen's experiment had some accidents this time. Aizen simply dropped a few Adjuchas Menos Grande?

After all, the intuition of early warning came true.

That…what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Shihouin Jinshi's face changed.

Even ordinary hollows are extremely powerful enemies for the students of the Spiritual Academy who have not yet truly become Shinigami.

Not to mention the Menos Grande of Adjuchas class!

That is the enemy that Shinigami, who is at least the deputy captain level or higher, can face!

"Listen, you two find a place to hide and don't come out."

After Shinji gave a command, a blue light flashed under his eyes, and Reiatsu spread invisibly, quickly catching Rukia's Reiatsu.

"found it!"


Shinji disappeared in place with a scream.

"Hey hey hey, what is this speed? Can Shunpo do this?"

Kinoshita's eyes widened, watching this scene in surprise.

"I'm afraid, Shinji-kun has never used all his strength in his previous tests, right?"

Shihouin is truly thoughtful.

"Speaking of this, have you noticed that Reiatsu, who can collapse our souls simply by oppression, seems to have no effect on Kuchiki Shinji."

Kinoshita took a breath.

This guy seems to be a monster.



The crimson Cero hit the ground and directly blew up a building.

Hey, Why are you Shinigami only hiding? It's so boring."

A humanoid figure with a mask on his face and a black monster with a hollow hole on his chest, walking on the street, said with a relaxed expression.

His name is Carol, Menos Grande of Adjuchas class!

"Damn it, why are there enemies of this level!"

In a hidden corner, Rukia looked ugly.

Around her, there are Abarai Renji, Hinamori Momo, and Kira Iziru.

In the chaos, these friends from the academy quickly gathered together.

"That's Adjuchas, right? It's definitely Adjuchas, right? Why do these monsters appear in the soul burial internship? What are they thinking above?"

Abarai Renji scratched his hair irritably.

"Really, wouldn't it be fine to stay there quietly and be killed by me? Why do you have to hide like a mouse."

Carol flicked his tail and suddenly took a step back, avoiding a crimson flame.

With a touch of bloodthirsty and calm in his eyes, he looked at Shinigami who appeared to his side.

Shinigami held a double-headed spiral sickle-shaped Zanpakutō in a chain.

"It's Hisagi Shuuhei, saved!"

Abarai Renji threw his fist excitedly.

"Call him Vice Captain Hisaki, Renji-kun."

Kira Iziru corrected.

Hisagi Shuuhei is the person in charge of this soul burial internship.

With him…

Before Kira Iziru breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Hisagi Shuuhei, who was his savior, being hit by Adjuchas' Cero and disappearing from their sight.

Kira Iziru: "…"

Rukia: "…"

Abarai Renji: "…"

What to do if the savior is beaten up, urgent!

Next second.

Carol's scarlet eyes suddenly looked in their direction, and the crimson light condensed in his open eyes:

"I found you guys…"*