It's been a week since Ailen died. And the young man who was depressed because his mother suddenly left him, is now back to normal activities. The father was right. If he continues to be sad, his mother will not like to see him.
This morning with a bright sun as bright as Arley's face which is back to normal, Saint started his morning with breakfast with Sean, who is now faithful in cooking and accompanying his only son's breakfast. Occasionally interspersed with their small talk.
"Do you want Papa to deliver?" Adam offered as Arley cleared the plates on the dining table.
"No need Pa. I can go alone as usual." Arley refused gently. Since childhood, Arley was used to being independent when he went to school. But he will always be spoiled for Ailen.
"Are you sure?" Adam seemed doubtful.
"Ummm, very sure." Great Arley looks at his father.
"Take it easy Papa. I'm fine." He was sure who knew his father's concern.
Adam could only sigh and nod in approval of his son's words. He just feels a little worried if his son is still sad because of his mother.
"Hey! Don't make a face like that Pa." He whined. "You seem to want to let go of your child who just entered kindergarten."
"Umm umm. You are indeed my little son who I should always worry about. You're careless."
"Wow! Papa really underestimated me." His lips pouted, his hands crossed over his chest.
Adam chuckled to find his son pouting. Rubbing his son's brown mane dear. "Yes yes, Papa believes in you son. Yes, let's go. You'll be late."
"Ready captain!" Arley spirit pays his respects to his father. Don't forget the sweet smile that had disappeared a week ago has now re-emerged and curved beautifully on his son's plum lips.
The pair of children and father walked out of their minimalist house. Starting a new day without the woman they love so much. Welcoming a future that is still unclear for both of them. But, both of them hope that their future life will be better.
One week without setting foot in his school which he has been attending for almost 12 years, turned out to make a young man named Arley Curt Daran miss the school atmosphere which was very crowded for him.
His feet stepped back into the school area which was already crowded with several students who had started to fill the school corridor. Every now and then his lips curved into a smile to reply to greetings from friends or classmates. The sad face one week ago has disappeared, replaced by a friendly and gentle face as usual. And when his feet turned to a door painted gray, he was immediately greeted by several students who immediately rushed to greet him.. It's as if he was really awaited by all of them.
"ARLEY! You're finally back in school! I really miss you you know!" A short youth with white skin, a sweet round face, brown hair that looks soft, also her slender petite body immediately clung to Arley's arms. His thin lips continued to chatter this and that, telling everything that had happened when Saint was on school leave.
"You don't know..."
"Uhhh don't cut it. I'm not done talking yet." It sucks for the guy named Sean.
"Umm umm, I'm listening." He landed his ass on his bench. Staring at Sean who was still excitedly talking to him.
"There's a new Saint!" Sean exclaimed excitedly.
"Uhhh why oh just what?"
"Yeah, so what should I do?" Arley asked, looking back at Sean with embarrassment. "Do I have to say 'Wow."
"You'll definitely say wow if you've seen the person." Sean assured with sparkling eyes.
Seeing his best friend with such an expression made Arley curious. What does the new kid look like?.
"He's coming! He's here!" Sean exclaimed excitedly. His eyes kept darting towards the classroom door.
Out of curiosity, Arley also turned towards the door. There he found the figure of a man with thick eyebrows, thin naturally red lips, a firm jaw, eyes as sharp as an eagle, with jet black hair, also don't forget her proportional body with tan skin which is very exotic and looks manly.
His eyes were glued to what he saw making him reluctant to look away. That cold yet handsome face looks very shining among the others.
"Is he the one?" Arley asked not looking away.
"Yes. Handsome, right?" Ask back Sean who is just as fascinated as Arley.
"Really." He muttered not denying that the man who was said to be the new kid looked very handsome. "What's his name?"
"Just ask the person yourself."
"Oh come on Sean. How could I go straight to him and ask What's your name? That's not funny Sean." Arley's face looked at Sean with disgust.
"Yeah... Can you try like that." Ignorant Sean shrugged his shoulders.
"You suck." Arley growled.
"Of course."
While Arley was cursing Sean, he didn't realize that the man they had been talking about had arrived at his desk, which was none other than Arley's desk.
"Morning." Sean greeted cheerfully, facing back.
"Morning." Short reply.
Arley's eyes bulged when he heard a deep, slightly hoarse voice from behind him. He turned to Sean who was now smiling mockingly at him. Her face is really annoying.
"He's sitting behind me?" Arley asked in a whisper.
"Of course."
"Why didn't you tell me earlier." Arley growled still whispering.
Instead of answering, Sean just stuck out his tongue mockingly.
"Get to know him if you want to know his name." He replied after he was satisfied with mocking Arley.
"You're so annoying."
"I already know." Sean laughed contentedly seeing Arley's red face holding his temper at him, but the young man who holds the status of his best friend knows that judging from Arley's enormous curiosity the young man beside him is very curious about the name of the new student.
Satisfied with swearing at his best friend, with great curiosity and great determination, Arley looked back. Staring at the new student who is now closing his eyes with a headset in his ear. His hands clasped together, his face looks calm making the young man look even more handsome when looked at up close like this.
"Handsome." Arley muttered without realizing that he had been staring at the young man in front of him for too long.
"What's wrong?" He asked without opening his eyes. Suddenly it made Arley jump in surprise and wonder. The reason is, those eyes are still closed and don't open at all.
" A… ngh… That…" He stuttered not knowing where to start. And really, this was not the nature of an Arley Curt Daran..
"Namaku Zevan." Ucapnya, matanya terbuka menatap Arley yang kini terlihat melongo.
"Huh!" Arley's face looked really stupid, and Sean could only shake his head at the stupidity of his best friend.
"My name is Zevan." He repeated once again.
"How did you know I wanted to ask your name?" Arley asked confused. Because he hasn't asked anything since the first time.
"You can see from your face, I also heard you and Sean talking earlier." He answered looking at Arley flatly.
"Oh ah really?" Arley clumsily felt caught. His hand scratched the back of his head that didn't itch. It's so embarrassing to talk about other people behind their backs and end up getting caught.
"Sorry if I talked about you. I just want to get to know you. You're a new kid." He added smoothly after getting rid of his awkwardness.
"Umm, it's okay." He replied simply.
"Umm, where did you transfer from?"
"From overseas."
"Oh, that means you just returned to Indonesia, right?" Adly is really just a journalist.
"Yes, it can be said like that."
"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce my name." His hand was stretched out in front of the young man who said his name was Zevan. "My name is Arley. Arley Curt Daran." He explained in detail the surname.
"I already know." Zevan replied nonchalantly, but didn't refuse Arley's outstretched hand even though he only shook his hand for a while.
"Hah! How do you know? I didn't tell you before." Surprised, Arley tilted his head. Ignoring the strange feeling when the young man named Zevan's hand shook his cold hand.
"From your conversation earlier." Zevan replied perfunctorily.
"The feeling was we didn't mention the name. Right, Sean?" Arley asked his best friend.
"Sorry Arley, Zev. He really likes to talk a lot. Especially if you are curious, you will definitely ask a lot more than a journalist." Sean said looking at Zevan uncomfortably. Ignoring Arley's questioning. He is already embarrassed by the Saint's behavior which is full of curiosity.
"Umm, it's okay." He replied nonchalantly. Both hands put the headset back into his ears again with his eyes closed again. Enjoy the music playing from your cell phone.
"Hey! You really like to make fun of me, don't you?" Arley exclaimed looking at Sean in annoyance.
"I'm not mocking you! That's a fact, yes. You're really fussy."
"I'm not fussy, you know."
"You're talkative."
No! I just talk a lot."
"Hahaha... It's the same as Ferguso." Sean burst out laughing when he heard Arley's rebuttal which he thought meant it was true.
"That's different Marimar!" Angry Arley is still chuckling with his argument. His face already looks bright red which makes Sean really want to burst out laughing because he can prank his best friend.
But Sean did his best to hold back his laughter when he saw the teacher had entered the classroom. With his hand Sean asked Arley to look ahead if the teacher had arrived. ARLEY followed the direction of Sean's index finger, his eyes stared at the young man in annoyance.
"I'll hit you later." His growl was restrained at Sean who was only met with a mockery from the owner.