Chapter 6

As usual in the morning. Arley goes about his activities with a smile and enthusiasm that never runs out. His heart was broken because of his mother's departure. Now it's closed again because of the arrival of a new person who can make him happy and comfortable when he's always by his side.

The plum lips continued to curve beautifully as she walked along the road that connected her to the bus stop near her housing complex. Occasionally his mouth hums cheerfully. Shows how happy the creature of God is.

Hik hik hik.

His ears sharpened at the sound. The sound of a child's cry. His head turned around to find the source of the sound. When he turned to his left, his eyes caught a small figure sitting on the side of the road with his head sunk to his knees. Arley slowly approached, wanting to make sure what was wrong with the little child who was in the middle of the morning.

"Hi. Why are you crying?" Arley asked softly. Sitting next to the boy who was still crying.

Her little head looked up, staring at Arley with tears streaming down her pale cheeks.

"I'm lost." He said sobbing.

"How come. Where are your parents?" He asked again stroking the boy's black mane gently.

"At home."

"Do you know your address? Let me take you home."

"I know." He nodded.

"Alright, let's take you home first." Invite Arley to extend his hand to the small child in front of him, who in return is the little one's hand that feels cold for some reason.

"Why are your hands so cold?"

"Because I'm always cold."

"Since when have you been lost??"

"It's been a long time."

"Why don't you ask someone else to take you home? Or you can go to the police station." His tone sounded worried.

"No one can help me."

"Have you asked them for help?"

"I have. But no one can help me."

Arley sighed. Her tender heart felt angry when she heard the words of the child beside her who said that no one could help her.

"Yes, you just tell me where your address is. I'll deliver." Arley asked once more after arriving at the bus stop.

The little boy turned. He looked up at Arley. His pale lips smiled broadly, staring sadly at Arley.

"I can't go back to my house."

"Why can't you go back to your house? Were you expelled?" Arley's voice rose slightly. Afraid that his thoughts would be right.

"Not. They even wept for my departure. But I can't go home." Obviously the little boy is ambiguous.

"What do you mean? Please explain to me. I'm a little confused."

"I can't go home because I shouldn't be in this world anymore. I have to cross and be reincarnated immediately to be able to live my next life." Said the little boy which made Arley pale..

The hand grip on the boy slipped. His unblinking eyes stared at the pale face of the child in front of him. Those eyes were also empty, why didn't Arley notice that the kid's body was so cold.

"Are you afraid of me?" Asked the little boy looking at Arley intensely. Blinking cutely waiting for Arley's answer.

"A little." Arley stuttered. It would be a lie if Arley wasn't afraid of a small figure who turned out to be a ghost.

"Can you help me to be able to cross into my realm?" He asked once again.

"B-but why are y-you asking me for help?" Arley asked stuttering. The hairs on the back of his neck started to boil.

"Because you are a noble lover." The little boy's answer suddenly made Arley even more confused.

"Beloved? Your Excellency? Who?" asked Arley who was very confused.

"Yes. This beautiful sister is the lover of the noble king. So can you help me to cross into my realm? I don't want to be stuck here." Those empty eyes stared at Arley pleading.

"Hey boy! Do not disturb him. He doesn't know anything." A baritone voice called from in front of them standing up.

Arley turned his attention to the baritone voice. The netra found the figure of a handsome man in an all-black suit. His eyes are sharp, with a sharp jawline, thick eyebrows, natural red lips with a muscular stout body that looks dashing.

"I just want to quickly cross over to my realm sir." Said the little boy looking at the tall figure in front of him without fear.

"You should be looking for me, not looking for him. He doesn't know anything." The man said firmly.

"But he's a noble lover, sir."

"But he doesn't know anything, kid. So stubborn."

The little boy sighed tiredly. Yeah yeah alright. I won't disturb the empress. So please take me with you. I'm tired of a week here without being able to cross." He complained sullenly.

"It's your own fault. When I picked you up, you went and bothered other kids." Said the man annoyed.

"Yeah, I still can't accept that I'm dead." His voice sounded annoyed.

"Then now you have accepted?"

"Yes, how else? I want to refuse too I'm dead." He surrendered.

"Yes, come with me." Invite the man to be firm.

"Yes yes yes, come on!" The little boy obeyed. Standing beside the mysterious man to quickly leave there. But before he walked away with the man, he turned his head. Staring at Arley who seemed to be very surprised by what he saw and also heard.

"Hey beautiful sister!" The little boy called out to Arley.


"My name is Zoe. I'm your neighbor in the complex. My parents' house is on block B, if you want to know."

"Huh!" Arley was still confused. Feeling weird about the situation that was happening to him.

"Never mind, forget it." Zoe was annoyed. "I'll go first. Thanks. You are a very good young man." He said sincerely with a sweet smile.

"I go first. Be careful, beautiful sister." He said goodbye, walking away from the mysterious man earlier.

For a long time Arley was still standing stiffly at the bus stop. Digest all the events that just happened. The next second, his scream echoed in the bus stop area. Making some passersby feel surprised by his behavior.

"I just met a ghost!" He exclaimed in disbelief.

"Oh God! This is terrible God!" She screamed hysterically.

"Hi you! Do you want to go up?" said the bus driver who was surprised to see Arley screaming hysterically instead of getting on the bus that had been stopped for a long time. Luckily the bus driver knew Arley, so he reprimanded him.

"Ah yes sir, I'm up."

The whole way Arley just sat quietly with his thoughts still on the little boy named Zoe earlier. Question after question took turns filling his brain. But he didn't get an answer, instead he was getting more and more confused about everything.

"Had reached. Aren't you going to get off?" The driver's voice snapped Arley out of his thoughts again.

"Oh yes sir. Thank you." He said getting off the bus.

For some reason, his mind keeps on thinking about what happened this morning which is still very confusing for him. Walking dreamily because his mind is not there.


"If you walk, watch your steps!"

Arley woke up when he heard a shrill, slightly bass baritone voice that he knew very well. Seeing those worried looking eyes, made Arley feel guilty for not walking.

If there is no Zevan to help him, it is certain that he will be hit by a falling ceiling which for some reason hits him.

"Sorry." He said softly.

Zevan is silent, looking around with his sharp eyes. Investigating every corner of the school for some reason this time the aura is denser. 

His net caught a black figure crossing the corner of the school. Makes Zevan harden his jaw. His eyes shone with anger after realizing that the accident just now almost took the life of his lover because of someone's actions.

Without a word, Zevan grabbed his lover's hand to follow him. Arley just resigned himself to following Zevan's every step towards his class.

"Silence in class. Do not go anywhere. Understood." His tone was firm, not wanting to be denied. And Arley isn't so stupid with his lover's intentions.

"Yes. I understand." He nodded.

"Sean! Take good care of Arley. Don't let him out of class one step before I come back here." His message to Sean which was also nodded by the owner.

"Where are you going?" Arley asked when he saw he was about to leave.

"I have a little business. You were here with Sean. Remember my message earlier. Cup." A kiss that required sedation landed on Arley's forehead. Hope his lover will calm down and obey all his messages. 

"Why do you look pale, Arley?" Sean asked, worried seeing Arley's face was very pale.

"That. Earlier, the school ceiling almost hit me. Luckily Zevan saved me. If not! I don't know what will happen to me Sean." The story is still shocking.

"What! Why can?"

"I was just walking."

"Why are you daydreaming? You are stupid. It's a good thing you're okay." Sean vomited furiously at Arley.

"What's in your brain actually?!"

"I was thinking about what happened earlier at the bus stop." Still in shock, Arley told her everything. From the first time I met the little boy until I found out that the boy named Zoe was not a human.

"Y-you met a ghost!"

"Hm. That's why I'm confused. So far I don't have a sixth sense. But, why now can I see ghosts?" Either Arley asked himself or Sean. What is certain is that both of them are confused about the answer.

"What a surprise." Sean mumbled in disbelief.

"You think I'm not as confused!" Arley exclaimed indignantly.

"Why are you even mad at me!"

"You're annoying you know!"

"Like you're not the same!"

The pointless debate between the two happened again. It became a common sight for class 12-B. But seeing Arley was able to get angry with him, made Sean feel calm. That means his friend is calm.


"Find out who dares to harm my lover. Bring him before me, dead or alive." A firm voice commanded with such a strong aura.

"Well your highness." Obedient two valiant knight men with cold and resolute faces. Bowed respectfully to the figure before him and immediately went to fulfill the assigned task.

"Watch him for 24 hours. Make sure he's okay. Don't let you lose even one move." He ordered another figure who became one of his confidants.

"Good, Your Majesty." The tall, sturdy, firm, dashing figure, also the knight immediately left. Paying respect to the king and carrying out his assigned duties.

"Is this the work of their majesty?" Asked another knight figure who was always by his king's side.

"Who knows. I don't want to be accused without proof." His sharp eyes shone on the expanse of weeds where he gave the task to his three confidants.

The wind blows slowly, blowing the strands of hair that reach his eyes. The morning that should have been bright, has now turned dark because of an event that never happened .

He swore that if the owner of his heart were to be injured by even a speck of dust, he would be without a trace.
