Chapter 5

Arley and Zevan have been in a relationship for more than two weeks. Everything went smoothly. Sean as a friend of the two has also given his blessing. In fact, both of them also have the blessing of Arley's father. For Adam as long as his son is happy he will always support Arley's decision.

Not infrequently Zevan visits Arley's house just to play or take his girlfriend home from school. One thing Arley understood more and more. His lover has a busy life outside of school which sometimes takes up his time. Time to be with him is not necessarily every day, because Zevan also often doesn't go to school lately. I don't know what the young man who has the status of his lover did. But Arley believes Zevan will not play crazy out there.

After meeting Glen two weeks ago in the park behind the school, the two of them often saw each other during Arley's break. Just taking the time to talk to the young man he can only meet at the back of the school. I don't know whether Arley was aware of Glen's existence or indeed the young man really liked the cool garden behind the school, Arley could only find Glen in the garden behind the school. On the park bench where they met for the first time.

Chatting with Glen's figure allows Arley to learn many things. From how hard life is to how to control anger, Arley learns from Glen who always looks the same. Calm, quiet, empty eyes that never change as well as pale lips but always able to give out very valuable advice for Arley.

"What grade are you actually in, Glen?" Arley asked. Already very curious about the figure beside him who always looks calm.

"You don't need to know." He replied as usual when Arley asked this.

"tsk necessary. I need to know." He snorted in annoyance.

"What for?"

"Make it easy for me to find you."

"If you want to meet me you can just come right here, and you will find me sitting here."

"But if I knew your class, it would be easier for me to find you." Arley was still chuckling at his stance.

"You'll regret it if you know where my class is."

"Will not." The sign looks at Glen closely.

Glen sighed. It's hard to argue with Arley who has a very high level of curiosity.

"I'll tell you. But not now."

"Well. Why not now! Whether it's now, tomorrow or next week, it's the same!"

The pale face turned to Arley. Staring at Arley's brown eyes that radiated a very high curiosity.

"Not. Or I won't want to see you again." Glen firmly stared at Arley intensely.

"Alright alright!" Arley surrendered when he saw Glen's resolute eyes.

"Go to your class."

"You kicked me out!" Arley exclaimed, did not accept.

"Yes! I'm kicking you out, because soon the last lesson will take place."

"Come on, let's go to class together."

"You go first." Reject Glen as usual.

"You're so weird. Every time I invite you to class, I also ask what grade you are in, you never want to answer."

"It's privacy."

"What privacy. You just don't really want to tell me where your class is."

"Yes, think of it like that." Glen replied resignedly. "There you go. Or your lover will be confused looking for you because you also haven't come back."

"He already knows I'm here."

"Did you say goodbye to him?" Glen asked surprised Arley.

"Yes." He answered simply.

"Then what did Zevan say?"

"Yeah, I didn't say anything. He's normal."

"He didn't tell you something like that?" He asked again, wanting something.

"Tidak." Kepala Arley menggeleng.

Glen took a deep breath, as if he had removed a heavy weight from his body. "Yes there is." Back Glen kicked out Arley.

"You really are a merciless friend. I really like kicking myself out." Arley grumbled. He got up from his seat. "Yeah, I've been to class first. Bye."

"Bye!" Glen replied, staring at Arley's narrow back until it disappeared behind the wall.

Like previous meetings. After Arley's departure the young man's eyes stared blankly ahead. Only to Arley are those eyes willing to turn, lips to speak, and there is a sense of humor and mischief there.

"I'm surprised at you Arley." Sean said hanging when Arley sat on his chair.

"Wonder why?" Ask Arley back.

"You often meet your friend named Glen. In fact, I often think so."

"Why? Are you jealous that I have a new friend?" His eyebrows rose and fell at Sean. His lips smiled brightly.

"geez. No! I'm just wondering, how come you see him so often? But until now you don't know what grade he is."

"Yes, maybe he really needs privacy. I really often annoy people when they're close to me."

"Ha ha ha ha.... You are self-aware too, it turns out that you often annoy people." Sean laughed contentedly. His hands are holding his stomach from laughing too much.

Arley stared blankly at Sean who laughed uncontrollably. "It's so good you laughed."

"Forget it. But I was surprised by Arley. When I tried to find Glen in the garden behind the school, he wasn't there."

"When are you looking for it?"

"The day before yesterday when you were in a corner with your lover in the cafeteria, and you didn't see him. That's why I went to the park behind the school to meet him."

"Why are you looking for him?"

"You ask a lot of questions!" Upset Sean when reporter Arley's soul comes out like this.

"Tsk, yes I just want to know. Because he's my friend."

"I just wanted to chat with him. How do you like talking to him so much? Sometimes you even prefer to meet Glen rather than sleep with Zevan. That's why I'm curious, what's so special about that kid that you spend so much time meeting him." Sean explained at length.

Arley sighed. His hands clasped his chest with dreamy eyes imagining the figure of Glen which somehow caught his attention.

"He had sharp, but empty eyes. As if there was no life in it. His face also looked dim, as if he was suffering from sadness. He also has mature and wise thinking which makes me comfortable telling him many things. And his existence that I can only meet in the garden behind the school, it seems to attract me to always get closer to him."

"Did he also talk about himself?" Sean also became curious about Glen's figure."

"He once told me that he was always lonely. Can't go anywhere and just imprisoned in one environment."

"Did his family restrain him?"

"I don't know. He's only told that much."

"Why is he so mysterious?"

"Oh yes! Earlier he had said that one day I will know where he is."

"Why not just tell you right away?"

"Who knows. When I pressed him he threatened not to see me again."

"What a strange young man."

"But he's good." Arley rebutted.


"Arley, I'm going straight to my piano lessons. Are you okay going home alone?" Sean asked as the two walked along the school corridor.

"No problem. It's normal for me to go home alone."

"Yes it is. But lately it's been said that you often feel like someone is following you when Zevan or I can't take you. I am worried."

"Maybe it's just my feeling. It's okay really." Arley said, trying to calm his friend."

"Indeed Zevan can't pick you up?"

"Not. He is busy with his business. You also know yourself, when he leaves he can't be reached until he comes back."

"What's the matter? Just like important. It's true that if he doesn't take care of it the world will collapse."

"Maybe it's really important."

"But you're going home alone now."

"It's okay. I'm used to it. I've grown up too." Arley rolled his eyes in disgust at Sean's excessive worry.

"I'm just worried about you." Sean once again voiced his worries.

"Yes I know. Thank you my best friend." His hand wrapped around Sean's shoulder dear.

"Yes, I've gone first. Bye! Be careful on the way."

"Sip! You should also be careful on the road!"


Arley stepped to the bus stop next to his school. Waiting for the bus that will take him home.

At the bus stop there was only him and one student who had been silent all this time. Somehow Arley feels the air this afternoon is a little cold. The hairs on his neck growled as the cold afternoon wind blew and caressed his body.

His eyes looked around, this time it was very quiet. With overcast clouds, it makes the atmosphere even more lonely. His eyes scanned his surroundings, for some reason his heart was a little wary of his surroundings. Feeling that there are eyes stalking him, watching his every move.

This time it's either just a feeling or there is something strange about the young man who is not far from him. The young man was silent all this time with his head lowered. But the aura it gives off is somehow very cold.

After the bus arrived, Arley quickly got into the bus. Leaving the young man at the bus stop. Sitting on the empty middle bench. 

The aura in the car is also a bit quiet for some reason, unusual. I don't know if it's just Arley's feelings or indeed most of the bus passengers are staring at him.

The minutes in the car seemed too long to get home. Sitting uncomfortably with his eyes darting around. Even the bus that was usually busy for some reason was now quiet as if there were no passengers. Only a few people could be heard talking lightly. But the rest is just silent, no one makes a sound.

It took an hour to get to his house, now it feels like a long time. The feeling is getting more and more uncomfortable when the bus arrives at the bus stop not far from his house.

As he walked to his house, Arley again felt that someone was following him watching too . His steps are getting wider and faster to get to his house.


Arley turned his head with a growing heart. Afraid if what is in his mind is true.

"Why do you want to?"

Arley breathed a sigh of relief when he heard dad's baritone voice.

"It's okay. Papa, why are you home?" Then walked hand in hand into the yard.

"Papa's work finished early. So papa decided to go home early and have dinner with papa's son outside."

"Really?" Arley exclaimed happily.

"When did papa lie?."

"Ah! Thank you Papa!" Papa's body is tight.

"Already there, take a shower, papa, wait for it to be brought, ok." Adam ordered.

"Ready 86 commander!" His hands saluted the father and immediately darted to his room. 

Getting ready to have dinner with his dad outside. Forgetting to ignore his feelings earlier, he was also afraid and anxious.

Eyes as dark as night stared intently at the minimalist house in front of him. Staring at one point where two men of different ages walked inside. The black clothes he wore covered his sturdy body. His face is not clearly visible because of the night that has greeted the earth. But those eyes look very dark and sharp, keep lurking the house in front of him.
