Powerful Alpha

Ian Pov

Today we have an important meeting at my head office, I want to finish my work as fast as possible cause from the next two days I will have my ruts as well it's full moon too. So it will be safe if I stay away from my pack and humans as much I can. Still today I don't have clue how much power I have. I am not aware of my wolf too. I know he is midnight black other than that I don't know anything about him like what he does when he is in control or what does he capable of.

He doesn't conversate with me often too as others wolf conversates with their human spirit. I don't know is a gift or a curse. I don't have family other than my little sister Izzy. My parents died in a car accident. Weird I know as werewolves we have a capacity of healing but they were dead due to the blood loss. That's what human doctors said, I am just twelve so I didn't question further. Our pack elders too insisted to leave as it is so without much choice I left the case hanging and carried on my life.

From a young age, I was so fond of doing business. I don't want to spend my life inside these thick forests. It's not like don't like but I want to experience many things in this world so I decided to hand over my pack to elders in my absence. I went to London with my beta Kevin Smith, pack elders insist to take him with me, I didn't protest cause he is my best friend and the only person I feel completely comfortable with so no offense. We both studied business major. I took the music as optional, he took arts.

We both get trained in material arts, and weapon handling. After nine years when we returned, Kevin found his mate who is the worrier's daughter named Natasha. I was so happy for him. After that, I took over the pack as rightful alpha. My sister Izzy mated to our neighbor pack alpha Damon. With help of my family's money, Kevin and I started a small company for import and export. When it picked up, we started a software company then, clothing, then opened a mall after that we opened the shipping, then did some event management, then we started a construction company then beauty products finally we did open several restaurants and five-star hotels.

All our business run successfully cause we never get raw materials outside and we produce the materials ourselves so all profits only belong to us. In ten years we managed to reach the height where no one can touch easily. I am thirty-one still my mate didn't show up, even though my life didn't stop, I am running my pack as well as my business well and efficiently. But the only single thing making me worry is about the weird wolf of mine.

Only a few elders and Kevin saw my wolf twice. They didn't tell any details though but they cage me when I was in my ruts or during full moons. I tried to touch other wolves for my ruts but they were found dead the next morning so I get that my wolf doesn't want anyone near him other than his mate. Even when I flirt with any others by my human side he shows up and scared the person I flirt so I dropped that too. So ashame but the truth is thirty-one is still a virgin. Can anyone believe this? I wonder is it worth waiting for someone who I don't know?

What if she is not as pure as me? She will be. Don't insult our mate. I rolled at my wolf Jad. see how he is obsessed with the girl we didn't even know. If one day we found our mate and she is not the girl Jad expected I wonder what will he do to her? You find out when that comes but I wish it will never come. I wish too, after all, Jad is part of me I can't tolerate if he fell depressed. I heard about the rejection and mate loss stories. I don't want that. I hope with help of my mate I can control Jad and balance both my human and wolf sprites.

My train thoughts were snapped by my bestie Kevin, "Alpha Ian we have a problem". If he addressing me alpha then it must be about our pack. I nodded my head and said, "Go on beta". He too nodded his head and said, "Morning Daniel called, he said that north side our border was crossed by three rouges. They caught them and interrogated them they confessed that there is rouge alpha planning attack against us"

I walked to my office couch, flopped in it, and voiced with a sigh, "You know I can't go back to our pack before my ruts and full moon pass. I trust you, Daniel, and our worriers beta. If I go with you then we can't guarantee who side I will fight, I will probably destroy whoever comes in my way. I don't want to hurt my people. You know better than me beta". He sighed and replied, "I know alpha. I will keep our pack protected in your absence. I promise".

I get up from my couch, walked to him, hugged him gently, and said, "Don't get killed Kev". He hugged me back, patted my back, and said, "I won't Ian" I pulled back from him. Suddenly, my heart began to race rapidly, I know what this meant Jad gonna take over me. I felt hot, my skin felt like it's in hot lava. I know I gonna blank out like expected my mind blackout.

Jad Pov

I opened my eyes which will be glowing golden now. I inhaled sharply, I smelt my beta human's fear which I don't like so I voiced, "Beta human let me speak to Zan" That's his wolf he is more braver than him. he closed his eyes for seconds then opened his eyes which glowed yellow. Zan knelt before me with a head bow and said, "Alpha". I nodded my head and replied, "Raise beta". He stood straight and I continued, "I heard there gonna be a rouge attack in our pack, as Ian said it will be a bit dangerous if I am there cause both ruts and the full moon coming together. I trust you and Fran but if you feel anything is not right you know what to do. I will be there, for my pack, not any cage can't hold me"

He nodded his head and said, "I know alpha, I and Fran will do anything to keep our pack safe. And I will mind link if anything goes wrong." I too nodded my head and beckoned him to leave. Once he left I sat back on the couch and sighed. I felt so lost how can my human side think that I will kill my people. Did he too believe me that I am a monster? no wonder or surprise if he thinks that way cause I never said the truth about me to him or show him what we were capable of. I am afraid what if he doesn't accept me.

Every wolf spirit will be incarnate with a different human spirit. I was the first wolf spirit created by the moon goddess to protect mankind from demons and evil spirits, then imagine how much power I might possess. After the war, no one now wanted a monster like me. when I asked the moon goddess why did she create me like the monster she said she can't do anything about that anymore but she can give me a mate who will love me in any situation or any state. Like promised she gave me mate Jade.

If I reveal whatever I can do to Ian I know he will freak out, he is not weak but he has a soft heart, I know he can't handle the things I handle so he shouldn't know fully about me. I think after meeting Jade I will try to tell him about what else we can do. I know Jade is the only wolf spirit who can control my wolf spirit. I wish she will show up soon. Like before we mate, have several pups together, and live long by loving each other till the very end of our life together.

My thoughts train came to halt when my beta's human voice heard, "Alpha Jad, it's getting late alpha Ian have a meeting in thirty minutes" I nodded my head closed my eyes and gave back control to Ian.

Ian Pov

I opened my eyes slowly to see Kevin in the door frame, I know what happened even though I want to confirm so I asked, "Is Jad took over?" Kevin nodded his head, I sighed and asked, "What did he tell you?" He licked his lips and replied, "He didn't talk to me much he talked with Zan" I frowned and voiced, "With your wolf?" He nodded his head and said, "Yes, he asked him to protect the pack and also told him to call him if we can't". My frown get deeper and asked, "What are you gonna do Kev?"

He sighed again and said, "Ian you know I won't betray you but Zan is more loyal to Jad. Even if I don't Fran will do, you know that". I flopped more on the couch, Fran is my delta Daniel's wolf. If Zan didn't Fran will do what Jad asked. I don't know what Jad is thinking, he knows we only create destruction if we go out during ruts and full moon. I wish this attack won't create unnecessary chaos.

To Be Continued