Simple Life

Glen Pov

I am rushing to my university after finishing my work at home, my life is not so tough or good. It's blunt and black. My parents are not bad nor good, it's confusing, right? I am the only child, they provide me with good clothes, shelter, and food but they never cared too much for me, they were always at work going out of country or town. I never questioned about their work. I never have good childhood memories too.

I never once went to the park or picnic with my parents. I never slept with them, they never feed me, they never attended any of my school functions or to my high school graduation. First I was sad about this but when I was fooled every once I gave up and began to accept the fact that my parents are not like any other parents so why wish things never gonna happen? I never blamed them too, I consoled myself that they were working hard to provide me with all things I need.

They never let me starve, they bought me whatever I asked for, they let me choose what should study or what university I should go to, I am grateful for that though. I am twenty-one doing my fashion design major final year. I was always been a bright student, I can grasp anything soon if I wish I could do any tough major but I wanted to be a designer that's why to choose this major. I took optional as a business.

In two months my studies getting to end, I applied to some companies for the designer job. I want to stand on my feet, as expected for this too my parents never opposed. I hopped in my car and drove from my empty home to university. My parents were out of town they only be back after a couple of months so they won't come for my university graduation too. I sighed and drive in silence, after good fifteen minutes I reached the university, I parked in my usual spot. I grabbed my backpack from the back seat, I forgot to zip it so my capsule bottle fell down.

I grabbed it from the car floor, that's when I remembered that I forgot to take my pills today. I opened the bottle, get the single pill, tossed it in my mouth, drank enough water, and swallowed the purple pill which I take from an age I don't remember. My parents said that I fell sick when I was two years, they almost lost me that time so the doctors suggested taking this pill to avoid getting seriously sick again. I never questioned though, once I forgot to take this pill when I was in high school, then guess what happened, I fell sick which is I got a fever as my skin dipped into lava core, I heard voices in my head like go for a run, run, run.

I freaked out it felt like a nightmare so I quickly took the pill, from that I never forgot to take the pill for a single day. But what the weird thing is this pill can't get in any pharmacy. My parents get this from some other country. See they were not that bad. I put back my pill bottle into my backpack. I hopped out of my car, locked it, and turned to walk in that's when I heard a loud voice of my bestie Linda, "Hey Bitch". I smiled at her, waved, and voiced back, "What's up Bitch".

We know one another from middle school, she lives in a village near this town which is another side of the forest so I never went to her home but she comes often to my home, she stayed with me in my lonely nights. She brought her family to my home too. She has an elder brother named Leon who is a senior here. He is a full course meal, I have a crush on him but he never paid attention to me, not only to me not to any other girls who ogle on him.

Lind's parents were a lovely couple they love each other so much that is so obvious when I saw them. My parents never acted lovely dovely in front of me. I want to be like them with my partner. Maybe that's why I have a crush on Leon. They invited me to their home many times but I never brought myself to go there. I don't why let's say I was afraid of the forest it's crazy I know but I don't why but whenever I see the forest my mind crept with some unknown fear. I don't know how to explain that. Even when I cross the forest road when we travel I felt anxious which I don't know why.

Linda and I walked to our locker there came our other two friends Mia and Rina. We four were badass bitches of university. We four were explanations of beauty. Linda and I were in the same major and Mia and Rina were art majors. Mia has a boyfriend Victor senior business major. Rina has a girlfriend junior from her major called Helen. They were undeniably in love. They look into one another like they were their world. Linda accompany my single ass, I am sure she too gonna get a boyfriend or girlfriend soon.

So far no one impressed other than Leon. I never made move cause I am not sure about him either. otherwise, I am not so shy girl who denies my feelings. I never felt weak even when I never had moral support from anyone. I was supposed to see after my back so I get trained in martial arts, I learned to cook, I can do every household chores, I got a license when I was fifteen. I want to prove that I can do or take care of myself but to who that's the unanswerable question in my heart.

I always felt a void in my heart, I don't know what or who am I missing? not my parents cause I crossed that phase. Now I feel I was missing something like my other half soul, it's possible or this is all my delusional thoughts. I can't discuss this with anyone even with Linda cause I was afraid that what if she judge me. I know she won't but something is stopping me. I wish this phase will cross too.

We reached our class, the teacher walked in, a new one who I saw before. I felt my hand being pressed, I turned to meet my bestie Linda sweating like hell, her hand is so cold. Her breath got rugged. I was panicked, I got up to inform the new teacher. He is not any better he too breathing heavily. Suddenly, Linda sprinted out of the class, the teacher followed. I was so worried, I followed but no one is in the hallway. I wonder where would they go this fast.

I walked further to find them. When I reached the music room I heard a growl, I was so panicked what's this sound. What if any animal came in? Is that possible though? I peak into the music room there I saw the impossible weird scene. Linda and the New teacher were eating one another's face I mean they were kissing one another furiously.

I slowly took back my head out of the door, I mean what the hell? How can she kiss someone she just met? Is that teacher insane? How can he do this to one of his students? I know Linda well why is she behaving out of her character? She never behaved impulsively like this. I don't know what to think about her rash decision. What should I do? should I stop her? What if she thinks that I stopping her cause I have no one? Why am I overthinking?

Suddenly again I heard a loud growl. I panicked, ran as far as I can. I don't know why this sound gives me unwanted feelings. I don't why am I running though, am I afraid? No then why am I running? I don't know. My run came to halt when I bumped into something hard. I fell on my ass with a thud. I groaned and chin up to see the source of my fall it was Leon with his friends. He smiled softly at me, extended his hand to me, I grabbed him, and stood on my feet. I patted my ass and knees to clear the dust.

Once I finish cleaning I turned to Leon. He cleared his throat and asked, "Where were you rushing this fast? Don't you have class now?" I licked my dry, scoffed, and mumbled, "How can I go to a class when your sister and new teacher were busy eating one another's face". I don't want to tell him that's why I mumbled but that sharp ear Leon got the message and yelled, "You mean Linda and David". So the new teacher's name is David. My eyes went wide when I realise that I spill my friend's secret. So I placed my little limbs on the broad chest of Leon and voiced, "Leon stop we don't know what's their story you can't hurt a teacher. You"

He chuckled suddenly and voiced, "Hey kitty stop your nonsense, I won't hurt David or Linda. I am happy for them. After all these years she got lucky to see her mate before me". I frowned and asked, "Mate?" He scratched his nape and replied, "I mean boyfriend". I sighed, waved, and walked back to my class. Once I reached my class I sat in my place but Linda nor the new teacher is now where to see. I got called, when I turned to see the ID it displayed Lin Bitch. I attended the call, before I ask anything she voiced, "Bitch I am ditching you and uni for a week. Sorry I will explain to you when I return. Bye"

She hung up without hearing anything from me. I sighed and continued my day without her but the single word stitched my heart like a throne making me miss the unknown soul more. The word MATE. I wish I too get one.

To Be Continued