
Ian Pov

After the hectic meeting, Kevin drove me to the farmhouse which is far from my pack and city that was built with silver gates and strong stones and secured by the oak tree ash which prevents the supernaturals from getting in and out from the place where it's spread, it's like the spell.

I wish I don't have the power to cross that spell. My wolf spirit knows its limits. so I think I don't want to worry about getting out of control in such ways. We reached the place where I gonna spend the next five days. Once Kevin parked the car in front of the porch, I hopped out and turned to see my beta. I smiled lightly at him and said, "Be careful Kev. See you soon". He smiled back, nodded his head, and said, "I will, you too take care"

I nodded my head at him. He hopped in and drove away. I sighed and turned to see the human watchman in the gate. Once he saw me, he bowed his head and opened the gate for me. After I walked in he closed the door. As I already told this place was bound by the oak ash only humans can reach the door if the supernatural being touches, we will get weak and we can't enter too. When this door was closed by him I can't go out without human help.

He closed the door, I walked into the living room, everything was set already, I mean food, groceries, and bed. I went to the bedroom, removed my suit jumped into the basketball shorts walked back to the kitchen, and had a light dinner to satisfy my stomach. I groaned and flopped on the couch, turned the TV to distract myself from the pain I gonna go through. Slowly the sky faded its blue paint into immerse purple and orange. I sighed and pressed the button on the remote. I began to feel the heat in my skin, it was just beginning. 

My heart is racing fast, I know what that means. My little junior getting to life. I felt the urge to touch myself. God, I wish this will stop soon, only the time like this I regret I don't have a mate. I wish I have her unearthed me, my omega to satisfy my needs. My stupid weird wolf doesn't want others to satisfy me or him. I pulled down my shorts along with my boxers. I began to stroke my length but it was nothing but increasing my pain, I groaned and grunted. I am sweating like hell, I stood up abstrudly and began to destroy the things whatever I see.

After using my strength, I fell on my knees, yelled at the top of my lungs. I used my hand and tried to satisfy myself again. This time it worked somehow. I splashed some cum on the floor, I fell to the ground exhausted. In a minute I felt immense pain in my lower part. I growled aloud, my heart paced rapidly, I yelled, "Jad take over I can't". After a second my mind went blank.

Jad Pov

Ian called me out to help him so I took over him, my skin itches for my omega. I growled by the little thought of her. I know she gonna show up soon and take care of me in this miserable state, I will too take care of her in her heat. I closed my golden glowing eyes and thought of her wolf which is white as snow. My excitement doubled, I stroked my length by thinking of her beautiful soft fur, the sight of her wolf holding her tail between her legs, ears down by baring her neck to me.

I splashed cum all over the carpet, I felt the pain subside. I wish Ian was too able to think of her human mate. I know she still didn't show up, I too wish to see my mate soon in reality. I wish she still remembers me as I do. I know the pain won't return till morning so I gave back control to Ian.

Ian Pov

I stirred my eyes slowly and opened them with strain. I can't even raise a finger, my body felt so exhausted, I turned to see the stained carpet, my eyes went wide by seeing it, the whole carpet stained with my cum, I wonder how Jad can do this while I suffer so much to cum a little, even if I ask he won't answer my question so I am not gonna ask him. I walked to the bathroom, took a cold shower, cleaned myself, and flopped in my bed without caring to wear any clothes.

My rut days along with the full moon went with the same routine with so much pain and disaster. As usual, like every month I wrecked the house upside down. I know they will replace everything for my next stay. I sighed and straighten my suit. The door was opened by the same human watchman. Once I walked out I saw my bestie Kevin leaning on the car waiting for me. I walked to him and cleared my throat to get his attention from his phone.

Once he heard me, I slide his phone into his pocket stood straight, and hugged him gently. I patted his back and pulled him back. I beckoned him to hop in, he took the driver seat while I took the passenger seat. Once we settled down with seatbelts he ignited the engine to hit the road. I licked my lips and voiced, "Report me beta". He cleared his throat and replied, "We Won alpha. We shredded that rouge alpha into pieces. Daniel's mate got injured and a few warriors too, no casualties. We found their hideout and found many omegas, betas, warriors, and pups as slaves. We rescued them, some decided to stay with us and some requested to return to their old pack. For that I reached the council, they asked such wolves to send to them to arrange the move".

I nodded my head and said, "Good beta". I worried about Daniel, his mate Xylus, he is male omega but so strong person and the best warrior. I wish he returns to his old self in a few days. I am so proud of my pack even without their alpha they protected themselves. I wish next time if anything happens I will be with them.

My thought trains stopped with Kevin's voice, "All our business too went in its way without any trouble. As usual, we decided to recruit new staff for our companies. Both humans and werewolves applied for various positions. I arranged an interview, I will give you the final applicant's background check." Instead of answering him, I nodded my head. Kevin continued, "Dan's brother David found his mate". Now my ears perked up, I turned to him and asked, "Really?"

Kevin chuckled, he knows me well, whoever finds their mate, I always get excited and curious. He voiced, "Yep, You know Flamiton family" I replied, "Of course, I know them". They were one of the important people in our pack. Mrs. Geena Flamiton is a healer who saved many lives in many critical situations. Then, Mr. Liam Flamiton is our warrior's head, he is the one who trained me when I returned from abroad. They have a son Leon Flamiton he is also a strong warrior in my pack. I know they have a daughter but never paid too much attention to her cause she was only ten when I came back, a little girl who runs along with the pack hospital or arena.

I know hereafter I will see her often cause she mated to Dan's brother David. David went to Rome where our council is, he got trained by the elders there to be the adviser, he just returned after fifteen years. He is just twenty-four but he is well efficient in giving us advice, what to do in different situations. He joined the university as a professor, I think he met her mate there.

My thoughts snapped out by my beta, "Her name is Linda Flamiton. She too applied for a position in our clothing company". I smirked at him and replied, "You know me Kev. I won't give anyone concern for their position in the pack, they should earn their place, ask her to attend an interview if my team found her qualified, then that position is her's". Kevin smiled at me and said, "She or David didn't ask any concerns I am the one informing you. And I trust Flamiton's blood, She will definitely own the position she applied for."

I smiled at him and said, "I trust their family line too, once they were in, they will give their best in their work so I too wish her to own that position. By the way did they mark and mated?". Kevin nodded his head with a smile and replied, "You know our urges, Ian, they mated the day saw one another. I already arranged the ceremony tomorrow". I nodded my head in understanding. I wish I too found my mate soon. See all my pack members who I saw kids too found their mate but not me. Jad voiced True I wish Jade will show up soon.

I frowned at him, why does he always say Jade, how is he so sure that his mate is named Jade. I always have this feeling that Jad knows his mate. Suddenly I felt stop, I turned to the window to see my office. I wish everything will go well.

To Be Continued