
Daniel Pov

I was so worried about my dear Xy cause only two days ago he is injured during the rouge attack, he is all healed thanks to Geena. Still is it necessary to go to the office this soon? He is working as President of Ian clothing and accessories. He is not like any other omega who submit to their mate.

My Xy is a strong-willed, stubborn, and also beautiful omega who can challenge any pretty omega in beauty and any warriors in a fight. I am so lucky I found him again. Yep, I am Fran created by the moon goddess when she created Jad, Zan, and Sean.

When the moon goddess created the first alpha wolf she wanted to give him a powerful pack to help him that's why she created a Beta Zan, a Gamma Fran, and finally a Delta Sean. When Jad asked for a mate goddess gave each of us a mate.

That's how this whole werewolf being come into existence. We eight were the ancestors of all werewolves. I am the only one who remembers all this. Jad knows he is the first alpha, his mate Jade and the difficulties we crossed through. Other than that he didn't recognize us I mean his first beta, gamma, and delta.

I think it's because of the lack of his mate, I wish once Jade shows up he will remember all of us and the whole thing from our past. Jade is the first luna, she is another half of Jad, she too possesses so many powers even she is an omega. She can make another alpha to submit. She only submits to her alpha which is Jad. I remember her so well snow-white wolf which is big as Jad's midnight Black wolf.

From the moment I regained all our past, I always wonder why did goddesses resend all of us together again? Is something gonna happen to mankind again? Are evil spirits in lose? I don't know why but I am sure that there must be a reason why we all reincarnated together in the same pack with memories.

I also don't know why still Kevin and Zan can't remember our past? I think it's because Jad didn't regain his past fully. Usually, alpha and beta would share a special bond, I think that's why. My thoughts bubble broke when the little arms of my Xy snake around my waist from the back.

I smiled like an idiot, he rubbed his face in my bareback enjoying my warm skin contact, I felt the tingling spark throughout my skin. I stirred one last time the sauce in the pan, off the stove, and turned to see my cute omega. Once I turned he stuck to my chest like a magnet. I kissed his head and asked, "How is your day baby?" He sighed a little and replied in his angelic tone, "Tired I almost met a hundred people today"

I kisses his forehead and said, "That's why I told you not to go to work today. You still need rest baby". By hearing me he slightly pulled back his head from my chest still holding my waist tight, gave me his crescent moon eye smile, and replied, "I know you were worried about me Daddy but it's important for our company. This recruiting only happens once a year. If I didn't choose the best one then we will fall out in our business. I am just tired not hurting so no offenses"

I sighed, pulled him again into my tight embrace, and replied, "I know you are strong my little warrior omega but as your mate, I am still worried that's all but I would never gonna stop you from doing the things you think best. I trust you". He sniffed my scent gland, kissed his mark on my shoulder blade made me grunde and he whispered, "I love you, Daddy". I leaned in and locked my lips with his for a passionate kiss, when we ran out of breath, I replied, "I love you too baby".

We both chuckled, I pulled back from him, and said, "Ok my baby, get a shower, let's have lunch". He whined with open arms, "I am tired Daddy, get me shower and pamper me". I scopped my pretty omega in bridal style, who am I to deny the cute sexy request from my mate. I walked to our room, entered the bathroom, placed him gently on the counter, and prepared the hot tub bath.

Then helped him to come out from that suit, I wonder how my mate, Kevin, and Ian always wore this damn outfit. I didn't work with them in any of the companies, I will be here in our pack to protect my pack members. I will train them, do the paper works. So I only wear briefs, sleeveless tee, shorts or sweat pants. When the final piece of clothing from him is discarded, I picked his naked self and gently immerse him into the warm water. When I was about to walk, he grabbed my wrist. When I turned, he licked his lips. I know what that means.

Without a word, I jumped out of my shorts along with boxers and drowned behind him, he slide comfortably in my chest. With close contact with my mate, my Gamma hormones came to life. I heard Xy's soft moan, I think he felt my hard length poking his butt cheeks. I kissed his nape, shoulder blade, and neck. When I nibbled his mark he moaned loudly and whispered, "Please Gamma, fill me with your puppies. Please". I smirked into his neck, he knows what to tell, to get me into him.

I grabbed his forearm and slide my length into his heavenly hole. Once his warm hole engulfed me, I grunted and began to thrust into him. In seconds he became a moaning mess. I penetrated him at a wild pace chasing my orgasm. Suddenly he yelled, "Oh! Daddy, there. Yeah, hit there." By hearing him I aimed at the same spot. In a minute he splashed his cum. I felt the knot in my stomach, when I felt the pit in my stomach, I pulled out my length and splashed my hot, white liquid in his butt cheeks.

He fell limped into my arms, I scopped him, turned the shower and cleaned both of us then dropped him on the counter, wrapped a fluffy towel around my waist, then wrapped him with a fluffy bathrobe. I helped him to wear my hoodie with his shorts. I wore sweat pants and walked to the dining room. I feed him and had my lunch. That's when I heard Beta's voice in my mind link, "Dan are you free now?" I replied through the mind link, "Yep, what's up?" In a minute I heard him, "I want to discuss something with you. Shall come over to your place?".

I replied, "Ok". When I turned to my mate, he was busy with his phone, I cleared my throat, so he turned to me, I voiced, "Kev and Nat were coming over baby". He nodded his head with a smile and said, "Ok daddy I will prepare something to drink". I nodded my head back, he walked into the kitchen, that's when our doorbell rang. I walked to the exit, opened the door, saw Beta with his mate. I gave path for them with a smile to enter. Nat slightly bowed her head with a smile and wished, "Hey Gamma" I greeted her back, "Hey Beta Mate"

I gently hugged Kevin, he patted my back and said, "Shit! You reek like a sex man". I pulled back and smirked. My mate walked in with a tray of cookies and refreshing drinks. He placed the tray on the coffee table slightly bowed at Kevin and greeted him, "Hey Beta". He nodded at him and replied, "Hey Gamma Mate". Xy turned to Nat hugged her, when they both pulled away, they took the seats beside us. After halfway through drinking, I cleared my throat and asked, "What's the matter you want to talk with me Kev?"

He dropped his glass gently on the table, sat straight, and voiced, "Today when we interviewed a human I felt something weird. I don't know how to explain that feeling" Before he complete my mate voiced, "Respect". We all turned our heads towards him, he continued, "When she entered, I felt like I wanted to bow my head towards her, I felt the power radiating from her, But for sure she is not a werewolf or any other supernatural being. We can't smell any scent from her other than a human."

Kevin voiced, "She didn't flinch when Vincy ordered her, instead she challenged her. I know something is off about her so without thinking too much I hired her. We should keep eye on her. We don't know what she is about to do, So we better keep her close". Xy sighed and voiced, "She is not threaded Beta. I felt good radiant from her and she is also talented but I agree to keep her close. I like her". I frowned at his confession, he scoffed and said, "I like her means, as a person Gamma. Keep your possessive ass silent". I sighed and scoffed.

Xy stood up from the couch, clasped his little palm together, and said, "Ok it's getting late we promised Dav and his mate to meet her human friend for dinner. We should get ready". We all nodded our heads in understanding. He walked upstairs. Kevin voiced, "Ok then we too get ready, and come here to pick you two up. Hmm?" I nodded my head. They both drove away. I sighed and walked back to get to know the human friend of my brother's mate.

To Be Continued