Meeting Them

Glen Pov

After I had my job, my bestie and I went to a restaurant to catch up, we celebrated the happiness of us getting the job together, in the same company and same department. I applied for designing clothes while Linda applied for formating. It means I will design the original then she will format or upgrade it with nessecessry accessories in it. We both always did our best as teamwork. We would win the Fashion TV competition if that slut bitch didn't seduce one of the judges.

We both had a glass of Shampine and lunch. Then we both decided to spend the rest of the afternoon shopping. We drove to the mall which also belongs to the Ian group. We wandered all the shops, Linda bought gifts for her new family members. I felt a little envious of her. She already has a lovely family, now she got another lovely family. I internally groaned about my lonely fate. My thoughts stopped when she grabbed my forearm.

I met with her frown face, she questioned, "What happened Glenny?". I shooked my head vigorously as no, she sighed and asked, "Do you thinking about your parents again?" She knows me well so I didn't mask my feelings with her, I pulled her for a tight hug and whispered, "I am tired Lin, I can't see for them anymore, I accepted the fact that they don't want me. After working for a month, I gonna move out from that hell hole".

She tightened the grip around my waist. I lean into her embrace more, her strawberry body washes, making me calm like usual. After a minute she pulled back, She wiped my tears which I don't know when I dropped, and said, "If you are not afraid of forests I will take you to my home, you can stay with us as you like. But bitch I know you can't. If I didn't find my mate, I mean my boyfriend I would move in with you. Sorry Glenny but I promise, I will visit you often and make you annoy. I also wish you will find the right person for you".

Hearing her, single face who impressed me poped in, it's her brother, Leon, by the thought of him made me blush. She squealed and asked, "What making you blush bitch?" So far I didn't tell her that I have a crush on her brother. I don't want things to change between us. Not until I am sure of it. I pushed her away and ran. She followed me. She is small as me 5'5 but she is faster than me, she is fair while I have tan skin. She grabbed me by my waist, and ticklish me. We both laughed loud forgetting that we were in public.

Then we continued the shopping, I helped her to get the perfect gift for her new family. Evening came, we both were tired, we both went to our usual cafe, we were regular customers here. We both went to the restroom, refreshed, and redid our makeup for the dinner. We returned to the large table with eight chairs. We both took seats beside one another. We ordered coffee to pass the time.

When the blue sky turned purple there walked in our handsome history professor in a white tee, with washed blue jeans, pink fluffy hoddie over his tee. He messed down his black hair. Once he reached our table, he lean to Linda and kissed her lips. I turned to another side embarrassed. He sat next to Linda and smiled at me brightly. His smile is so warm like morning sunshine. I gave my best smile.

He extended his hand towards me and said, "I am David Jeon". I grabbed his plam for a handshake and replied, "I am Glen Bennett. It's nice to meet you Sir" He chuckled and said, "No need to be formal when we were outside the university. Just call me Dav." I nodded my head at him with a smile. He snaked his arms around Linda's waist. I never know Linda was public affection person.

Dav cleared his throat and said, "Linda spoke more about you whenever she talked with me. So I got curious to see you in person. I guess I found why she is so fond of you". I smiled at him and asked, "What did you guess?" He chuckled and replied, "There is a bright and good aura around you. Did anyone say that before to you?" I smiled at him and said, "Thanks for your compliment Dav. But trust me, I am not that good." We all laughed together.

That's when we heard the deep voice, the voice I heard this morning, "Can we too know what's so funny so we can too join with your laugh." I was stunned by him, he is wearing a simple white tee, with blue jeans. Once Linda and David saw him they get up from their seat and bowed. For some reason, I don't feel like doing that. There is a beautiful lady beside her. She is so gorgeous, she has a pair of hazel eyes, long strawberry blond hair, fair skin with little freckles on her cheeks. She smiled at us. Linda hugged her tight. They both took the two seats opposite us.

Before they talk, there came another pair, the beautiful man I saw this morning. Today morning in interview he is in a suit looked all handsome, now he is wearing this cute jumpsuit with a full brown cap. He looks so cute, like a little baby that I want to shove him into my bag. I just want to pinch his cheeks. There is a man behind him, who is hot as hell holding his waist tightly. He is in full black, his hairstyle, his tattoo all made him intimate but everything faded when he smiled at me.

Again Linda and Dav bowed at the man who came, Linda hugged that cute creature too. They both took their seats beside another couple which is opposite to us. David cleared his throat and voiced by pointing the last couple walked in, "This is my older brother, Daniel Jeon, next to him is his husband my brother in law Xylus Perry". They smiled at me, which I returned gladly. Then he pointed to the couple who came first and continued, "This is Kevin Smith my brother's best friend, he is a family to us. And beside him Natasha Nataline his wife". I smiled at them.

Finally, he pointed at me and introduced, "This is Glen Bennett, Linda's best friend". I smiled brightly at all of them. We call the waitress for the menu, when we all into the menu we heard the familiar voice, "Am I late?" I chin up to see Leon grinning. My heart skipped a beat, I didn't expect Leon will join us. My face lit up bright by seeing him. Linda hissed, "Yes idiot you were late." He raised his hands in surrender. He too bowed at the two men on opposite sides.

They both nodded their head, he took the only chair which is empty beside me. My mind was screaming in joy. He smiled at me and voiced, "Hey Kitty, how are you?". I blushed and replied, "Fine Leo" Kevin raised his brow at Leon and asked, "Kitty?". He nodded his head at him and said, "I am used to calling her like that from the moment I saw her feisty fight with her high school mates who bullied my sister".

I again blushed. We ordered the food, I felt stares on me, when I chin up from my phone, I get to know that the four opposite me staring me intensively. I was confused by their creepy stare. When I turned to Linda, I saw her busy with her boyfriend. When I turned to Leon, he is busy with his game on the phone. When I returned my gaze to them, the four were still staring at me. When I was about to ask why the waitress interpreted with food. Once it is served, we began to dig in.

In a few minutes, Xylus voiced, "So, Glen sweety where are you from?". I swallowed the food I was chewing, and replied, "I was born here". He nodded his head and said, "Oh". His husband voiced in his deep voice not so deep as Kevin, "What are your parents doing?". I licked my lips and replied, "They were working in the secretary of our government. They travel often". Without saying anything he nodded his head. I think he speaks little.

Natasha continued, "Do you have any siblings dear?" I shooked my head as no and said, "No I am a single child". She clicked her tongue and said, "Oh, then you must feel lonely. Isn't you? If you felt lonely call me or Xy we would accompany you. From now we too be your best friend. Hmm?" I smiled at her and said, "Thank you so much Natasha. So sweet of you, now I got two more besties to get rid of this annoying creature beside me."

By hearing me Linda dropped her fork and yelled, "Bitch how dare you to try to replace me" With that, she hit my shoulder playfully, that's when I heard low growls. By hearing that, I felt a flip in my stomach. Linda's eyes went wide. I am sure she too heard it. I lean in and asked, "Did you hear it?". She frowned and asked, "Hear what?". I frown back and said, "A growl" She smiled awkwardly and said, "No Glenny. Now you were changing the subject from the fact that you were ditching me". I hugged her and said, "You were always my first bestie Lin".

She hugged me tight and patted my back. When we pull apart Xylus voiced, "If you want you too can come to our home so we can hang out together". I gulped and asked, "I heard you all living in the same village as Linda. Am I right?" He nodded his head with food stuffed into his mouth fully, which made him cuter. I sighed a little and continued, "I can't come to your home, or your village" He swallowed his food and asked, "Why is that sweety?" I smiled sadly at him and replied, "I am afraid of going through or near the forest. If I go I will get panic attack".

Kevin moved forward in his seat and asked, "Why is that?". I shooked my head at him and replied, "I don't know why, but from the age, I remember I was afraid of forests". For my thanks, they didn't push the topic further. We all had our dinner by chit chat about random stuff. After the dessert, Linda gave the gifts we bought for them. They all were happy by getting it. We all get ready to part in our way. I bid goodbye to Leon. He hopped on his bike and drove off. Kevin gave me gentle hug. Natasha pulled me for a tight hug, she kissed my cheeks and said, "Don't worry dear we were here for you anytime. Take care, see you soon"

With that, they both drove away. Daniel side-hugged me and rubbed my forearm like telling him he gonna protect me. I felt warm in my heart, I always wanted a big brother, I think I got three Kevin, Daniel, and David. Xylus hugged me tight and whispered, "We are here. Ok?" I whispered back, "I know". When we part, I did what I wanted to do to him from the moment I saw him. I pinched both his cheeks. He smiled at me adorably. I hit Daniel's bicep and said, "You are damn lucky Dan bro to have this cute creature for yourself". He smiled at me and said, "I know". With that, they drove away.

Then finally my bestie and David hugged me and bid good night to me and drove away. That's when I heard a voice in my mind, I missed them. I frowned and thought I just met them, why was my mind voicing about missing them. I sighed and remembered that I forgot to take my pills. I hopped in my car, took my pill bottle from my dashboard. Again a voice heard in my mind Don't take that damn thing. Please let me live. I sighed and tossed my pill into my mouth. I think I am doing the right thing by having these pills.

To Be Continued