
Kevin Pov

After last night's dinner with a weird human Glen, I was so lost in my thoughts. Can you believe when I met her for the first time I had the urge to bow my head to her? I the first-ever beta having the urge to respect a mere human.

I never looked down at humans but is it possible for me to have that urge to bow at humans. I didn't tell that to anyone but my mate and Gamma's mate confessed that they too have the same feelings. I think my beta ego defending me from that fact. I know that I am the first beta spirit but I never said that out cause I don't know if anyone will trust that fact. I mean just my wolf spirit, not my human spirit or body. I know this is crazy but this is the truth, I also know Nat's wolf spirit is also the first beta's mate.

She didn't recognize it. When I returned from abroad, I found my mate, Natasha. When we mated and marked, I get the glimpse that I was the first-ever beta. Yesterday my heart raced to see Glen again at the dinner. She got the light like an aura around her. She literally glowed. When Linda hit her playfully, I can't control the anger that bubbled in me, the protectiveness. I growled at Linda, not only me Dan and Leo too growled. But why do we feel like that?

The next surprising thing is our mates didn't feel jealous, or protective our us. We too didn't feel jealous when Glen hugged our mates. Dan has always been overprotective over his mate but yesterday he allowed Glen to pinch Xylus's cheeks and hug him. With these thoughts, I didn't sleep well yesterday. I sipped my green tea in our dining room that's when Nat sat in my lap. I instantly pulled her into my embrace and kissed her. When I thrusted my tongue into her mouth, she moaned which made me hard in instant.

She kissed me with passion and started to grind in my lap. I pulled back and said, "You are playing with fire early in the morning pup" She stuffed her face into the crook of my neck and whispered, "I am ready to get burned Bad wolf" That's the last string of my self-control pulled out, I grabbed her nape for needy kissed which she copes up well. I slowly kneaded her left mount. She moaned into the kiss. When we ran out of breath, we pull apart from one another.

Before she regain her breath, I began to kiss, nibble, and bite her neck, shoulder blade, and nape. When I licked her mark she moaned loud and whispered, "Please, wolfy fill me. Please". I made her get up from me, pulled down her nightgown, and threw it somewhere in the kitchen. I too pull down my shorts. Made her bend in the dining table, without any warning I slammed into her wet hole. She arched with a loud moan. I rammed continuously into her by holding her waist tight.

In a minute I felt the pit in my stomach so I rubbed her clit with a powerful thrust. In seconds we both came with moan and grunt. She fell flat on the dining table while I fell in the bareback of her exhausted. When we both came back from the high. I carried her to our bathroom. We both showered and get ready for the day.

I dropped her in our pack's nursery and drove to the Alpha's home to pick him up. He can't drive that's what he thinks, I think it's because he didn't believe himself enough to handle the car. I parked in front of his porch. Before I knock on the door, he opened his door, I smiled at him while he gave me his usual poker face. We both walked to the car, hopped in, and drove to the main office.

Suddenly, Ian cleared his throat and asked, "Where did you all together go yesterday night?" I licked my lips and replied, "We went for dinner to meet Linda's human friend" He frowned and said, "I don't get it. From when did you guys get interested in humans?" I thought for seconds and answered, "Linda asked us to meet her, she is also get selected to work in our clothing company with Linda". Ian nodded his head and said, "I guess it's celebration then" I nodded at him. We reach the head office.

We both walked in and saw a crowd in the waiting lounge, I guess it's because the newbies getting ID, department, and mentor. My wolf voiced Check on Glen I frowned at him and asked why would I. He scoffed and replied Like you didn't think that. I admit that my mind thought of looking for Glen. I don't know why so, I asked my wolf Do you know why we feel like that? He sat flat and said I don't know why but I feel like I have a responsibility to protect her. I sighed and replied I too feel the same.

My train thoughts get halt when I heard Ian's ask, "Hey buddy What happened?" I turned to him and said, "You get-go I will join you in a minute". He nodded his head with his usual poker face and walked to the private elevator. When he disappeared I walked towards the crowd. I saw Dave with her mate. They bowed at me. I nodded my head at them, cleared my throat, and asked, "Linda where is Glen?" She gulped and replied, "She is on her way Beta. I don't know what made you all growl yesterday. If anything she did offend you guys. I apologize on behalf of her. She doesn't know anything about our kind. She went through many difficulties from her childhood so spare her beta. Please"

Linda's confession about Glen made me think more about the possibilities of who is she, I wanted to know everything about her. I turned to meet the teary Linda in Dave's arms. I sighed and voiced, "First we didn't growl at her. We all growled at you cause to hit her" By hearing me both Linda and Dave's eyes went wide. Our advisor made a deep frown and asked, "What does that mean Beta?" I clicked my tongue and replied, "We have this conversation in my office with all others except Alpha. But I am sure that Glen is not a normal human"

They nodded their head, that's when we heard Glen's voice, "Hey bros, hey bitch" Once I saw her a relief washed over me. I felt reveled. Linda hugged her tight like she gonna disappear soon at any moment. Her feared hormones filled around us. Suddenly Glen pulled back from Linda and asked in a worried tone, "What happen Lin honey?" Her voice is so smooth like it can console any fears. She stroked Linda's hair and asked, "Why do you smell sour? Did this bastard professor hurt you?" I wonder how did Glen smelt her fear? she is a human, how did she know she smell sour? How did her voice change in mere seconds from sweet honey into spicy chilly?

Glen turned to Dave and asked, "What did you do to her, Dave?" She looked into his eyes. Something about her aura made Dave shiver visibly. He replied immediately, "I did nothing to hurt her Lu. Glen" My eyes went wide by hearing Dave's almost slip out word. Did he about to call her Luna? The more around her the more confusion arose. I felt drained. Again Glen voiced now in a much calmer voice, "If it's not you then why is she upset?" Linda sighed and voiced, "I am nervous for the first day Glenny, control your mama bird hormones."

Glen chuckled and pulled Linda for tight hug and said, "I am here Lin so no worries" When she pulled back from Linda's hug, she turned her gaze to Dave and said, "Sorry, Dave I thought that you hurt her. Sorry if I scared you. I don't why but when it comes to my loved ones I always lose my temper when you too became my loved one, I will scare others for you. Hmm? And by the way, never dare to hurt my Lin" Dave gulped and nodded his head vigorously. With that, both Glen and Linda walked in to get to know their workplace.

I arranged a new workspace for the department where they gonna work. Actually, their department is not here in the main office, it is in the clothing and accessories office which is five blocks away from here. I want to keep a close eye on them so I arranged this. Ian and I attended some investors meeting in hotels the following afternoon. In evening I dropped him in his home and drove to the packhouse. I parked my car and saw all other's cars in the lot so I get to know that everyone is already there.

I walked straight to my office. All in there stood up for me, they all bowed their head I nodded my head at them. I took my seat behind my desk. Nat walked to me and stood beside me. Dan and Xy took the seats opposite my desk. Dave and Linda took my office couch while Leon took the bean bag in my office. Dan voiced, "We heard what happened this morning". I nodded my head at him, Dave continued, "I think Glen is our Luna" All together except me yelled, "What?"

I sighed and voiced, "I think the same thing, we will find that when Alpha meets her. Glen is a human so she won't find out but if she is our Luna Alpha will find out". Xy asked, "How you both were so sure that she is our luna?" I licked my lips and replied, "This morning she used Luna voice without knowing, she using it" Leon voiced, "Ok then let's make them meet up". I smiled sadly at him. I know he has feelings for Glen. I saw adoration in his eyes when we had dinner together. He controls his feelings to save himself for his mate. He is our future Delta, he still didn't found his mate, once he mates with his mate then he will be Delta officially. I wish everything will get settled once Alpha meets Glen.

To Be Continued