Human Girl


I don't know why my beta and gamma with their mates behaving weird since last week. I and Jad feel that they were avoiding me around them. Whenever they were near me I felt their anxiety. Why were being like that? Are they hiding something from me? Jad growled at the thought of his pack being dishonest with him. He is strict when it comes to honesty and respect. I calmed him and said Hey calm your alpha ass Jad I will handle them. He snarled and replied If they disrespect us I won't stay still. I will teach them a lesson that way they will get learn to respect us. I sighed but didn't talk to him cause I know it will be no use.

Whatever I say to him he won't tolerate disrespect or dishonesty. My internal battle came to end when I heard Kevin's voice calling, "Alpha" I turned to see his frown face. I cleared my throat and asked, "What is it beta?" Still, I feel his anxiety. He gulped and voiced, "Alpha you were called by elders from Rome". I frowned and asked, "Why?" He shooked his head no and said, "I don't know alpha but I think it's about you finding your mate"

I clicked my tongue, sighed, turned to him fully, and asked, "Are you hiding anything from me beta?" He was stunned for a second, he licked his lips and said, "No alpha I have nothing to hide from you". I frowned and said, "If so that's ok but if you telling lie then I won't control Jad again. We have this feeling that you and gamma with your mates hiding something from us. You know I can use my alpha comment on to you spill the truth but I chose not to cause I trust you guys"

I heard Kevin's heartbeat rising rapidly with each second passing. He sighed heavily and replied, "I know alpha but I am telling the truth." I know something off but I decided to shrug off that feeling. I turned my gaze again to him asked, "Should we go to Rome?". He again licked his lips and said, "No need alpha they were here. They will come to our pack tomorrow morning" I nodded at him.

With that, he walked out of my office. All the newbies hired were working hard to prove themselves worthy. I heard many of my pack members and neighborhood pack members joined this time in many. Only five humans get hired this time. I always give a fair fight for them. I only trust the talents, not their birth position. In this city where I live all should be happy not only my pack members, all beings born on the earth have the right to live happily.

I can't change the whole world but I can try to keep the people in the city living happily. My thoughts were snapped by a knock on my door. It's past seven who is here at this time. I heighten my sense and sniffed the air to get to know who is the other side of the door. A human woman? What is she doing here after office hours? I cleared my throat and voiced, "Come in". My heartbeat raised when the doorknob is turned. I got panic not now, I growled at Jad and warned What are you doing Jad she is human I promise I won't flirt with her. He scoffed and replied, I am not taking control my heart too beating fast.

I frowned and chin up to see a small girl in my door frame, She is look little, she smiled at me, my stomach somersaulted. I gulped and thought what's this feeling? I think she is a newbie, cause I didn't remember seeing her around here. I gave her usual poker face and asked, "What you want human?" By hearing me her smile faded and was replaced with a frown, she scoffed under her breathe and mumbled, "What's the deal with the people here always calling me human?"

She doesn't know I can hear her, I chuckled at her cuteness. She chins up and voices, "Kev bro, I mean Kevin sir asked me to give you this file". She raised a blue file. I wonder who is she? Is she calling Kevin by his nickname? It seems like she is close to him. But from when did he allow any others other than his friends and family close to him? My internal thoughts were interpreted by her little smooth voice, "Um sir?" I turned to see her. She smiled again and asked, "Where can I put this file, Sir?"

I beckoned her to come to me, she took small steps with her little legs. She held the file tight to her chest making her knuckles pale than her honey skin. Her brown hair messed down from her high bun stick with her forehead cause she is sweating like hell. I wonder why the air conditioner is low enough to make us cool, I concentrated on her feeling. She is nervous. I too feel the same but I am alpha to feel weak.

But my confidence level drowning low when she is closing the space between us. I felt hot suddenly, I jerked down my suit jacked. She jumped up in fear. I sighed and said, "It's hot here that's why" She nodded her head and said, "I feel the same". I pulled out my tie, opened the top two buttons, picked my AC remote, and decreased to the end. She continued to walk closer to me. I licked my dry lips. I felt like my throat went dry.

When she is a meter away she extended the file to me. I extended to get it when my long thick finger touched her cute little finger, I felt an electricity in my spine and reached my core. She pulled her hand quickly, which resulted the file getting flipped in the air, all papers in it flying around us. She looked scared, I clicked my tongue and said, "It's ok". She crouched down and began to pick up the papers scattered around and said, "Sorry sir"

I too crouch down and picked the papers. Once nothing left, I stood straight, she too stood up with many papers. She walked to my desk, placed the papers, turned to me, and beckoned me to give the papers I holding. Did she order me? Jad purred, my eyes went wide. Did my big bad wolf purr at a mere human? My thoughts stopped when She voiced, "What are you waiting for, give me the papers?" See, she is ordering me around, but without protesting I walked to her and placed the papers on my desk.

Without uttering any words, she sat in the swirl chair before my office desk, I took the swirl chair beside her. She began to arrange the papers in order. I placed my elbow in my desk rested my chin on my knuckles and eyed her closely. She is small maybe 5'5 or 5'6 has brown hair with bright honey skin. She has dark umber eyes, arched thin eyebrows, flawless face, cute button nose, small ears, long lean chin, and that damn lips, it's full and in strawberry color.

She is wearing a simple tight white crop, small sleeve tee with blue-black checked plaid skirt, her bare little legs were covered with knee-length black socks with white flat nikkes. She is wearing a short chain that rested between her not-so-small or not-so-big boobs. She has a small waist. I wonder how Jad is allowing me to do this. Suddenly she chins up, her big beautiful eyes with thick long lashes met mine. We stare into one another's eyes for a minute.

Our staring competition came to end when her phone dinged by the notification bell. I sat straight in my chair, I don't know when I slide to the edge of my seat. She flipped her phone and mumbled, "God! Leo" I don't know why but I felt like I want to strangle Leon now. I wonder how close she is to him? With a bright smile she chins up, I know that smile is not caused by me, it's for Leon. By thinking that Jad whimpered. Already my messed up mind gets messed up more cause of Jad. What happened to him, purring and whimpering for this human.

She cleared her throat and said, "Sir, here I arranged the file again. Can I take my leave?" I licked my dry lips and asked, "What's your name?" She slapped her face herself and mumbled God where are my manners? With that, she voiced, "I am Glen Bennett. Newbie joined as a designer in your clothing company" I nodded my head at her and said, "I am Ian Alexander CEO of Ian Industries" She smiled and said, "I know a lot about you, sir, you are also president of Moonflower village. My friend is living in your village"

I wonder which one of my pack is being friend with this cute creature so, I raised my brow and asked, "Really? Can I know her name?" She nodded her head and replied, "Linda Flaminton" Now everything gets synced. She is the human friend of Linda all met last week together.

No wonder they are all fond of her. She has some magnetic attraction around her. She stood from the chair and said, "Ok sir, my work completed here, I better leave". I turned my right wrist to see my wristwatch and voiced, "It's late I will drop you"

She chuckled and said, "I have a car sir by the way I heard you don't drive". There is mischief in her eyes while voiced that. I smiled and said, "Yep, that's true". She gasped and voiced with an amused tone, "Oh! My God you look so good when you smile. My goodness you have dimples". I smiled at her cuteness.

She smiled and replied, "It's really getting late. Bye boss" I nodded my head while she walked to exit. When she disappeared I mumbled I like her Jad too voiced Me too.

To be continued.