Thoughts of Him

Glen POV

Today is Saturday, I was still in my bed, empty home again. Last week was amazing, I love working there, Kevin bro and Xylus bro helped us a lot to get comfortable there. Our senior is also sweet to us. The only sour thing is Vincy, I don't know why she has this much hater for me, I just met her at my interview. How can she judge a person within one meeting? She convinced herself that I was some bitch who came to annoy her.

Other than her, all others were so friendly with us. Senior was so happy with our designs. She promised us to imply our ideas in the incoming clothing launch. I was so happy working there. I almost forgot my loneliness, and about my invisible parents. Everything went well until last night. Kev bro asked me to drop a file off to our boss. I thought it was a simple help but turned out my life's difficult thirty minutes.

When I heard my boss's deep baritone voice, I can't help but clench my thighs together. When I opened the door, I saw a man standing in his proud tall figure. I guess 6'1 or 6'2. My breath hitched to see him standing near the glass wall in his office. He has a dominating demeanor around him, he has dark locks that fell on his forehead, he is in his black suit, he has well built, I think he have toned abs and well-defined sculpture body unearths his suit.

When he beckoned me to come to him, I felt hot suddenly, my heart is racing like it gonna jump out of my rib cage at any moment. I sweat like hell even the room is cold. When I walked to him, he suddenly jerked his suit from his broad shoulders. I jumped back in fear. When he reasoned that he felt hot, I consoled that not only me he too felt the same. He pulled out his tie and opened two buttons. When he did that I felt my throat go dry for some reason.

I scold myself for having this weird feeling, he is thirty-one, ten years ahead of me, I bet he would have a countless number of women warm up his bed. I am a kid to him. I composed myself and extended the file to him, when his finger brushed my fingertip, I felt like I touched the electric wire with a wet hand. I pulled back my hand in that impact. So the file flew in the air. I was scared cause I heard the rumors about his temper side, I guess that's not so good, I don't want to get into his bad side this early.

So I crouched down to pick the papers and apologized. What I didn't expect is he too picked the papers with me, once I collected everything. I walked to his office desk, when I get to know he is not following me, I beckoned him. Still, he stood in his place glued, so I voiced him to give me the papers. He walked to me like a lost puppy. I felt somewhat proud that he obeyed me. I took the chair and began to arrange the papers, I felt his blazing gaze on me but I drowned myself in the task in my hand.

When I finished, I chinned up to meet his eyes, he has onyx pair, he has long eyes, it looked like dragons. He has fair complexion skin unlike my tan one. He has ring-like earrings in his ears. Lips it's thin, small but pink in color. He is clean shaved and has a sharp jawline. My admiring session came to end when my phone interpreted, I flipped to see Leo's weird photo. I smiled at his photo and chin up to meet his eyes which is different now, it looked extra large than a minute before, it looks like he is pissed.

When he asked my name, I felt embarrassed for not introducing myself to him. When I did, I avoided to handshake with him. I can't afford that little touch, if my full palm gets touched with him I may faint. He too didn't extend his hand which I am thankful for. He is more surprised, that I know him than he thought, he also gets to know about Linda being my friend. When he insisted on me dropping, I found him cute. When I mentioned that he doesn't drive, he smiled.

I felt like my soul left my body for seconds. He looks so handsome, my goodness he has that damn dimples. I have always been a sucker for the dimples. He has that which made my heart flutter. I voiced out my thoughts without thinking much. By hearing me he smiled wide making his dimples more visible. My stomach dropped, and my heart pace picked up. I don't want this feeling so I bid my goodbye and ran out from his office like gosht chasing me.

My thoughts were snapped back to reality when I heard my doorbell. I know who is that. Yesterday Linda, Nat, and Xhy insisted on a hangout with them. I can't say no to them so, I agreed. I think they must be here. I dragged my lazy ass out of my bed and walked to the exit. I opened my door to see three beautiful creatures glowing beautifully. Linda frowned and voiced, "Bitch, why were you still in your night shorts?" Xhy continued, "We told we would hang out". I sighed and voiced, "I know Xhy but I didn't feel like going out". Nat's smooth voice gets my attention, "What happen Sweety? Are you sick?"

I shooked my head and replied, "No, I am fine but just not in the mood of going out". Linda clasped her hands and that got our attention she voiced, "How about we all laze here and have a movie marathon?". My face lit up with that idea. I jumped in excitement and voiced, "Ok I like it and I will lend my nightdress to you all". They all smiled at me. I dragged them all to my room. I pulled out one of my maroon spaghetti straps, low neck, silky night top, and silky shorts gave it to Nat.

She got that began to strip while I get same type of nightdress in black and give it to Linda. She already jumped out of her single floral dress so once she get the top she began to wear it. I rambled my closet upside down to get a suitable night dress for Xhy. After a minute I pulled a silky short shirt with silky booty shorts. By inspecting it, he turned red. I squealed and voiced, "Are you thinking something naughty Xhy?" He became redder. We all chuckled at him. He too strip down his tight black jeans and white tee wore the dress I gave him.

He looks cuter in this dress. I was already in the same type of dress as Lin and Nat but in cream color. All girls bun up our hair while Xhy pulled his low nape hair into a high ponytail. We all walked down to my living room, arranged all cushions, my plushies on the floor in fluffy comforts. Once we sat tight in one another's embrace, with snacks and drinks. I turned the TV, put the Netflix and we choose Conjuring.

In half movie, we were one another hug tight cause it's horrifying. When the movie ended, I picked my phone clicked our selfie in this position, and posted it in the new group we created last week. In minutes, the other three of their phones ring. They all picked their call while I went to order pizza. When I returned they tackled me down to the cushion and ticklish me. I laughed and defended myself. I did ticklish them the moment I get.

When we had enough, we fell breathing heavily. Linda asked, "Bitch why did you post our pic in the group?" I asked back, "Why we all were good together?" Nat chuckled and said, "You have no idea how possessive were our husbands and Lin's boyfriend is?" I smirked. Xhy continued, "Not only possessive but also horny they can get, RIP my ass". I closed my ears, with a blush and said, "Please my virgin ass is so innocent for these things". Nat asked amused, "You were a virgin?" I nodded my head and said, "Yep waiting for the right person".

Xhy asked, "First kiss?" I blushed and shooked my head no. Both Nat snd Xhy's eyes went wide. I chuckled at their faces. Nat licked her lips and asked, "So far you didn't find anyone attractive?". I sat straight and voiced, "If I tell you guys a secret would you judge me?". They all smiled, all together voiced, "NO". My throat went dry just the mere thought of him. I grabbed a drink in the coffee table, gulped it in one go, and voiced, "I have a crush on a guy from my high school days but I am not so sure about him so I never dared to make a move, when I am in this confusing mess is it possible to get attracted to another man?"

They were all silent for minutes making me more anxious. Lin is the one asked to end the awkward silence, "Still today you never told me who's your crush" I gulped and thought it's time, I can never hide the truth from her so I voiced in a low tone, "It's Leon". They didn't look surprised, I guess they already know. Lin scoffed and said, "Why am I not surprised bitch? Cause you were always obviously blushing whenever that idiot is around". I sighed and said, "I didn't intend to hide this from you but as I already told I wanted to be sure first".

She nodded her head and asked, "Are you sure now for telling me?" I shooked my head as no and said, "No bitch as I already told you guys I am confused cause I was attracted to another". Nat sighed and asked, "Ok who you get attracted by?" I fidget my fingers in my lap and mumbled, "I will tell but promise me that you guys won't judge". They together voiced, "Promise". I took a deep breath and mumbled, "Our boss Ian" There is silence so I chin up from my lap to see their face to get their reactions. Once my gaze fell on them I was surprised to see their smiling face.

Did they expect this too? Lin squealed, "Spill Bitch". With that, I said everything happened yesterday. They all look so amazed and excited to hear the story. I hope they will give me the solution for the weird feeling I have for my boss.

To Be Continued.