
Ian Pov

It's Saturday still I have pack works. As yesterday Kev said we were expecting elders from Rome to visit our pack. After I came back from running I jumped in the shower to get ready for the day. Once I am ready in a grey suit, I had a simple breakfast which I cooked, I didn't want any others in my home, I am afraid that I will do something to them when I am not in control. When I finished my coffee, my doorbell dinged indicating my beta is here to pick me up.

Suddenly her face popped into my mind remembering that she mentioned yesterday that I don't drive. I wonder how much she knows about me. My thoughts were interpreted again by the doorbell. I walked to open the door to see my beta in casual clothes. He gave me his boxy smile.

while I returned a blank face. I know he is used to it, he licked his lips and asked, "Shall we Alpha?" I nodded my head and walked to his car after closing my door. I hopped in the passenger seat while he took the driver's seat.

When we secured ourselves with seatbelts he roared the engine to hit the forest road which leads us to the packhouse. In ten minutes we reached our destination. We hopped out and walked to our big packhouse. When we reached the living room, I saw my Gamma, Delta, and Adviser.

Once they saw us they stood straight, bowed, and greeted me.  I nodded my head. Suddenly, I heard loud voices from the kitchen, I walked further and met my sister's mate Damon laughing with omegas who working here while holding a spatula in his hand, an apron around his waist securing himself from damaging his white button shirt blue-washed jeans.

I always wonder how he is an alpha that can be this carefree? I know him from my childhood being alpha sons we were friends and went to the training school together. I always shared my inner thoughts with him which I hesitated to share with Kevin. I had never seen him serious other than one day when my sister got injured in a car accident, she just had a little scratch but when we rushed to the pack hospital he almost killed a healer to answer him. That's the only moment I saw his alpha side.

He is always been happy, bubbly, and childish. He never expected so much respect from others instead he earned it. All love him, he gives fatherly love to whoever comes to him. I felt my sister is so lucky when she told me that Damon is her mate at her 18th birthday party. My chain thoughts stopped when I heard Damon's voice, "Hey poker face". I gave him a death glare but he didn't even flinch of course he is alpha too. He laughed aloud at my face, handover the spatula to an omega near him, and walked towards me.

When he reached me, he pulled me for a tight hug and said, "I missed you, buddy". I patted his back but said nothing. When we both pull apart I asked, "Where is Izzy?". She went to meet her friends. I know who is he mentions, it's Natasha and Xylus. My attention got by Kevin, "But they were not here". Dan sighed and said, "She knows already so she went to join them". I frowned and asked, "Where did all the omegas go together?" I just worried about their safety, I know they all can protect themselves but somewhat I felt worried so, I asked.

Dave said, "They went to hang out with Linda's human friend?" By hearing him my heart began to raise its pace. Her beautiful face popped again in my mind, I felt hot. Suddenly Damon voiced to get me out of my thoughts, "Man why is your heart beating this fast, Is Jad gonna show up?" I shooked my head as no, turned to Dave, and asked, "To Glen's?" All three of my pack members' eyes went wide by hearing me while Damon voiced with a chuckle, "From when do you remember humans name?"

I rolled my eyes at Damon. Dave replied, "Yep they went to Glen's home to hang out with her. I guess Luna Izzy too went to join them" I sighed and said, "Hmm," Kevin said, "Alpha they are here". I nodded my head and walked to the exit with all of them towing behind me. Elders get down from the car, they were three of them. I shooked my hand with them. Introduced all my pack members who were beside me and Damon to them.

Once it was over we walked to my office. I sat at my desk while they three took the seat before my desk. My pack people and Damon took the couch. I cleared my throat and asked, "May I know what's with this sudden meeting". The elder in middle said, "We know who are you alpha and what you are capable of". By hearing him Jad voiced I want to take control, Ian. I scoffed and replied if you then I won't remember a single word they talked. Jad replied I will allow you to remain with me this time. I trusted him and closed my eyes to give him control

Jad Pov

As I said, I allowed him to stay with me, he was back in my mind, I took over him, I know my eyes were glowing golden cause all in the room stood straight, bowed at me, and greeted, "Alpha". I nodded my head and said, "Raise" They all took their seat. I asked in my much deep voice, "Now tell me what is the purpose of this meeting" Elder in the right licked his dry lips and voiced, "Alpha, the council decided to return your possessions to you"  I frowned and asked, "What are you talking about?" The elder in the center voiced, "The moon sword"

By hearing it my body went stupefied, the memories of that horrible war flashed before my eyes vividly. The bloodshed, numerous dead bodies, flames, craked earth. It's hell on the earth. I wonder still now how they kept protecting the moon sword? I sighed and asked, "Is it in Rome then shall it be. Why were you insisting me hold it again?" The elder in left said, "Our oldest elder expecting something bad gonna happen in no moon day which is also coming in the same star sign of the Evil king"

My mind screamed by thinking of different sceneries. Still, his evil stare made my blood boil, my internal battle came to end when Ian voiced Jad you are excessing so much energy. I took a deep breath and voiced, "Why were expecting like that? Is it his star sign coming for the first time or what?" The elder in right nodded his head and said, "Yes alpha, it's the first time. So we were afraid that he might get his powers back. So we decided to give back your sword, not only yours but also your Beta's Moon Spear, Gamma's Moon Axe, and Delta's Moon Knives."

I was surprised by hearing him. Still, they have all been protected but I wonder why they were giving all other weapons to me. Only that weapons can be able to handle the wolf spirit for whom it was made. I doubt my pack members can use it. I didn't voice my thoughts instead I just nodded my head at them. Then the elder in the center voiced, "But there is a problem Alpha" I frowned at him and asked, "What is it?" They squinted by my gaze, the elder in the left said in low voice, "You should find your mate to handle your weapon alpha" I know is it important to find my mate but how can they tell me that I can't handle my own weapon just created for me by moon goddess herself.

I was pissed so I gave them a hard glare and said, "How do you know I can't handle my weapon? I handled that weapon in the war which is happened before I get Jade as my mate"

They all sighed together, the elder on the left said, "That's the problem alpha when that war happened you and your pack doesn't have any weakness, now you all have one weakness that's your mates. Evil king will use them against you all. If you all keep them beside you then there will be a low chance of  him to use them against you all." I stood up from my chair abruptly making it fall back. I punched the desk which broke into two halves and roared in my alpha voice, "Don't you dare to insult my mate or pack members mate. She is the first Luna ever. I know what she is capable of and I also know she can protect herself and her pack omegas."

They trembled in fear. I roared again, "Get lost before I tore you all and shred into pieces". They sprint out of my office. I took a deep breath to stay sane. I know I can't control it, so I ran out of my office to exit jumped in the air turned into my midnight wolf, and ran into the forest. Air breezed in my fur making me feel I was tearing the air. From a few distances back I heard a few growls,  I know it was my pack and Damon. They all catch up with me in their wolf form. I feel proud running with them, I will get down that Evil King Diego under my feet and I will send him to hell again.

To Be Continued