Where is Jade


I was still in confusion about the information I heard yesterday by staying with Jad. I want to have a serious talk with him so I came here after my pack with Damon left me beside Lake at night. I came here to my farmhouse. I can't sleep a wink last night. The morning I made coffee sighed deeply and thought about the conversation I had about Glen with my pack and Damon.

I fell flat in the grass ground after shifting back to my human form without caring about my nudity. My pack and Damon did the same. We werewolves were used to being nude. When all our breath became normal Dan walked to the big tree and pulled out a bag, in it, there were many shorts and girls' tops with shorts. We werewolves never knows when will we lose control or we will get the urge to run so we always kept spare clothes here and there in our whole territory.

Dan returned with shorts and gave all one. We wore and sat on the shore of the lake. Damon clicked his tongue and said, "Let's have that boring topic which we had with that elders for another time. Hey poker face why don't you tell us about your human interest?" I chuckled at his childishness. I licked my lips and voiced, "She is not my interest, first get that clear. You know Jad would never allow me to flirt with anyone."

Kevin asked in a concerned tone, "Did Jad show up when you met Glen?" I frowned at him and thought why is he so worried about Glen, without voicing that thought I replied, "No, he didn't show up instead he too enjoyed being around her" I mumbled the last part but damn their werewolf hearing. Dave squealed and asked, "For real" I nodded my head. Then Dan continued, "What else happened?" I said them everything.

Leon is the only one not so interested in my story, others were so amazed at it. I cleared my throat, turned my gaze to Leon who is busily digging the ground with the stick he is holding, and asked, "Is Glen your friend too Leon?". He get tapped out of his thoughts with my voice, he turned to me gave a broad look, and said, "Yep I know kitty from her high school days". By hearing him calling Glen in endearment, my blood boiled, my heart filled with fire, I gave him a low growl and asked in my alpha voice, "Kitty?"

Leon gulped, shivered, and replied, "I used to call her like that.". I took a deep breath by closing my eyes. My mind screamed why am I overreacting for this little thing? Glen and Leon know each other for a long time unlike me just meet her once. Leon is young, single who is also mateless. He can call her whatever he wants why am I getting angry with that fact? I calmed myself and opened my eyes to see their curious stare at me.

I scowled and voiced, "What?" Damon asked, "Is Glen your mate or what?" By hearing him my eyes wide, Jad was stunned too. I can't find my voice to reply. Kev continued, "You told us, you felt a spark when your finger brushed hers". Before I think Dan said, "You were getting jealous about Leon calling her Kitty". Dave finished, "You and Jad never get comfortable with any other omegas or human women. Glen is the only one who spends whole thirty minutes without getting snapped or scared"

I deeply thought about the things they voiced, I know what they implied is true. I cleared my throat and said, "If she is my mate then I would get scent addictive, but I didn't get any scent from her. Even she is human, if she is my mate then I would get her scent but nothing, and there is also possible I get comfortable cause Jad likes something about her. Then there is another possibility of me getting pissed at Leon is about the instic of my alpha nature to protect her from getting hurt. As we all know sooner or later Leon's mate gonna show up if he gives hope to Glen she may get hurt that's why I acted that way. And finally, she is just twenty. A kid"

All were silent for a minute. Leon sighed and voiced, "I admit I have feelings for Glen but I never made move on her cause of the reason you gave out. I know my mate is out there. I won't hurt her even in my dreams Alpha". Again my heart bubbled with anger but I controlled cause I don't want to give them hope of Glen being my mate. Kevin voiced, "She is human Ian it may feel different" Dan continued, "Why were you worrying about age. I heard last time when I went to training camp that south cross Red moon pack's alpha found her mate being seven years old kid when he is twenty-seven. Even so, they both get attracted to one another. That alpha helped her grow up and when she reached eighteen and found that her alpha who is twenty years older is her mate, she didn't reject her instead she happily accepted him and now running their pack together"

I nodded my head at him and said, "I too know about them Dan but trust me Glen is not my mate" I am so sure cause she is human, Jad always wanted his Jade, if I accept that Glen is my mate then Jad won't get Jade. I will wait for my mate the human spirit along with the wolf spirit. My thoughts were snapped by Dave's voice in mumble, "Shit! These girls never gonna learn" Dan voiced with a growl, "Leon just delete the picture Glen posted from your phone" I wonder about what picture is Dan talking about.

Leon flashed his gummy smile at the phone and said, "Why would I? I will have this". All others growl at him. He sighed and said, "Ok you possessive bastards. I will" When he was about to delete the picture I snatched his phone from his grip and flipped to see what is. My eyes went wide by seeing the picture. All omegas, my sister with Glen were wearing sexy night suits. Even our always brave worrier omega Xylus is wearing these booty shorts. Is he always this cute or this nightwear showing this side of him. All other omegas too look cute. Out of all Glen look so beautiful. She is wearing a cream color nightsuit which suits her honey skin so well.

I felt hot, my shorts getting tight, that's when I get the whiff of arousal. I chin up to see all others except Leon dipped their head into their phone. I smirked at them they were all aroused by their mate. I cleared my throat to get their attention, when they heard me, they all together chin up and turned towards me. I licked my dry lips and said, "All of you delete this picture. If you want then ask your mates to send their solo picture to you. Understood?" They all nodded their head and began to type in their phone.

I cropped Glen from the group picture and send it to my phone from Leon's. Deleted that picture and history from his phone then returned it to him. They all gave different reasons and left me alone beside the lake. I know they were going to their mates. I felt envy. I sighed and run through the forest in my wolf form to reach my farmhouse. I know tomorrow is Sunday so no work in both company and pack.

I finished my coffee and voiced Jad I want to talk to you. He hummed so I continued can you explain about what did the elders told about you being the first alpha? He sighed and replied I thought I will tell you the truth after finding Jade but everything is not going in the way I thought so it's time for you to know the truth, Ian. So listen carefully. I nodded my head at him that I am listening. He continued All-mighty ordered celestial beings to create supernatural creatures to save mankind without them getting involved when Evil King caused chaos in the earth. As God's wish celestial beings began to create. Sun god created warlocks, Sky god created Faries, Water god created white witches while night god created Vampires, and finally, moon goddess created werewolves. They had disagreements in one another's creation but there is no time to have that argument so God ordered every creature to win the war. We all fought together against the Evil King and his evil army. As expected we won the war. As one another disagreed, all celestial beings fought for their creations to have a long life. As a result, we all got reminded but with the curse, we won't get along with one another and can't stay in the powers of other's created gods. That's why Vampires can't be in sun, Warlocks won't have much power in the night, We won't have our powers on no moon day. White witches lose their powers on full moon day, while faries can't reside on the earth. I am the first werewolf spirit created by the moon goddess to fight in the war, not only me she gave me a pack that is my beta, gamma, and delta. She also gave us weapons to fight. After that war, I with my pack wandered the whole world in loneliness. No one wants us to love, all were scared of us. When I asked the moon goddess, she gave all us mates to love us in any situation. My mate the first luna is Jade. She is also created with so many powers. Even She is an omega she won't submit to any other alpha unless it's me. She embraced her pack omegas and pups with motherly love. I loved her, she too loved me with her all mean. We stopped getting age when all my pack members found and marked their mates. We lived for a few centuries then our wolf spirit left our human body and returned to the moon goddess. I got all these memories when I reached eighteen in our first shift. I don't want to scare you that's why I didn't tell you anything. When the elders informed us Diego getting his power back is really not good news. Like they asked yesterday you should keep your mate beside you.

I frowned at him and asked What do you mean by my mate? He sighed again and voiced I mean Glen. I muttered impossible. He shooked his head and said I think this time moon goddess didn't give Jade for me, for my selfishness I won't stop you from matting your human mate Glen". By hearing him I yelled No, I believe in moon goddess she won't be that cruel to do this to you her first child. Jad smiled sadly at me and said She won't if she did then there must be some reason so please accept the fact that Glen is your mate. I too like her, I will protect her with you. So accept it.

I sighed and replied Even she is my mate I gonna wait for some time, I don't want to regret anything later. I too gonna wait for Jade. By hearing me he wagged his tail and said Thanks, Ian, I am lucky to get you as my human. I sighed and thought of my next step is to talk about this story with my pack.

To Be Continued