Monster Side

Ian Pov

After I called my gamma I paced around my office, not because I killed a human but I worried about my mate who went away with another guy. I just want to hold her tight in my arms. Still, her trembling self haunts vividly in front of my eyes. Jad surfing up to rip apart anything in front of me. My heart was raising its pace, I want to be calm but I couldn't. I am on the edge of turning that's when  I heard my gamma's voice, "Alpha" I turned to him letting go of the poor couch which I ripped.

Once he saw me he stepped back, I think I almost changed. I know how I look I have claws bigger than any normal alphas and golden eyes while others have bright yellow. My fangs were thick and long than others. I can half shift too while others can't. They will shift into their wolf form while I sometimes turn into monsters like now. Low growls erupted from me I can't control myself anymore. When my gamma realized the situation he tried to step towards me but I am not in the right mind to think straight.

The single feeling the possessiveness and feel of protection is the only thing I can think of right now. I want to kill whoever even lays an eye on what's mine. My gamma is speaking something to me but I couldn't hear him cause I am concentrating on the heartbeat of Glen, now her heart is beating at a normal pace. Relief washed over me but washed away in seconds when I heard her laugh.

She is having a good time with Vincent, I can't digest that, I all saw red. When my Dan reached I grabbed his neck and threw him to the wall, he groaned in pain and fell on his face. The only single thing that occupied my mind is that I want to claim her as mine and also to rip that Vincent's throat. When I rushed to the exit, Dan hold me tight from the back of me. I pulled myself from his grip, he tried his best but I am alpha so I ripped myself from him, turned to him, his eyes were glowing yellow which means Fran is in control. I gave him a death glare and voiced, "Move aside Fran"

He growled and said, "Luna's life Alpha. If I let you go, you may hurt her". I didn't like a tiny bit of what he said, I roared and voiced, "I won't hurt my mate. How dare you". With each word, my monster side came out more. I can't tolerate his words saying that I will hurt my mate. His claws and fangs were coming out, when I ran towards him he suddenly turned into his big chocolate color wolf, I tried to dodge him, but my claws dug deep into his abdomen, he growled in pain and fell on me. 

I groaned but get composed quickly when the hot red liquid gushed out of Dan's wolf. I got panic, my monster side is subsiding slowly, I don't know what to do. Suddenly my office door was busted, Xylus ran into and rushed to Fran, he fell on his knees and wailed by holding him. I felt so sorry for him. We have healing power but it will work slow when you got injured by an alpha. Fran turned into his human self. Dan was curled into a ball in his own blood pool naked. Xylus grabbed him to his lap and tried to his strength by their mate bond.

I stood straight, when I turned,  I saw myself in the mirror which is half broken, my upper body is barely covered by Fran's blood. I felt so disgusted with myself. Now I realised what Fran said is true, I will hurt her. I ran into the resting room which is beside my office. The curtains were closed making the room dark just like me. I sat in the corner, kept my knees together to my chest buried my face into it. I am a monster I won't deserve a mate like Glen, she is a human, she will faint even if she sees my glowing golden eyes.

So far I thought she is not fit for being a Luna but now I realize that I was not fit for being a boyfriend or husband to her. My eyes let out the hot salt liquid to wet my cheeks. I know being powerful comes with many responsibilities and sacrifices. I can't claim Glen as my mate, she is too fragile to a monster like me. She is so innocent, pure, and young. There is a long road in front of her, I can't snatch that from her. I can't be selfish. My thoughts were halted by Jad, "You are not being selfish. She won't be safe without you". I scoffed at him and replied, "She will be without me". He growled and asked, "What's your problem, Ian?" I sighed and asked back, "seriously Jad? I am a monster how do you expect me to keep her safe if I am the one who gonna hurt her most? Huh?"

He snarled and voiced, "So you were telling me that I am the one making you a monster?" I shooked my head and said, "No you are my wolf Jad the most powerful firstborn alpha you are the one keeping me sane. No one half shift like me, that's the monster side of me. You know it's not normal. What if I hurt Glen with my monster side Jad?" He didn't reply anything, I know he doesn't have any answers to my questions. I felt like crying so I did. I don't want to mask my weakness so here I am all alone, don't need to be brave or dominant.

I curled myself into a ball in the darkroom, my cry turned into sobs then into hiccups. Finally, I was so exhausted that darkness engulfed me.

I slowly walked to the lake which is black due to the darkness of night, the moon shines full in the high sky, stars scattered around making the moon stand out to give its beauty fully. I was just in my big hoodie and sweatpants. My bare legs were dipped in the chill water of the lake. I was immersed in star gazing that's when I felt a small arms snake around my waist from the back. I smiled like an idiot by placing my hands on the small hands in my abdomen which were rested in my pocket before. I relaxed into the hug for seconds then turned to see the honey orbs with golden specks.

She smiled sweetly while I give her my dimple smile. We both lean in and crashed our lips for a passionate kiss, I grabbed her nape to deepen the kiss while her hold tighten around my waist. After one hella kiss we both part from one another, we both rested our forehead in one another's. When we panted enough I opened my eyes to meet her closed one. I voiced in a hushed tone, "I love you". I felt a sharp pain in my back. She opened her eye.

There is no love in it but there is hater, evil, and venom. Her beautiful smile turned into a frown then into a smirk and said, "I hate you" She stepped back from me with a black dagger in her left hand. I fell on my knees. I felt like my whole body was set on fire. My body is trembling with immersed pain. She eyed my pain with pleasure. I extended my hand to her. She swatted mine and walked away.

I opened my eyes wide, I am trembling with the wired dream. I can't remember the face of the girl other than her eyes but what happened is seems so vivid. My eyes let out tears like a river. I am not afraid of death but why must it come from the person who I love Why? I felt someone slap me. My eyes went wide and reality stayed in. I saw Damon, I think he is the one the slapped me. When I see his eyes my eyes dropped a fresh set of tears. His demeanor changed soft. I cried and voiced, "I can't have her Dame. I am a monster, I hurt my gamma who cares for me. I will hurt her too. I gonna die if I did that."

I finished these sentences with sobs. He pulled me for a tight hug, I hugged him back. He patted my back and said, "It's ok let it all out. You are not a monster. You have us so don't worry" I don't know how many hours I spend in his arms. After my cries and sobs died, I part from him. He is the one who voiced first, "First you shower then we will talk". I nodded my head, I couldn't find my voice cause of the cries. When I reached the bathroom door, I peeked from my shoulder and asked, "Dan?" He replied, "He's fine"

By hearing him a big relief washed my stressed mind. I turned the hot shower head, the dried blood washed out showing my fair skin. Once I finished I wore a bathrobe and walked out. Damon is sitting in the bed. I too sat on the edge. He sighed and said, "Ian we alphas always will get possessive when it comes to our mate. You got angry for the impropriate thing that happened to her, it's normal. So don't tell that you are a monster". I scoffed softly and asked, "Didn't you ask Dan what he saw?" He shooked his head as no. I sighed and said, "If you asked you won't tell me this".

He licked his lips and said, "Ok let it be. Before making any decision about Glen you meet her once". I frowned and asked, "Why would I?" He scoffed and replied, "Cause I don't want my bestie to regret anything later". I sighed again in defeat. I nodded my head at him and wore another suit. We both walked to the parking lot, I saw the whole building is empty cause it was 9.20 the night. I hopped in my car, Damon send one of his warrior to drive me to Glen's home.

We reached the destination in fifteen minutes. I hopped out and walked to her door. After debating for a minute in my mind, I pressed the doorbell. My stomach did flips when I was waiting but it turned to get butterflies when she opened the door. She is just wearing grey silk shorts showing her perfect tan flawless legs with thick thigs. Her crop sleeveless silky top shows her flat belly. Her tan long neck was so inviting to get claimed. But the smell engulfed her is Vincent's I don't like it a bit. Without thinking much I pulled into my arms.

She was rigid into my arms for a second then she relaxed in. I rubbed my nose in her neck to scent her, suddenly she moaned and tighten the grip in my waist. I know I can't escape from the fate

To Be Continued