First Kiss

Glen Pov

When Ian hugged me my whole body felt tingled, what's this feeling I can't take this, my stomach felt the knot, my breath hitched when I felt his hot breath in my neck. My knees were trembling when he rubbed his nose in my exposed neck. When his lips touched my skin I felt something sticky in between my thighs so I hold him tight and let out a moan, I don't know when will my legs give up.

Ian pulled back from my neck, he chined up and sniffed the air. I looked him curiously, his chin down, and looked at my eyes, his eyes screaming lust. He is too close to my face so I observed that his eyes have a golden ring around his onyx pupils. He closed his beautiful eyes for seconds and took a deep breath then he slowly leaned in and kissed my forehead. Even after he pulled back I felt his burning lips in my skin. I wonder what would feel if he kiss my lips? I searched the answer first in his eyes than in his lips. My trance get busted when he chuckled.

I got mesmerized by his dimple again. He captured his sinful lips in between his pearly white teeth. crashed his nose with mine for Emiko kiss and said, "If you stare at me like this then I won't guarantee your safety Princess". My heart beats miles fast by hearing him calling me princess. When he stepped back from me, I lost my strength and stumbled little. Before I fell on my ass, he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards his chest. Without any warning, he scooped me in his arms in bridal style.

I snaked my arms around his neck, I felt the tingle under my knees. He sat on the couch in my living room and still held me in his lap. I tried to sit in a comfortable position. He tighten his hold around my waist and said, "I am warning you, Princess, you are pressing my buttons better stop". I pout and asked, "What did I do?" He smirked and uttered, "So innocent but this gonna death of me". I can't understand a single thing he talked so I crossed my arms across my chest and looked away from him.

I felt his hot breath in my nape, he voiced in a husky tone, "You are pushing me princess. I thought I will go slow with you but you are making it impossible". With each word his breath is getting hotter, when his lips touched my nape, I felt goosebumps, the sticky thing, I felt more now, I felt like I gonna pee. When he finished his sentence he kissed my nape gently. My body felt so hot, I felt something poking my ass. I slowly turned to him, he lean in by gazing at my lips. When I felt his hot minty breath in my lips, my stomach growled loudly.

My eyes went wide, I felt embarrassed. He sat straight, chuckled, and asked, "Didn't you have your dinner?". I shooked my head as no. He smiled lightly and said, "Come let me feed you something first". With that, he stood up with me in his arms. I was clinging like kola, I don't know when did I straddle in him. He walked to the kitchen, placed me on the kitchen counter, and went in search of ingredients to cook. When he returned, he removed his suit coat, folded his sleeves, and began to cut the vegetables fast and elegant.

Ian is sweating a lot, it looks so sexy. He finished cooking pasta with vegetable salad. I jumped down and get the plates and glass went to the dining table to set the table, when I finished he walked in with dinner. We both sat opposite, he served it. When I stuffed the pasta in my mouth, I moaned with the creamy delicious thing. He dropped his spoon and said, "Princess, if I hear that sinful sound from the beautiful lips of yours. I will teach you how to use your lips in sinful ways. Got it?".

I didn't understand what he said but his threat sounds erotic, I want to know what will he teach me, but I decided to calm down my wild side for while so I nodded my head. He smiled and continued his dinner so do I too. When we both filled our stomachs, I cleaned the table and did the dishes. When I returned to the living room he is sitting comfortably on the couch, watching the tv with a small smile. I wonder if this is like being in a family? Having someone to care for you? I sighed and walked to him.

When I sat beside him he turned off the tv and turned to me. I smiled at him. He cleared his throat and said, "Princess, I want to tell you something". My heart is racing at a wild pace so I just nodded my head. He continued, "This may sound cheesy but this is the truth even if you won't believe that I fell for you the moment I saw you. I know you may think that I some player but". Before he gonna blabber more I voiced, "I too like you". He smiled like he won the world. I too gave him my best smile. He licked his lips and said, "I want to know you better princess. I want to know every single thing of you. Let's take this at your pace. Hmm?"

I blushed at his words, I fell deep for him. I nodded my head to him by not trusting my voice anymore. He scooted closer to me, getting my hands together in his big palms, I felt content. He kissed my knuckles and said, "Princess, I really like you, I will protect you from anything harm you, I will spoil you. Can you adjust the only one weakness of mine?" I licked my lips and asked, "What's that?" He sighed and said, "I am a very possessive type, I won't share what's mine, I will get jealous easily. Will you be ok with that?" I smiled at him, tugged his silky soft hair behind his ear, and whispered, "I will Daddy".

By hearing me he groaned, suddenly pulled me to his lap, and said with a smirk, "You really know how to press me, princess. Now take the consequence like good girl" With that he leaned in, I closed my eyes, he pressed his lips in mine. I felt like my whole body vibrating. He nibbled my low lips and upper. I stayed frozen, I don't know what to do. He sucked my lower lips, I did the same to his upper lips, the sticky thing came again. my knees turned to jelly when they licked my lower lips.

Suddenly he placed his cold palm in my bare waist and squeezed it gently, I moaned with the tingly feeling, he used that and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I gripped his hair as an anchor. His cold plam traveled north, nearing my boobs. I let out the moan again, he groaned into me, the sticky thing wetted my thong, I needed to stop that so I started to rub above his thick thigs. He groaned loudly. He reached my buds underneath in my bra. He flickered it while he sucked my tongue I peed. I felt so embarrassed so my eyes were strung with tears. When he felt wet in his face he pulled back and asked in a concerned tone, "What happened princess? Don't you like it? Sorry dear I stepped out, I am sorry"

Before he speaks further I placed my index finger in his mouth, shooked my head as no, sniffed a little, and said, "I am the one to be sorry". He frowned and asked, "Why princess?" I sobbed, sniffed then pointed my visibly wet shorts, and said, "I peed when you kissed me. I am sorry, I can't". He pecked on my lips and said, "Oh moon goddess, What am I gonna do with you. My princess your so pure to this sinful world dear. You didn't pee dear, you came by the pleasure I gave you. So don't feel sorry. Hmm?"

As before I couldn't understand his words even so I didn't ask anything further. I rested my head on his broad shoulder. He stroked my hair, kissed the crown of my head, and muttered, "Good night Princess". I kissed his neck and whispered, "Good night Daddy". With that I let the darkness engulf me.

To Be Continued