Because You Have Duke Kleo?

 "My Lady, maybe we should go back to our room." Gena gripped Lyra's hand, voice and body shaking. In front of them was now Baron Jason, who looked up and gave a hideous grin. Though his body had very wide stab wounds and cuts, which should have given him immeasurable pain.

 Looks like a psychopath, or maybe even crazier than that.

 But Lyra was determined to stay, even though she was afraid and worried in her heart too. Seeing Baron Jason like someone she didn't know, moreover with a death glare that wasn't placed in the right circumstances. Pain is drowned out by vengeance. It was the highest form of human anger.

 "We'll be leaving soon," she whispered to Gena, squeezing her hand to strengthen the maid and herself. "But before that, I will finish my business here. It won't be long, so be patient!"

 There was Ella who finally calmed Gena down. "Be strong! I'm scared too, but it's for Miss Lyra's sake. Come on, show your loyalty!"