Siding with the Enemy Group

 Lyra sped up her pace as fast as she could, not even caring if she had to trip over the stone steps a few times, or the stones planted along the way. "Tiny's here!" she cheered, lifting her skirt high.

 "My Lady, wait!" Gena panted while waving at her, who could even outrun the extremely agile Ella. "My Lady, it is forbidden to run around in the palace!" she continued. That rule is true. But her warning was meant because she didn't want to run beyond her capacity.

 Ella and Lyra had left her behind gasping for air. Her body bent as she tried to take in as much air as she could. Her pale face must have immediately turned red after several soldiers looked at her while training.

 The heat on her cheeks spread throughout her body, causing the burning in her body to intensify. Her feet hit the Wereal ground even harder, to leave the place as quickly as possible, especially when the shirtless soldiers were watching her from afar.