WebNovelThe JOKER11.40%

Oliver’s Pet

"What kind of rabbit is your rabbit?"

"He loves money and bananas." I'm deliberately branding Ethan here as my pet. You'll have to forgive me, bro.

"I see. I had a pet too but he died. Would you like to see me draw him?"


Now, look at him. He's not hard to handle after all! Makes me wonder what the maids and butlers are so afraid of.

He took a stack of paper from the drawer of the table beside his bed and what looked like a pencil but rectangular in shape.

He put them on the floor before turning to me, "Mr. Jack, I prefer drawing on the floor. Do you mind?"

"No, suit yourself." I don't care what you want to do or how you want to do it. My only job here is to babysit you and make sure you're safe.

He began drawing in his own little world as my mind drifted towards a totally different subject.

What should I do from hereon? I already have a job but it's unstable. In my previous life as Sean, I always wanted to be a millionaire. I mean, haven't we all dreamt of becoming one at some point in our lives?

The thing is, I was so infatuated with the idea of being a millionaire. Almost at the "8th grader syndrome" level. Who doesn't like to be rich? Come on! So I worked hard juggling three part-time jobs so I could send myself to the university. Absolutely believing that once I finished, I would find myself a high-paying job and then get rich.

Now that I think about it. It made me think if that was me having a grandiose delusion or was that just me being naive.

But that was Sean. I am Jack Miller now. Maybe…

"Mr. Jack! Look! I'm done!" I jolted from my daydreaming when Oliver suddenly spoke and shove a paper in my face.

Completely lost in thought, I have totally forgotten that I'm in the middle of a job.

"Mr. Jack! Look! This was my pet who died a few days ago! His name is Nero!"

Your pet just died but why do you sound so excited?

I took the paper that he's been shoving to me but my heart almost jumped out of my ribcage!

"This…" I looked at him again but no matter how much I stared, I can no longer see him as the innocent 4-year-old kid.

His drawing wasn't a masterpiece by any means. It looked like any other kid's drawings. But that's not the problem here! Though it was barely recognizable. I perceived that it was a dog with a human face. Smiling from ear to ear literally with its bulging eyes.

I've seen creepier images on the internet before, but this got my breath away. I can almost feel an invisible pair of hands clamping down my carotid arteries.

With a slightly trembling voice, I asked him. "Did your parents know about it?"

He cocked his head to the side before frowning. "I told them but they won't believe me. Especially mama! She even took my storybooks!"

Sean, calm down. Some kids have imaginary friends. It just so happened that this kid's friend looked like an evil incarnate.

"Ah! Right! He's dead already so he's not here anymore." Just as I said that, the image of a grinning dog with a human face flashed before my eyes. 'Holy sh*t!'

"But Nero said to me he won't leave me though."

Hey, kid! Don't go scaring me like that, please. I am starting to believe you.

"Really? But I don't see him anywhere. Who knows? He must be lying, right?" I convinced myself.

"No! He's really here! He's just beside the bed looking at us."

Reflexively, I jerked my head to the area he was pointing to and heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that it was empty. But my heart just won't slow down anymore! Goodness!

"But Oliver, there's no one there."

He shook his tiny head and said in a tone as if he was ready to fight. "Right! You can't see him right now but he shows himself to people who don't believe me. Just like the maid earlier."


You're kidding me, right?

Sean! Stop it! Don't try your luck!

Seeing Ethan shapeshift firsthand on a daily basis made it hard for me not to believe him. I mean, if there's a shapeshifter, why can't other creatures exist as well?

I just don't want to see it. I still want to sleep tonight.

"I believe you," he smiled after hearing my agreement.

But one thing though, I don't want to stay in a room alone with a blood-curdling creature and a creepy kid.

"Oliver, why don't we go outside? You and… you're pet must be bored."
