WebNovelThe JOKER12.28%

Using Each Other

Literally, every one by the time we got out of the room stared at us. Seemingly frozen on their spots. It's as though they had seen a ghost.

Some are looking at Oliver, terrified. While some are looking at me, checking if I am still sane, probably. But seeing that I am alright, their gaze slowly shifted into that of confusion. While the others are looking at me as though I am a hero who tamed the monster that had been plaguing them for years. That's what I think at least.

"Oliver, where should we go?"

As much as I am happy that there are finally people around us and that I am no longer isolated with this kid and his "pet", we couldn't just stay rooted at the entrance. It's not that I know the manor either.

"I'm hungry."

"To the kitchen then."

He just nodded and walked alongside me. Obviously, he was guiding the way.

"Say, Mr. Jack, What do you think about having our pets get to know each other? My Nero and your rabbit."

Ethan and that creature? Somehow, I imagined them shaking their hands as they form a camaraderie and it gave me chills. Though yes, Ethan is a shapeshifter but he looked like a normal rabbit, adorable even.

Normally, I would agree right on the spot, but now it's different. Though Ethan is surprisingly nice to me, who knows if he's only being nice because he needed me.

I don't want to admit but with what I am right now, I had to. I needed him more than he needed me so I cannot afford to incur his wrath.

On the surface, we might look like we're helping each other but in reality, we're just using each other.

"Mr. Jack?"

"Oh right! I'm sorry. I was thinking of something else. What did you say again?"

"I'm saying that we should have our pets get to know each other."

I was about to say no but thinking about his invisible "pet" that might not think twice into sinking his teeth into my neck if ever I disappoint his owner made me swallow those words.

"I don't know, Oliver. I still have to ask my pet. My rabbit is shy, you see."

He looked disappointed for a moment which made me nervous but I heaved a sigh of relief when he say, "I understand."

He didn't speak to me again after that until we reached our destination. The kitchen.

"Sir Oliver!" the cook exclaimed when he saw us enter. Looking at the way he reacted, I am guessing he must be one of those who got "lucky" to have seen this kid's pet. I am starting to feel sorry for them. It must be hard looking for another high-paying and stable job if they're still here after all the mental torture they're experiencing every single day. I might suffer from a mental breakdown had I been in their shoes.

Seeing that Oliver isn't planning on saying anything, I took the initiative. Well, you can say that I feel sorry for the poor cook.

"He said he's hungry." Finally noticing my presence seemed to have eased his tension a little.

"Is—Is there anything you'd like to eat, Sir Oliver?"

"Chicken skewer. Please make it big and don't use many seasonings. Salt and pepper are enough." The cook paled as soon as Oliver spoke. I can basically see what he's thinking.

Mr. Cook, rest assured. As long as you don't do anything to harm this kid, you'll probably be safe. I think.

"This is why I hate them! They don't like me and they always avoid me." Oliver said when we reached the garden. He said he wanted to eat his skewers here.

"Why do you say so?" I asked even if I am in fact, aware of what he meant. Just for the sake that he will think I am interested in talking to him. I'd rather have him think that we're friends than have a hostile relationship. Besides, my acting skill seemed to have improved lately.

"They're always avoiding me. And whenever I want to talk to them, they always make excuses. Like they're always busy or something. It's not that I'm going to hurt them."

Hey kid! You might look all innocent and pure but your pet isn't. You should ask your pet why people are avoiding you. Unless that pet of yours doesn't have any common sense as to not know the answer.

Or maybe he has, it's just not in line with the "human" common senses.


"Mr. Jack, thank you so much for your service!" At 5:00 p.m., Count Norman finally arrived. "I gave you a tip. Just ask Mr. Alec about it. My son, Oliver really likes you. I might ask for your service again somewhere in the future."

No! Please, don't!