WebNovelThe JOKER14.91%

Just Being Cautious

"Why do you think so? That he will return?" I know that my question was a little insensitive. But I've gotta ask her that. Someone has to wake her up or at least, beat some sense into her. It will be more painful to cling onto a single thread of hope that would someday snap. It's no different from falling deep into the rabbit hole. I've been there before and the experience has never been pleasant.

It's okay if she branded me as the villain or the bad guy.

"I just know! He will disappear for a moment sometimes too but he often returns at times I least expect. That's why I don't want my parents to see him in a bad light. And that's also why I am making a request to this agency. Because I know he will return. I just gotta hold the fort while he's not around.'

I'm seriously doubting what she just said but with the way she said that, it's just almost impossible not to believe her. I mean, her determined look at least. It's not something that can be easily faked. But if she's just acting to get my sympathy then she must be a very good actress.

"Fine! Let's say that Sam will indeed return as you claim he would. How sure are you that I won't be entangled in your mess? How sure are you that your parents won't recognize me through the disguise? And how do you think Sam would react once he returned and finds what you just did?" Though I said that, I really don't think he will return. But if he does, he's still a scum.

"Rest assured. Sam is a very understanding person and I don't think I'll have to worry about him getting angry. I just have to explain the situation to him. About your disguise, you don't have to worry about it as well. I will hire a professional to make you look exactly like Sam. I will pay 100 demi!"

Not just me, Mr. Alec who has been ignored during our conversation was surprised as well. Who would have thought that she would pay that much just to have someone disguise as her lover? With 100 demi, a single person with no family to feed can already survive for two weeks even if he doesn't work.

"Are you sure about that, Miss Patricia?" Mr. Alec asked disbelievably.

"Yes! Also, you don't have to worry about the expenses for the disguise, I will be providing everything. All you have to do was accompany me and pretend like Sam." she said as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Just how rich are you?

Though seriously speaking, I almost said "sure" when she said she will be paying me 100 demi. Good thing I was still able to have a grip on myself. My self-control is being tested here.

"Mr. Jack…"

"I have some conditions."

I felt through my peripheral vision that Mr. Alec raised his brow when I said that.

"Please, do tell me."

"Since your parents will arrive the day after tomorrow, I wanted to see how the professional would disguise me. If I can still recognize myself through the mirror, consider that as my refusal. Next, you will have to tell me Sam's mannerisms. From the way he walks, the way he eats, the way he carries himself, everything… Third, if ever the chance that we get busted, I won't cover up for you. I will save myself first and I will have to spill the beans to do that. Lastly, we will sign a contract that regardless of whether this operation is a failure or a success, I will still receive the promised amount. Though you don't really have to worry about this operation being a failure, right? I mean, you sounded so confident earlier."

I purposely raised the bar to see how she would react. Also, so that she would take this thing seriously. Because as I can see, money is not a problem for her. And so, to bring ourselves on the same level, I had to make her realize that I am not on the losing end here. So she can't fool me.

Though honestly, I just wanted to be cautious. It's not even a month yet since I started living here. And there are just way too many uncertainties. Say, turns out she's a shapeshifter after all.

"Deal! I am even willing to pay you the whole amount now as to show my sincerity."

After we signed the contract, she left leaving only Mr. Alec and me in the office.

"Mr. Jack, you're more intelligent than I thought. And cunning—" he suddenly said.

"Not really. I'm just being cautious. After all, with the type of job that we are in, it's not impossible for other people to take advantage of us for their own interest. Trust me, it's better being cautious than sorry."

"Sounded like a past experience to me."

"Who knows?"