WebNovelThe JOKER20.18%

Dr. Stitch

"Dr. Stitch? Who is that?"

"If you haven't heard about him I can't blame you even though he's really famous. After all, he almost never leaves his lab. He's a passionate scientist who loves researching more than anyone else I know."

Mr. Alec, it seems to me that you're fanboying this Dr. Stitch. But he only sounded like a mad scientist to me.

"But I'm injured though, will this be okay?"

"I think you will do just fine."

"What's the request and how did that scientist who, according to you almost never leaves his lab know about me?"

I couldn't be that famous, right?

"Careful with how you address him. He's not someone to be trifled with. He heard about you from Count Norman. Though he seldom goes out of his lab, he's actually acquainted with a few select people including the Count. Turned out that during their last meeting, The Count boasted at how good you are at handling kids."

Has he been advertising me since the time I took a request from him?

"The request this time is simple. You just have to watch over three kids he has been observing. You also have to calm them down whenever they have temper tantrums. Easy, right?"

"But Mr. Alec, Why do I get this feeling that it's not as simple as you make it sound to be?"

"What do you expect, Mr. Jack? People would rather do it by themselves if it's really simple. The reason why we almost never ran out of requests, and the reason why this agency still exist up until now despite it being labeled as an "odd job" by most people, is because we do things normal people find cumbersome. Say, they have a troublesome problem, it's an ordeal thing for them to deal with but they have money. They'd rather come to us."

That does make a lot of sense.

"But Mr. Alec, when you say "observing", you don't actually mean experimenting, do you?"

He laughed just as I said that. So hard that he was slamming his palm on the desk.

When he finally calmed down, he said, "Mr. Jack. You don't have any lingering resentment towards scientists, do you? Everyone is looking up at them. They're amazing people with amazing minds. People like Dr. Stitch are the reason why we have so many developments in the country. No, in the world! Everyone wished to have even a single faction of their intelligence. It's very hard to hate them."

Are they really that amazing? Now that I think about it, this world develops way faster than Earth. Could the reason be as straightforward as "they just so happen to have" amazing people like the Stitch Mr. Alec spoke so highly of? But regardless, society must still be accepting and open-minded. If not, they'll be branded as witches, lunatics, or someone planning world destruction with their crazy experiments.

"I have no reason to resent them. They just don't give me that much of an impression."

"Really? You're definitely the first I ever heard not having any sort of admiration towards those amazing scientists. Well, there's that. Anyway, interested or not?"

"How much?"

"150 demi because there are three children, he said."

"How old were the kids?"

"Around six to seven. Dr. Stitch said they're quite a handful. So you can also ask for additional payment as you can see fit."

Oh? This recluse scientist is surprisingly generous!

"Can I really do that?"

"Of course! They're supported by taxes anyway. King Charles is especially giving them a priority whenever they needed something. They're an important asset of the kingdom after all."

That does make sense. But will it be safe though? The lab won't just explode all of a sudden, right? Because how the movies portray passionate scientists who are also branded as "mad scientists" is that they always cause explosions in some way or the other.

I hope that's not really the case.

"Sure! But let him know that I'm injured."

"Dr. Stitch doesn't seem to be the type of person who would care about such thing except if you're one of his subjects. So long as you do your job then you're good to go."

"Awesome! Do tell me when you get his response. I won't be taking any today."


I went back after getting Mr. Alec's approval of me going home early for the reason that I am injured and that we wouldn't want it to worsen when Dr. Stitch finally needed me.

It's been around four hours already since I took the muscle relaxant this morning and it is starting to wear off. I need to go back already.

On my way, I bought a few slices of white bread, black coffee, and a bunch of bananas for Ethan. For some reason, it gave me a conflicted feeling. Back on earth, though I am not rich, I can eat better food compared to what I am eating these days with my stay here. And I am starting to get sick of eating the same food every single day.

I don't enjoy eating anymore. If anything, I only eat for survival now.

Looking at "my" body condition, it's no doubt that I am malnourished. I'm so thin that I can see my bones popping out of my body. Though the one in my shoulder literally popped out already.

I barely have any muscles and I am always feeling cold. Having a hard time concentrating and my irritability is so high.

I am tired most of the time. And what's worse is that my hair, skin, and nails feel brittle and dry.

I can't look like this forever! I needed to do something about it. Health talk aside, if I stay looking like a walking dead, no business-minded person will ever approach me for an opportunity.

They will think that I can't even take care of myself, how can they entrust me with something that needed taking care of?

So if I want to get rich and change my living condition, I have to fix a lot of things starting from myself.