WebNovelThe JOKER24.56%


She trudged to the bathroom and locked the door as soon as she finished telling me that one sentence.

What the heck is inside that giant metal door that she would go through all the trouble of warning me? Am I in greater danger than I thought I was? But to begin with, where is this metal door she's talking about?

I blinked myself out of my stupor and find out that Ethan was looking at me in a weird way. I brushed it off and wore a calm facade, in contrast with my racing pulse.

Nash is still reading the picture book, not even glancing at me when I sat on the sofa opposite to him.

"What did Miles tell you?" he suddenly asked. His eyes are still on the picture book.

And why are you asking me that? Is there something Miles shouldn't tell me about?

"Nothing. She only said she wanted to use the toilet."

He didn't react to what I said. Not even a spark of interest or annoyance. Does this kid know emotions at all?

"I see. I have something to tell you, Mr. Jack." His tone was kind of serious so it perked my ears up. "Ignorance is a good thing. Sometimes, it is also dangerous. But if it will keep you safe and the people around you, it's best to act like a fool and know nothing."


"I can guess what's inside your head. You must be thinking that I am way too young for my own good to tell you that. And let me tell you that I don't care. Do whatever you want. Just don't do anything stupid as to drag the three of us with you."

"I don't understand why you're telling me this. And why would I drag the three of you? I only came here to babysit you."

"That might be the case. But things happen, Mr. Jack. Just remember what I told you."

Just a little more, just a little more and I'll go crazy in this world. First, some weird creatures. Next, the peculiars. And now, I keep receiving unsought advice from these kids. I won't be surprised if Kobi gives me one too.

And another thing, these kids are too mature for their own good! Especially this kid in front of me who is nonchalantly flipping through the picture book.

"If you don't mind, Nash. How old are you?"

"I'll turn eight next month."

So he's seven! I still wet my bed when I was that age!

We didn't speak after that until we heard a buzzer ring. Through the glass door, we saw a familiar man with unkempt hair wearing a white coat with stains all over it.

He opened the door using the silver key from his pocket.

"Hello, Mr. Jack! I'm glad to see you with the kids." It's Dr. Stitch.

Greeting him back was completely gone from my system. The only thing I am thinking about at this moment is to run! If anything, I am proud of myself for maintaining my calm facade.

Act normally, Sean. Act normally! Don't let him notice any abnormalities!

"How are they, Mr. Jack? Did they give you a hard time?" he asked as soon as he sat on the leather single-seater sofa to my left.

"Not at all, Dr. Stitch!" I answered reflexively. And again, I applaud for my acting skills.

Just keep it up, Sean. Conceal your fear!

"I see. Count Norman was right about you after all! He boasted to me one time that you're quite good with kids. So I thought I'll have to see how good you actually are and you didn't disappoint me."

"I'm flattered, Dr. Stitch. But I think you're giving me too much credit. I'm just doing my job."

"No! Not at all! Did you know that they would act like I'm a monster whenever I visit them especially that kid, Miles? And now look at them! They're behaving!"

It's most likely because you're actually a monster in the guise of a renowned scientist!

"Speaking of Miles! Come here, child. It's time for your treatment."

I turned my head towards the bathroom where Dr. Stitch is facing. And in there, I saw Miles standing by the blue door. She is not looking at Dr. Stitch but instead, she had her eyes set on the floor while biting her slightly trembling lips. Her hands are positioned on top of her arms as if on the defensive. And somehow, it is making her appear weak.

I remembered what she told me earlier and I can feel her fear from her position. I feel bad for her.

"Miles, you're at it again. I'm only doing this for you and you are aware of that."

She didn't answer. Seconds later, she raised her head and look at me. There seems to be something she wanted to tell me with the way that she is looking at me.

She's just a kid! Why does she have to go through all these? She deserves to be a kid for once!

I motioned her to come to me which she did. I notice Dr. Stitch raise his brow through my peripheral.

Miles was slightly pulling the hem of my vest. And I know that by the way my vest wrinkled and tightened, she is clutching onto it real hard.

What do you want me to do? Take you out of here? But how the heck am I supposed to do that for freaking sake? I'm also torn!

"Mr. Jack, can you tell Miles that it's time for her treatment already?"

'Can't you see she doesn't like it?' I wanted to tell him that badly in his face but I had to control myself. It will only make the situation more complicated than it already is.

I turned to face her and patted her head lightly. She looked at me—teary-eyed as she shook her head slightly.


I jerked my head towards where the sound came from.

"Ah! Forgive me. I dropped it," said Nash while picking up the picture book he was reading a while ago.

No! That was obviously intentional! But wait, was that you trying to warn me? I realized it the moment I remembered his warning earlier.

I turned to look at Miles again and with a heavy heart, I smiled at her. "Dr. Stitch said it's time for your treatment."

She had this look on her face that screamed, 'You betrayed me!' And it broke my heart.

Forgive me, Miles. But in order to help you, I will have to be stronger than Dr. Stitch. If that ever happens one day, I will get you out of here. Though I don't know when will that happen exactly. Besides, I have to become strong either way if I wanted to survive in this messed-up world.

Sigh! And I just promised myself not to bother with other people. Well, the kids are different.

After Miles and Dr. Stitch left the room, I looked at Nash who was back to reading the picture book.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Doing what?"

"This! Why are you three doing this? It's obvious you aren't happy here. In fact, you're miserable! Look, I won't talk to you treating you like a kid because I know you can understand and you're smart. You could have said you didn't want to live here anymore. Do you really have to suffer? Look at Miles!"

Great, Sean! You just ranted on a seven-year-old kid! Learn to control yourself, will you?

He gently closed the picture book and put it to the side. He then looked at me—his eyes dead.

"Mr. Jack, there's nothing free in the world. If Dr. Stitch hadn't come to us at that time, who knows? We could be dead by now. If we get out of here, what will we do next? Go back to the streets and beg for food? And happiness? We don't have the luxury to think about that thing… For now at least."


In my entire existence, this is the first time I was ever silenced by a kid. And here I thought I was too mature for my own good becoming the breadwinner of the whole family when my mother died. And this… a seven-year-old.

Suffering does change a person. Either for better or for worse. And it only proves that maturity does come with experience, not age.

"What do you plan on doing from hereon?"

"What do you suggest, Mr. Jack?" he asked me back without batting an eye.

"Do you plan on staying here?"

"As if we have any other choice," he said before taking the picture book again. It looked like he was already done talking to me.

Although there were still many things I wanted to ask him, I forced myself to swallow my words down my throat. I also have my own life to deal with from now on.

Before I can help anyone, I have to help myself first.

Heh! Looks like I've gotta do this with my eyes closed.

I leaned backward when I realized that I haven't changed position yet since Dr. Stitch and Miles exited the room. While doing so, I accidentally took a glance at the picture book Nash had been reading since earlier.

It says, "The Places Around the World".

Now, look at that! Looks like you wanted to get out of here after all!