WebNovelThe JOKER25.44%


Time flies too fast and it was already 6:00 p.m. before I knew it.

Miles returned to the room about an hour since she left. Her eyes were swollen and the tip of her nose was red. Her arms were wrapped with bandages. She didn't look at me ever since. She went straight to her room and never got out until I left.

She was obviously mad at me.

Kobi was also called after her followed by Nash. Unlike her, the two didn't make a fuss. Well, I'm not surprised. Especially for Nash. He was too mature for a seven-year-old. And he's not dumb, he knows what he's doing.

"I'm glad having you here, Mr. Jack! I hope to work with you in the future," said Dr. Stitch as we exited the elevator. And the familiar all-white hallway except for the single black horizontal line on either side greeted us again.

I hope that future doesn't come!

In the past, I would have been elated to be told that but now, it only sounded like a curse.

"If fate permits us, Dr. Stitch."

"Hmm… So you're a believer of fate, Mr. Jack?"



"I see. Then, see you when fate permits us, Mr. Jack!"

If I know nothing about him, I would have honestly thought of him as a respectable person. But somehow, I cannot see him in the same light anymore.

I bowed at him before getting inside the horse-drawn carriage. Only then did I truly feel that I am properly breathing. But for some reason, after only experiencing the carriage accident recently, I can't actually relax in my seat.

If anything, I stayed on edge throughout the ride. I never thought of anything but for the carriage to reach the destination already.

Ethan was comfortably seated beside me—in his rabbit form, of course.

After paying the coachman with some demi coins, I immediately headed down the stairway going to the underground tunnel to reach the apartment. It made me wonder. What happened to the coachman after I left the hospital that time? What's his name again? Patrick?

Well, whatever. He's none of my concern. I have a bigger mess to face from now on.

Reminded of the predicament I am in, I picked up my pace, and shortly, we reached the rundown apartment.

I slumped at the edge of the wooden bed as soon as I entered. Coupled with mental and emotional stress, I am so tired that my brain is fried. But now is not the time for me to relax. I have so many things to do. It's not that I can sleep with all these things in my head either.

"Ethan, tell me everything you know about the peculiars you speak of." I looked at him who is now seated on the table cross-legged—already back to his human form.

"What about we eat first? I'm famished!"


"No buts! Look at yourself in the mirror. Just a little bit more and you would look like an undead."

"Do I even have the luxury to concern myself with how I look now?"

"Did you think knowing it for a few minutes earlier will make any difference? Don't worry, I won't run away. I know you can't survive without me," he said smugly. As if he wasn't trembling at the laboratory earlier.

Though I wanted to refute, I can't actually disprove him.


Hold your horses, Sean! Take it easy. No good will ever come out with that muddled brain of yours.

"You're right. Let's eat first."

He seemed to be elated with my decision as the corner of his lips curled upwards.

I took a muscle relaxant first before changing into a loose-fitting linen shirt. Changing clothes had been so cumbersome ever since I had this splint. When will the doctor allow me to remove this anyway?

"What do you want for dinner this time?"

"I was thinking of some broccoli but I changed my mind. I want some blueberries."

"Not banana?"

"Mr. Jack, let me ask you. Can you eat your favorite food every single meal for the rest of your life? No, right?"

"Ethan. Did you know that saying no is easier? Not to mention, shorter?" I asked him—a little annoyed. Especially since he still has the guts to joke around despite our situation. But he only shrugged.

"There's no art in that."

Instead of concerning myself with his unchanging attitude, I headed to the kitchen and started preparing our dinner quickly. Of course, he followed me.

I would have preferred some beef but I can only settle with some tofu right now since it was cheaper. I brought all the ingredients this morning and stored them in an airtight container.

After heating a good amount of cheap oil, I started frying the cubed tofu until it became golden brown.

Paired with black coffee, we're good to go! Not what I considered as a satisfying meal.

Normally, I do not drink any caffeine at night. But since I know that we are in for a very long conversation after this meal, I thought I should have one.

We ate there silently until we were done. And now, we're back to the bedroom.

"Tell me everything."

"Fine! I will tell you everything. Not that I plan on keeping anything."

After making himself comfortable on the table—cross-legged which has now become his favorite spot in the apartment, he looked at me. His smug look is gone.

"Where do you want me to start?"

"What are peculiars?"

"Good! Peculiars are humans who gained a certain ability after performing a certain ritual."

I closed my eyes as soon as he started talking. I know that everything that has been happening around me ever since I came into this world is all fantastical and hard to believe. But I cannot deny their existence forever.

The moment I stepped out of the laboratory earlier, I already resolved myself that I would believe whatever unbelievable things Ethan will tell me.

I'm no longer on the same earth I knew. So there's no reason for me in becoming hell-bent on what I used to believe. Anything can happen from now on.

"What kind of ability?"

"It depends. I don't really know what kind of ability specifically because peculiars are secretive on a whole different level. But I heard that the type of ability you will get will depend on what type of person you are. I don't know the specifics about that either."

So you're saying that a person cannot decide on the type of ability he will get? That's inconvenient!

"You mentioned something about rituals, tell me about it."

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly before saying, "I don't know either. But there was a rumor that you will have to meet a certain primordial being."

You won't be selling your soul to the devil, right?

"How can one meet this primordial being?"

"I don't know. The world of peculiars is so secretive. Not that I don't understand them either."

"Are there many peculiars out there? Is there a way we can talk to one?"

"As far as I am aware of, yes, there are indeed quite a number of them lurking in the shadows. But getting in touch with one of them is almost impossible."


"Because the moment you decided to turn yourself into a peculiar, it is equivalent to turning yourself into a fugitive."

Fugitive? What does it have to do with becoming a peculiar?

"What will happen to them if they got caught?"

"Either they will be killed simply because the authority thought they're all a madman hoping to destroy the world with their newly gained ability. Or they will be sent to a highly guarded laboratory and will then be turned into a labrat by some mad scientists."