WebNovelThe JOKER27.19%


Am I hearing things right? A ghost that is capable of mental torture? Looks like I have to hurry and turn into a peculiar as soon as possible. The more I stay in this strange world, the more unsafe I feel.

"Where did you hear about that, Haru?"

His eyes sparkled as soon as I asked. From the looks on his face, I seem to be the very first person who got interested in his ghost stories. What a weird combination. An easily frightened person who loves stories about ghosts.

"I hear them a lot back in my hometown. And there's also—"

"Enough! Enough, Haru! Continue scaring Mr. Jack and if he backs out, I will definitely drag you all the way to the Veritas Homes." Alicia threatened him. Her voice laced with menace. And it instantly silenced Haru.

"It's fine, Miss Alicia. Don't worry, I won't back out." I assured her. I then turned to Mr. Alec whose voice I haven't heard since I came in. Lately, I was wondering if Dominick's formidable wall is contagious. I have a feeling that Mr. Alec is slowly becoming one of his kind.

"Mr. Alec before I forgot my purpose here. I'd like to get my yesterday's pay."

He smiled at me before saying, "You did a great job again, Mr. Jack. Dr. Stitch was so happy with your service." He then handed me a brown money envelope with my name written at the back in cursive.

"Wait! Were my ears playing tricks on me? Mr. Jack, you worked with Dr. Stitch? As in THAT Dr. Stitch? The legendary scientist and inventor?" Haru exclaimed all while shaking my shoulders. I want to punch him! Can't he see I have a splint?


"HARU!" I was about to tell him to let go but all of a sudden, a deep manly voice reverberated throughout the four corners of the room. The office went into pin-drop silence. It was none other than Dominick.

Finally realizing what he has done, Haru let go of my shoulders and took a step back awkwardly as his mouth turned into an O.

"I'm sorry! I got carried away. I'm Dr. Stitch's greatest fan you see."

There's no need to say it. It's pretty obvious with your over-the-top reaction.

"I don't mind. Just be mindful next time."

"I will!"

I doubt you would though.

Since I already got what I came here for, there's no need for me to stay here any longer.

"Mr. Alec. Can I go home now? Besides, I want to have a good rest first before going there. I'm afraid I might only become a deadweight since I was never the type to stay up all night."

"Sure! Just be mindful of the time. It's better if you arrive there earlier than scheduled."

After excusing myself, I headed straight to the apartment. My body is so exhausted and there's nothing else I wanted to do right now but to lay on my bed and have a good sleep. But my uncooperative brain just won't stop thinking. These thoughts that keep on lingering inside my head just won't stop begging for my attention. And it's annoying!

Many things are going on in my system at this moment. To the point that I have been wondering whether or not I'm just needlessly overthinking. The peculiars, the high-level ghosts Haru spoke of, my safety, my living condition, the future…

Changing into a loose-fitting linen shirt, I headed to the table to reorganize my future plans. Only then did I notice a large banana pinning down a folded piece of paper.

I unfolded it and found out that it was from Ethan.

"Mr. Jack, I'd like to inform you that I won't be coming later tonight. I'm out looking for the information you wanted. Though I honestly wish you would change your mind about this matter. I'd like to remind you, Mr. Jack. Amazing and as great as I am, there are things out there that are more terrifying than death itself. Anyway, I hope that didn't scare you. See you when I see you!"

For some reason, I can imagine his annoying confident smug look while reading it.

Well, whatever. After reading it, I changed my mind. Instead of forcing myself into making a progress for the sake of being productive, I'd rather sleep. Who knows if I will be needing energy tonight? Especially after hearing from Haru what a ghost can do, I can't be half-ass about my body condition.


5:20 p.m., 26th July 1521, Veritas Homes.

When I arrived at the destination, Alicia and Dominick are already there, waiting for me at the entrance. Just how excited are they?

"Hello, Mr. Jack! I'm glad you're early!" Alicia greeted.

No! It's you guys who are early!

"Well, you said we will be meeting here at 5:30. Since when were you guys waiting here?"

"Since 5:10. After hearing from Mr. Alec all of your records in the short period since you were hired, I thought we shouldn't be left behind. Goodness, Mr. Jack! It hasn't been two weeks since you started but you've already made connection with the big shots! And not just any big shots. We're talking about Dr. Stitch here! You understand?"

Uhh… I wouldn't really call that a connection though? Anyhow, I don't want anything to do with them!

"It was only a series of coincidences, Miss Alicia."

"No! I wouldn't call that a mere coincidence, Mr. Jack! I believe you actually have a knack for connecting to everyone, not just the big shots, even the servants from Count Norman."

"Exactly where did you get that information?"

"Where else? From Mr. Alec of course!"

Just what kind of exaggerated crap is that Count spreading around? I'd be grateful if he stop that already. I'm afraid I'll get the attention of another dangerous big shot like Dr. Stitch because of what he's doing. Or worst, it might catch a peculiar's attention. I'm not ready for that yet. I might die before I can even become a peculiar at this rate.

"Alicia, Jack. Aren't we getting in yet?" Dominick butted in.

"Oh yes! We're complete now! Let's head to the guardhouse first."

A man of tall stature with a burly figure was what greeted us. He wore a tight-fitting white shirt. I worry that the shirt might explode even with a slight movement. His muscles are stretching the cloth to its full potential.

While looking at him, I notice that he had stitches on his forehead stretching from his right temple to his right brow. It looked quite new… and painful.