WebNovelThe JOKER28.07%

Veritas Homes

"Hello, Mr. Guard! Is Mr. Logan inside?" Miss Alicia started.

The guard didn't answer for a moment as he studied our appearance.

"Yes, he is. But I haven't seen you lot around here. Are you perhaps going to apply for a housing loan?"

"No, we're here under the request of Mr. Logan." Just as Miss Alicia said that, the guard instantly became defensive and he signaled the other guard who was inside the guardhouse.

Weren't they informed at all?

"Wait! He gave us a letter. He said to give it to the guards." She then handed him a white envelope with a blue wax stamp on it.

Cautiously, he received it and checked if it has any suspicious substances stuck to it. Probably recognizing that it was safe and that it actually belonged to Mr. Logan, his countenance finally relaxed.

He read it with his eyes while the three of us waited until he finished.

"Forgive me for being rude. We were especially strict these days since weird things had been happening in the city as of late," he said. But before he continued, he pointed the still fresh stitches on his forehead. "You see this? Just yesterday, some drunken hooligans came here looking for Mr. Logan. When I said they cannot meet the boss because they didn't have an appointment, one of them threw a broken bottle into my face. Well, you must already have an idea of what happened next."

"Have you brought them to the police?" I asked. I hated the idea that thugs will be added to my "must be avoided" list as well. I already have a lot of things to think of. It's driving me nuts!

"Of course! But since they were still minors, they were only detained until their parents came to bail them out."

Is that the reason why they were so gutsy? Because they're aware that they can get away from whatever idiocy that they will do? They will never learn in that case!

"With all that being said, forgive me for the late introduction. I'm Otis. And please, allow me to bring you to Mr. Logan." He then motioned us to the gigantic metal gate painted with black that has a glossy finish.

"It's our pleasure! I'm Alicia, and these two gentlemen behind me are Mr. Jack and Dominick. Please, take care of us."

He excused himself for a moment before going inside the guardhouse. Through the slightly tinted glass window, we can see him talking to the other guard. He's probably telling him that he will be gone for a while.

Not long after that, he came out and led us inside the gate. The Veritas Homes. What's inside was a totally different place from the outside. It's like they've made themselves their own little village.

There were intersecting brick roads leading to different destinations. Bermuda grasses blanketing the ground. Rows of beautifully trimmed trees block some of the sunlight giving the whole place an enchanted vibe. Not to mention that the houses all looked the same.

I will never leave this place if I live here!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The guard, Otis, knocked using the metal door knocker that looked like a head of a lion. Moments later, it opened revealing a man with ashen hair and receding hairline.

He smiled rather widely the moment he saw the three of us behind Otis.

"Finally!" he exclaimed before turning to Otis, "You can leave us now. Thank you!"

Otis bowed to the man who was probably Mr. Logan and to us before he left.

Mr. Logan invited us into the room. There were two red divans facing each other with a small rectangular table between them. We took the one on the left while we waited for Mr. Logan as he limped his way towards us while slightly supporting his large pot belly.

"Don't mind me, I just seem to have eaten something bad earlier. So please, feel at home."

While Alicia and Dominick are focused on Mr. Logan, I sweep my eyes across the room. I realized that everything starting from the furniture down to the smallest decoration looks very expensive. 'Just how rich is this guy?'

He sighed as soon as he slumped on the divan opposite to us.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Logan, the owner of Veritas Homes. And I will go straight to the point. All you have to do is to do night patrols and check every nooks and cranny. I believe I already gave the specifics to your boss."

He took something from his coat pocket. I think it was high-quality parchment paper based on the color and thickness. He unfolded it in front of us and found out that it was a map of Veritas Homes.

"As you can see here, Veritas is divided into four areas. This one here is for the rowhouses, here is for the bungalow houses, that one is for the apartments, while this part here is my manor.

"I will leave it to you on how you want to do the night patrols. Either you do it together or you do it separately. I don't care so long as you do your job."