WebNovelThe JOKER43.86%

Bone Language

The one wearing a tuxedo gave us a gentlemanly bow while the other curtsied. Their every movement would produce a creaking sound. Well, that's to be expected. They're basically made of bones. And I tell you, I don't know what to feel about this.

I gave Ethan a glance, hoping to hear an instruction of some sort. But I saw him bowing towards the skeleton. Though I am seriously baffled as to why he was being respectful to a bone, I still did the same.

I reflexively took a step backward when the skeletons looked at me. Their jaws trembled slightly and it started to move up and down. It's as though they were trying to say something to me. But I don't understand a thing. I mean, how could I? I don't know any bone language.

I turned to look at Ethan, asking him what to do or what the skeletons are doing through my eye contact.

"They said it has been a while since they interacted with normal humans so they're happy to meet you," he said.

Surprisingly, he seemed to have already forgotten about what I said earlier. Because he now has this annoying look on his face. I know it sounded weird but hear me out! That's how he usually looks in my eyes every time.

But wait! He understood that? He can understand bone language? As if seeing through what's going on in my head, he chuckled and said, "Mr. Jack, there are still a lot of things you've yet to learn. I told you earlier, didn't I? Don't be surprised by what you'll see from hereon."

Uhh… Yes, you did mention that. I just nodded at him mindlessly though, in reality, I'm still trying to wrap my head around all these.

"Great! Let's get going, shall we?" he said. But seriously this guy, he switches moods way too fast! Is he bipolar or something?

The two skeletons went near Ethan and nodded their heads. Their jaws move in an up and down motion while their hands are moving as if they were explaining something.

They're communicating!

"Awesome! Can you please lead the way?" Ethan told the two skeletons. After nodding at him, the one wearing a tuxedo motioned us to follow them. "Thank you, Victor."

Victor? Was that the name of the male skeleton? Wait! That's not what I am supposed to be asking at this moment. How are they communicating to begin with? How was that possible? I can't hear anything from the skeletons aside from the clicking sound of their bones. They don't have a voice and yet Ethan can understand them.

With the two skeletons leading the way, Ethan and I walked side by side. I can't help myself from glancing at him from time to time. I'm still baffled by his over-the-top reaction earlier. But in the end, I decided to throw these questions at the back of my head. There's no use in thinking about it. Besides, I wouldn't like it either if anyone would probe into my personal life.

From the cemetery, the skeletons lead us to the forest. They would look back from time to time, probably checking if we're still following. How considerate of them. And somehow, I can't help but compare them to this guy beside me.

"What? What have I done to you?" Ethan asked which took me by surprise. I hadn't realized I was already glaring at him.

Stupid, Sean.

"Uhh… nothing. I was thinking of something," I told him. And seriously, I can feel my cheeks heating up, they're probably flushed at this moment. I felt like I was caught red-handed.

"Okay? But you're acting weird, Mr. Jack."

But now that he mentioned the word 'weird', I was reminded of my current predicament. How long has it been since I drank that weird liquid pain reliever?

Will we arrive on time with our current speed? Hesitantly, I tried clearing my throat to get the skeletons' attention, which it did, because they stopped in their tracks and looked at me.

"Uhh… F-Forgive me if this may sound rude. And — And I don't know if you'll understand what I'll say. But… Can we get any faster? Or maybe a shortcut perhaps?" Being respectful to a bone is the most ridiculous thing I've ever done in my entire life.

I can hear Ethan holding back his laughter by my side. What are you laughing at, bro? Can't you see I'm serious here? I glared at him which only made him burst into laughter.

"What?" I asked. I didn't try to hide my annoyance.

"Nothing. Hahha! You're — You're just so funny. I'm sorry. Please, don't mind me," he said while holding his stomach — his pale face flushed.

Really, I don't understand this guy at all. He gets mad at the shallowest of things and laughs at things that aren't funny at all.

I turned to look at the skeletons to see their response. But all I saw was them discussing something. I mean, I knew they were based on how they're moving.