WebNovelThe JOKER51.75%


The man's sudden disappearance created an uproar among the crowd. Like me, almost everyone was surprised as well. But not everyone reacted the same way. The persecutor wearing the dark robe was furious. His pale-white face turned red.

"A sorcerer! A sorcerer!" he cried. His voice echoed throughout the plaza. "An act of evil, everyone! You definitely saw that." He then turned to the man tied to the wooden pole. "He's your accomplice, wasn't he?"

"No! I don't even know who that was," he protested.

"Lies!" The persecutor was becoming more and more furious every second passing.

But there was something amiss with his behavior though. Wasn't his priority kind of… out of place? I mean, wasn't he supposed to be ordering some people to look for the man who just disappeared instead? I don't know, his reaction just looked inconsistent to me. Or it could just be me.

"Burn him!" he ordered the second time.

I felt Ethan tap my shoulder — he was clinging to my right. After moving to my arm, he motioned me to leave the place. Well, he can't really talk in this place filled with people. And for once, we have reached a tacit agreement. Watching a man being burned alive isn't really something I would want to see.

I silently walked out from the plaza. Careful not to draw attention to myself. It didn't take long before we finally arrived at the apartment. I collapsed on top of the bed as soon as I closed the door. While Ethan turned into his human form as grayish-white smoke emanate from his body.

But somehow, even though my body is completely drained, there are way too many things going on in my head to be able to fall asleep. That man at the plaza, he's most probably be dead by now. I don't know what to feel about that.

Also, that hooded man who disappeared. Who was he? How was he able to do that? Was he a peculiar?

And speaking of peculiar, I've completely forgotten. And I couldn't be any more disappointed in myself. How could I forget the one thing I sacrificed a few of my bones just to ask that old man? That old man who happened to be a vampire who has a weird hobby of experimenting on bodies.



"What was that at the plaza?" I asked. It's been bugging me ever since. It never left my mind.

"Oh! That? Wait! Shouldn't you be already used to that by now? You know what, Mr. Jack? I sometimes think you just started living here which is strange. You're so inconsistent."

And trust me, this was the first time in which I honestly don't know what to respond. Because if truth be told, I actually just started living here. But if possible, I'd like to keep this secret to myself until the day that I die. But Ethan was already doubting my behavior.

"Peculiar," he suddenly said while I was still thinking about what to say. And I couldn't be more grateful. "That's what usually happens to peculiars once they're caught," he added.

"But why did that guy said he was a sorcerer instead of peculiar?"

"Normal people weren't aware of their existence. In fact, it was kept secret."

"But why though? Isn't it much easier to just announce them so no one would ever dare to turn themselves into one? Since it will serve as a warning."

"Hmm… That's what I don't know. It will gonna be easier indeed but for reasons unknown, they just don't want to. And I don't think they have plans for doing it in the near future," he said as he sat on top of the table. "Also, it's been ages since they started accusing them as sorcerers in the public. Probably because it will be easier for people to accept it that way."

"You got a point. But I have a feeling that's not all there is to it. I don't think that's their only reason."

"Just to remind you, Mr. Jack. Don't stick your nose to things you can't handle.'

"No need to remind me. I've no plans. I still value my life."

He seemed to be doubting what I said because he just stared at me as if he was trying to read what was in my mind.

"Well, if you say so. By the way, now that you finally saw what might happen to you once you become a peculiar, do you still wish on becoming one?" he asked.

I would be lying if I say I'm not hesitating one bit. Heck! I'm even starting to consider backing out.

I only gave him a slight nod. But in all honesty, I'm not sure anymore.

I was about to drift to sleep when we suddenly heard a knock on the door. I grumpily stood to check who it was and was surprised to see the landlord at the front door.

"You've got a letter," he said.