WebNovelThe JOKER52.63%

Kai’s Letter

I stared at him for a while before moving my gaze down to his thick pinkish fingers holding the letter.

"Are you gonna take it or nah?" he asked.

I took it and thanked him. He didn't say anything and just walked away. Looks like he only loves to talk whenever it's due date.

I closed the door and went back to the bed. I tore the rather thick letter open and found it was from kai.

"Dear Jack,

"I finally arrived at the Berkton Academy and I tell you, all the rumors we heard about this place were understatements. It's like a totally different world. The students here are generally intellectuals and goal-driven. I don't know if I'm up for the job. They're just in a whole different league.

"And let's talk more about the place, shall we? I couldn't help but be reminded of that one specific book by Dean Quest you love so much that you can't shut up about how wonderful that novel was for days. It's giving the same vibe. I wonder if Dean Quest went to study here before.

"Anyway, I'm doing fine here. So you don't have to worry about me. I'm aware that you can be such a worrywart sometimes. If I have any complaints, it's that they didn't give me any slack! It wasn't even an hour since I arrived here and they immediately put me to work after introducing me to some of the professors half-assedly.

"You must be aware that Berkton Academy mainly teaches about Arts and Sciences, right? And I tell you. They made me help move some of the cadavers. It's one of my many responsibilities here now. Like, I didn't sign up for this. Trust me when I say I wasn't able to sleep after that night.

"And oh! Did you know that Dr. Stitch graduated here? Anyway, that's beside the point. Let's go back to the cadavers. I noticed some of them have numbers tattooed under their left collarbone. I find it weird since other bodies don't have it.

"So yeah. I'll end it here. I've ranted long enough. Hope you don't mind. I find it hard adjusting here. Don't forget to write me back. Tell me if you need anything.

"Your brother, Kai."

He must have written this letter in a hurry looking at how messy it was compared to how he usually writes. Anyway, I'm glad that he's doing fine. I'll probably write something to him this afternoon.

But Dean Quest, huh. I don't know who that guy is. I should definitely read that book. Because based on how Kai described it, Jack, I mean the original Jack loves it so much. It should only be around here or something.

I looked at Ethan who was now scrutinizing the vulture egg Mr. Vlad gave me. Beside him were a stack of books. Oh yes! How could I forget about them? They've been there since the night that I arrived at this very room. And I never once opened them.

Not wanting to waste any time, I strode towards the table. And I couldn't be luckier. They were written by the very same author Kai mentioned, Dean Quest. It's an epic fantasy trilogy, "Levi's Adventure". They're kind of thick. I don't know when I will be able to finish reading them.

I checked the clock and it says it was almost 8:30 a.m., I should probably read it tonight. I still have to go to the agency.


I didn't even get to sleep a wink.

"Hello, Mr. Jack! It's good to see that your shoulder is finally healed," greeted Adrian. Of course, it's not Bloodhound Agency without him.

"Oh yes! It was kind of a hassle having to wear a splint every time."

"Indeed. By the way, Mr. Jack, Mr. Alec is at his office right now. You can see him if you'd like to," he said.

"No, I think I will be staying at the nap room. Just call me when something comes up or there are any request."

After excusing myself from him, I headed straight to my destination. While on my way, the thing that Alicia told me while we were doing the night patrol at the Veritas Homes lingered in my head.

Why is it that we barely reached ten in this agency when the job isn't even that strict? Heck! I even got accepted on the day that I applied. Should I ask Mr. Alec? Nah! I soon rejected the idea. I might come off as being nosy instead. Though I would be lying if I say I am not considering it one bit.

I immediately sunk on the mattress as soon as I got inside the nap room. I've been dying to have a really good nap.

I turned to my right and saw a newspaper lying on top of the mattress beside me. I took it out of curiosity. And at the front page was a missing person notice.


"On 23rd July 1521, at approximately 8:30 a.m., Joe Finn was reported missing. He was last seen around Cedar Street.

"If you know his whereabouts, please report to the police station as soon as possible. You may remain totally anonymous. A cash reward will be given.

Below was a picture of a young man with dark hair and eyes. He has a large mole under his left eye.