WebNovelThe JOKER59.65%


It was Mr. Vlad. His dark wavy hair was in disarray. He was looking at Ethan as though he's just heard a catastrophe. "What did you say?" he repeated.

"They're back."

He appeared to be shaken by this. "You mean... THEM?" he asked. And when Ethan said yes, it's as though someone hit him at the back of his head. Then his mood changed — angry almost.

The blue light emanating from Mafitti isn't enough for me to clearly see their faces. But from what I understood, there are people that they greatly fear. Or are they even people? And they've come back. And that spells trouble.

Ethan gave me a quick glance before turning to Mr. Vlad and said, "And this guy here." He pointed his thumb at me. "He encountered one of them."

As soon as those words left his mouth, Mr. Vlad shifted his gaze at me. A little unsettling, I would say.

"You did?" he asked me. But honestly, I don't know how to respond. I was only dragged here out of the blue with no explanations whatsoever.

"I think so." I told him. Only if he's referring to that shadowy figure that reeks of a decaying body.

"I was aware this was gonna happen one day. But I never thought it'd be this early. And you — " He got out of the coffin. Strode towards me until we're face to face. "What have you done?"

"Uhh... nothing." I told him. Nothing to be guilty of either since I really didn't do anything.

"Nothing? How're you able to see them then? Only those who practice dark arts and have relationship with Death can see them."

"But I'm not, and what do you mean by THEM? Because let me tell you. I don't even know why I'm here to be honest."

"No, I dragged him here after he told me what happened earlier. It would be best if you learn about it — you should." Ethan said when Mr. Vlad shot him a questioning look.

In the end, he decided we should discuss the matter properly. And so, he invited us to go to a more comfortable room. It was only proper is what he said.

We found Hariric pacing back and forth outside. He halted as soon as he noticed us and gave Mr. Vlad a quick bow.

"You might want to join us, Hariric. With you acting like that, I'm guessing you already know." He agreed.

There was a large round table at the center of the room we entered. And strangely enough, just like the last time, the chairs aren't similar. The others are crooked. Some are flowery. There's one that looked like it belonged to a giant. There are only three "normal" looking chairs. If you can even call them "normal."

I took the one that was beside Ethan. While Hariric took the next, which was the second largest. The chair looked like it was made perfectly just for him with his large build. Mr. Vlad was sitting across from us.

If I hadn't known about them, I don't think there's a chance of me noticing them. Even on our way here, I can see them moving as they blended perfectly with the background.

There was one that noticed I was looking at it. For a brief moment, it revealed its true colors to me. Which were a green body, blue legs and undersides, and bright orange feet. It took its cowboy hat off, brought it to its chest, and bowed. After that, it went back into hiding.

Not long after, we heard three brisk knocks on the door.

"Come in," Mr. Vlad said.

Along with the creaking sound of bones, the door opened, revealing Victor and Monica. Mr. Chaffer was behind them as well.

Receiving Mr. Vlad's invitation, each of them took a seat. But I was slightly surprised. The chair they each took fitted perfectly to them. As if they were made just for them. I only noticed it now too. But mine and Ethan's looked identical. There were five unoccupied seats.

"Now that everyone was finally settled." Mr. Vlad started. He looked at both me and Ethan before continuing. "I'd like to inform you all that they're back."

Except for Hariric, everyone was equally stunned. For a moment, there was pin-drop silence. Especially Mr. Chaffer. Victor and Monica were making some angry noises. I don't understand a thing with what they're saying. But I bet the rest do.

Mr. Vlad made me recall what happened earlier at the apartment. Which I did.

"Devourers," Mr. Chaffer muttered to himself.

"What?" I asked him.

"The one you saw earlier was a devourer. But people who can see them are only those who are at death's door or have been practicing dark arts. And those who worship Death." Mr. Vlad explained.

"But let me tell you this, Mr. Jack. They suck, they don't enter. So I don't think it went inside your body."